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Everything posted by olo

  1. Alien 5. It's being discussed. Which usually means it will happen.
  2. Which scene? The hospital or the Lands End model? http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Aaron_(Comic_Series) That sums it up I gather.
  3. Also: Fuck this show. I get that they're starving & all. Eating worms & dogs. But, there was a hospital that seemed pretty sustaining you guys probably could have had. And, how many times are the writers going to go to the "mysterious, clean cut, Banana Republic model comes out of the woods posing as a friend" trope? come on...
  4. It's quite possible, Hector was his uncle. I hope they focus more on the Nacho character & less on Tuco though personally. And as others have stated, I hope this show doesn't use the Mexican cartel as the main antagonist throughout the show. But, with Gus going to appear sooner or later, it probably will be.
  5. the producers of the show? called it one of the best ever? flol. Those producers love themselves some hyperbole. The long haired director dude played a message Norman Reedus left him saying how awesome he was (the director that is). Nobody is a bigger fan of this show than the people involved. Only natural I guess. Nobody wants to think something they've been working on for five years is complete shit.
  6. Yes, ofcourse. I meant as an ongoing thing every now & then. I don't know if that cold open is indicative of alternating timelines or just the way they started the series. A one off. i was originally hoping that they would do more of the post BB timeline instead of before it, no matter how good this show ends up being I am truly infuriated by the idea of a prequel altering/changing my understanding of something I love. No matter how hard I try the memory of Prometheus does kind of fuck up (in a mini way) my love for Alien. I cant help it I was in the same zone, but after the first 2 episodes, I'm less worried. The idea of going pre/post BrBa with alternating timelines could be interesting. Storyline from past converges into post Brba world with Saul in hiding or some shat. Let's never discuss Prometheus again. It fucked up alien for me in more than a mini way. I liked the courthouse montages even though it is a rip of the meth montages. Jimmy is a lawyer, so you need to see that world to keep the show honest. But too much courtroom would be "like insert any courtroom drama show on TV". It's just an effective way to show that world quickly via montage. There we go. Good pull Jules.
  7. On the Talking Dead, they called it one of the best episodes of the show ever. Guess I was wrong, it wasn't a horrible episode at all.
  8. Liked the 2nd epsiode that aired last night more. Some tense, darkly comedic sequences. They've replaced the cooking meth montage, with the Saul in the courthouse montage. Which I liked. To John's earlier points, I wonder if Vince is gonna play with time eventually. Going back to Saul post BrBa for certain segments of the show instead of it all being set in the past? I might dig that.
  9. yeah, i felt like that was walking the fine line between "cool shout-out for the fans" and "building hype with material from another show" Technically, that character should be around for however long this show runs really. I wonder how integral he'll be for the series? Saul didn't have anything to do with him in the breaking bad series though did he?
  10. Liked the cold open. Kinda bored by the rest of it. Everything was done fine (acting/direction/cinematography), but no major feels yet. See how part 2 goes tonight. Not down with adding so soon. Was hoping the show would develop before adding BB characters. Besides Mike that is. Lets see where it goes/10
  11. Not FL related, its Missouri, but this story is some good shit. http://abcnews.go.com/US/accused-conspiring-kidnap-year-boy-nice-people/story?id=28764341
  12. Well...Because they can. Capitalize on an old brand to make some cash. I like how they gave the girl the same haircut as the original carol-ann.
  13. I would also marry Nick Offerman. Nick Offerman is great. He's cast in the next installment of Fargo I believe. Pretty excite. Watched 2/4/15: Always Sunny in Phili - Pretty humorous. Hats off to most of the episode being filmed in one take. Good job by Charlie Day. Man Seeking Woman - Think I'm down with this show after a couple episodes. Strange ass comedy. But I lol'd.
  14. woah...Thought this was all over. I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind. Shit. any suggestions on which of the new 40 or so to hit first?
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