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Everything posted by olo

  1. Keep em' comin' for the long weekend in the states Rich. Fuck the movement festival, I'm F5ing my keyboard this weekend
  2. He used Roger Deakins for Prisoners and he's fucking solid. The guy has been nominated for 12 Oscars and has yet to win... We have a wiener. good job
  3. Pretty wild eh. We got the Highwaymen in Detroit who got raided several years back for drug distribution/murder. Some folks that were supposed to testify unfortunately were "unable to do so". Their club was shut down on Michigan ave., but they secured a new club right after on Michigan Ave. It's funny to me, when one drives Michigan Ave., everything is tagged to hell on that road except their building, which is a pristine black. Respect. google: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Michigan+Avenue+People+Mover+Station/@42.331442,-83.090204,3a,75y,89.99h,89t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s27jXOXnH3cW3CA2U6Q_MaA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x883b2d30acd60635:0x9a4f0b64d587e436!6m1!1e1
  4. It is rather crazy, so many years of inactivity to just massive gobs of music with more on the way. Man, I just sit back & recline in my chair, resting my head back into my hands...What a glorious time. Thanks Rich!
  5. Wayward Pines - Pretty sure it's...I don't know...Some things happened, but..../10
  6. Seriously. Can't believe this kind of quality is just being thrown up there. Amazing tune. The gift that keeps on giving! Getting the vibe it was recorded around the time Fenix Funk and XMDA was. actually after the 2 minute part, some aspects remind me of the midsect in xmaseve. I'd throw a few on this one being post 2000 with you.
  7. That girlie has a Sunny Lane/ Jenna Fisher vibe. I like that. (Sunny Lane NSFW fyi)
  8. haha. ACLU going beyond their reach again. You've made a powerful enemy Rich.
  9. wow, a cave with ice at the mouth & worn ground where water has flowed. awesome acoustics though I bet. massive 'verb there's a strange black disc on google maps.... I fell for user0000008763. I'm not falling for this.
  10. wow, a cave with ice at the mouth & worn ground where water has flowed. awesome acoustics though I bet. massive 'verb
  11. this. very little musical personalities are discernable from all the other user****** accounts. Excellent deductions mate. Once again internets, you've pwned me. Fucking bastard... Yet still, like the poster in Fox Mulder's office, I want to believe...oh well. Still like a lot of those tunes though.
  12. Have no clue who "jessica" is, just know shes all over both accounts in the comment section. That fed my belief that the other user account is Rich's collab work with other kats. He made 2 separate accounts for his solo/collab work. Just my opinion. I hear things that make me believe it. Hear paradinas type shit in there & some Tom shit. Right on. Just a topic for discussion
  13. i've been banging on this for awhile. Both users use 8673 or 8736. Many song titles of 8673 have acknowledgements to past works. #tags for afx/tom/mike etc... Comments posted about said songs & to other users are Richard-esque. "Fanks/fink". some tracks date to early 90's supposedly. I'm thinking it's his collab work with all the greats in their sparetime over the years. There's a lot of synths/sounds in tracks that allude to this. If not, it's someone who was around at the same time & got skills. Not buying the troll thing. It's not throw away 1/2 ass music. Unless Rich is the troll.
  14. well, she's all over user0000008673. She's obviously someone in the know. (Richard & Friends other dump account. Collab shiz.)
  15. marzipan rhombus a remix by rich for tom for his birthday?
  16. comments on 9vcoff echoplex user 0000008673 has got to be rich & friends.
  17. I don't know, I'm hearing some synths off syro in shinigai funk before the 3rd act. not sure which one, but you'll recognize the sound. also referring to tuss in a couple of tracks. I'm going through more tracks. But this kat got skills. And really, there's some stuff on Rich's soundcloud that don't sound aphexian at all but are. Mike & Rich collab shit? Thought that too but would have been outted by now no? Something is up with this account. Pro user/ #afx #tom/ most everything started 3 months to now coinciding with richs dump... I mean shit, listen to tomi jen Quinn +son. There's some trickery up in here. something... ten ton fenix 9. get the fuck out this ain't him...
  18. I don't know, I'm hearing some synths off syro in shinigai funk before the 3rd act. not sure which one, but you'll recognize the sound. also referring to tuss in a couple of tracks. I'm going through more tracks. But this kat got skills. And really, there's some stuff on Rich's soundcloud that don't sound aphexian at all but are. Mike & Rich collab shit?
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