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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by diatoms

  1. Residue on all the St Stephen's Green Park hand drawn maps in Dublin city centre Why would the artist get it wrong on a map seen by thousands each day How could this be approved by The Office of Public Works to go on display considering the ties of Ireland and UK All the other flags are correct except Symmetrical Union Jack Here are some changes that people familiar with Dublin and Ireland would know St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre is now Stephen's Green Shopping Centre what, not a St anymore? Easons is now Eason, no s I've talked to someone at every single Easons all over the country, also people on the street in Dublin and all but one remember it being spelled Easons They remember like I do, Easons on the outside of the shop But it never existed so it was never on the outside of the building. All these people are shocked that work there that have known and seen Easons growing up in Ireland. But Easons Twitter, Facebook and Website continue to spell Easons with an s, and they list Easons of Nassau St. on their website I'd be interested in what you remember about these changes if you live or have lived in Ireland and about the change on all the clocks from IV to IIII General Banter Discuss anything and everything here Love & Light
  2. Fair enough I was only joking :) yeah ebay auction with low starting price or whatever the average selling price on discogs with make an offer switched on and see what offers come in. Also filter out low/no feedback buyers. I'm keeping my 3 spare copies as my unborn children's inheritance wow, how you mange to get 3?
  3. I live in Ireland I'll trade you for it, no money I have various items that might interest you :) Track 1, oh man
  4. I know some of you remember There was never a space between the V & W on the VW symbol But there is now It's always been there No way, Haha Love & Light
  5. Always IV on the Clock not IIII Anyone remember that as well? Love & Light
  6. 157 people from all those countries, Dublin and many counties in Ireland has never seen it on a clock in Dublin or anywhere else they're shocked when they see it I remember, so do they Love & Light
  7. Wednesday June 21, Saturday June 24 and Sunday June 26, 2017 I asked 157 people to look up at the clocks at Trinity College Dublin, Mercer's Medical Centre, St. Stephen's Green Shopping center (both sides), Nassau St., on O'Connell St. - Easons, Clerys, McDowells and the small clock where you can post a letter at the GPO, Lemon St. that can be seen from Grafton St., O'Neills Pub & Kitchen, Decwells Hardware, the clock over the door at RCSI and the red clock on Dame St. young, middle aged and older were asked from Dublin city and other counties in Ireland, Trinity College students, Trinity College workers, Japan, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden, USA, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Australia, China, Nigeria and France Look at Roman numeral IV Not one person from Dublin city or anyone from Ireland has seen that on a clock in Dublin or anywhere else before Not one person from all those countries has seen Roman numeral IV represented on a clock like that before I've lived in Ireland for a while and I go to Dublin a couple of times a month I never forget what I see, I remember I've always seen IV on all Clocks in Dublin These people remember seeing IV on all Clocks in Dublin They are as gobsmacked as I am IV is still on Big Ben in London but Roman numeral IV has changed to IIII on all clocks in Dublin Love & Light
  8. Only 1,704 people have voted on http://user18081971.watmm.com/ This dump is for us, Haha
  9. 9 days and change oh man :) I remember when everyone was waiting for the Caustic Window lp the build the excitement Remember these awesome fun times
  10. HAAS avocados make the best guacamole have you asked your grocer yet how they remember spelling it Love & Light
  11. I really can't stand money Anybody trade or gift belongings anymore?
  12. Proctor and Gamble are participating in the Dublin Pride parade tomorrow Purple Block No. 10 http://dublinpride.ie/running-order-for-the-2017-parade/ They spell Proctor and Gamble like I know how to spell it Yahoo search brings up Proctor and Gamble But it's always been spelled Procter and Gamble? Love & Light
  13. I have always known it to be Penis These people remember Penus, though Nice residue catch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_WhwEOHUuI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwQt2sDOELg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF6uW1tRU-A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEJer72IoDI Love & Light
  14. Thanks chenGOD, I had not seen that yet :) Lots of great information there! packs pipe Love & Light
  15. Haas avocados Around 80% of all avocados grown worldwide Ask your local grocer or market how to spell it They'll say Haas Love & Light
  16. Haas avocados are now Hass avocados? All the grocers here think it's a spelling mistake when I ask why it's changed they all remember Haas avocados even my spell check tries to correct Hass to Haas Love & Light
  17. Summer Solstice Have Fun today! Create with Love and Positive energy :) The ravens have gathered the last three days in the surrounding fields Love & Light
  18. I think I heard track 3 at forbidden fruit
  19. Haha bottled water from now on :)
  20. summer road trip :) have fun!!!
  21. and repeat I keep listening to this album over and over first song gets me everytime thanks rdj :)
  22. https://www.discogs.com/Truth-EP/release/967958 Awesome track, Thanks for the id! Keeps bringing me back to the beginning of the sunday night acid show
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