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Everything posted by olo

  1. afx/tool mashup please. if mashups are still a thing...
  2. yeah the previous one sucked, but this new one was pretty funny. they should focus more on the whole concept of being alone in the world and not just their relationships, which gets really cringey at times when it comes to forte's acting. This show is definitely cringe-comedy. Not sure if I like that term, but that's what it is. Like you said, especially Forte's. I actually preferred the show with just him, but, that could only go so long I guess. Not sure about adding character after character, which seems like is what's happening. I didn't see last nights 2 episodes yet to comment.
  3. Looks like they're going to revive the X-files for a limited run with Mulder/Scully. Although the show faltered for several seasons, I still have a huge soft-spot for it. I'll gladly jump in. http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/new-episodes-of-the-x-files-reportedly-close-to-ge/373582
  4. Season 2 is where it's at. Felt the same way about season 1. I would've not kept watching, but there's nothing on the tube on Friday nights, so I came back for season 2. It's a far better season. Not a serial killer of the week like season 1. At least I think so...it's been awhile. Pretty lush actually if I were to use one word to describe. I binge-watched every episode last weekend. I didn't find myself laughing out loud much but I like almost everything about it. Kinda with you. Not an lol-esque show. I appreciate the strangeness. Bro-Kennel had me crying though. 'Nother shout out to the horror-esque dinner party with his sister earlier in the season.
  5. lol. Pretty much in lock step with you for the most part. The fight scene & Rick talking with the gun was an lol. I mean you bit some dudes throat out Rick. You can't beat a former artist who became a surgeons' ass man? especially a drunk one? get the hell outta here with that. I know a lot of this has been pulled from the comic, but the whole kill the surgeon wife beater angle like that's the only sollution rings hollow. How bout' try putting him in a holding cell. You might seriously need a surgeon peoples. This guy is nothing compared to the "bad" people they've encountered before that Rick keeps eluding to. (except for the wife beating ofcourse...the Sam kid has it coming though...screw that kid) Alexandra Breckenridge though...it may make sense after all...
  6. pretty easy when you're not a fan of moroder. his production for other folks is better than his own stuff imo.
  7. AJ Pero (55) - Twisted Sister drummer peace
  8. I'm with you. Never liked it. Hated the score, cinematography, and most everything else. But, with that being said, it's considered by many to be a classic & there's no point in re-making it.
  9. The 83' version. Supposedly, I hope you're sitting down,.....set in LA.
  10. This should cheer you lot up http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/03/man_tells_police_showing_pictu.html
  11. So they're remaking Scarface eh?, That should be good. I never really cared for the 83' version, but still...hololywood.
  12. Probably not a bad call. There's only a few episodes left & I'm sure they got to bring that angle back in with the "nacho?" guy who threatened Jimmy. Curious to see what comes of the Mike/Vet meeting from the previews & who Mike may start to work for.
  13. Always Sunny in Phili / Man Seeking Woman - Disappointing season finales. maybe chuckled twice. Last Man on Earth - Cringe-worthy episode, but there's something I enjoy about this show.
  14. The Grey (2012) - Expected another Liam Neeson shitfest, but was actually pleasantly surprised. Yes it was a pretty ridiculous plot (wolves picking off people one-by-one trope), but it managed to work for me. I was able to forgive the use of the shitty cg wolves in between the use of animatronic ones. The script tried to touch on bigger things, which elevated it above the normal action/disaster flick. Somewhat nihilistic actually. Liam Neeson's Irish accent/10
  15. it can & will. [youtubehd]9kN7fhWnhdM[/youtubehd]
  16. So are these twats. doublenames question answered by said twats. God Prometheus...just. go. away.... [youtubehd]GpEx7pdp2-Q[/youtubehd]
  17. I was wondering about that.With BB it was pretty well documented. I haven't been paying too much attention to it yet, but it looks like it checks out. Mrs. Kettleman was wearing lots of red last night & Jimmy's gal-friend had a lot of blue if I'm not mistaken. Quality episode btw. Heluva long track during Mike's B&E scene. I think there were some flatwounds on that bass.
  18. I'm sorry, Prometheus was a complete pile of barnyard animal shit. Piles of barnyard animal shit that is as wide as it is tall. That stretches as far as the human eye can see. So basically all you are seeing is barnyard animal shit. but, whatevs.
  19. Brilliant scene. Probably hit harder for me being a father to 3 kids. I think I agree. Definitely had as powerful of sequences as any BB episode.
  20. yea, don't worry about it. What you're imagining about Lost is far more creative than what came to fruition in the end.
  21. Man Seeking Woman - Last episode where he becomes conjoined with his girlfriend had me crying during the Bro-Kennel sequence. Last Man on Earth - Show has some chuckles, not sure about the staying power of it, but I'm comfortable watching it. Especially when laying on couch.
  22. I'm a sucker for that & westerns. Basically linear story telling done well activates wang.
  23. Jonathan Banks has stated he gave some ideas about his death scene tying it back to his son & hopes they find a way to do it in Better Call Saul. I'm not sure how they could pull it off, but I hope they can. I hated the way he went out by such a bitch move. Something meta from Mike's pov excluding the part Walt sits with him. Not necessary though. Just something I wouldn't mind seeing. This past episode illuminated so much more of Mike in the BB universe & makes it all the more tragic imo. This episode really did it for me.
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