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Everything posted by springymajig

  1. I still think this album is a bit inconsistent... Oupt could have been SOOO cool if it didn't just do the same thing over and over again, it kinda wrecks the album a bit. Some other tracks sound a little under developed too. But there's enough flat out AWESOME stuff to make it one of my favourite Autechre albums. Maphive and Pir in particular never fail to amaze me.
  2. Can anyone remember if warp made it pretty clear that Drukqs would be a double album before that was released? I'm sure they did... not 100% sure but I think so.... I mean, that would be a great way to build up hype but so is revealing new pieces of information gradually so who knows what my come... I'm gonna guess it's not a double album though...
  3. They've done short tracks before... Melve and Caliper Remote work in the same way that BoC's shorter tracks do, I wouldn't be suprised if they do something like that. what would be REALLY interesting, is if instead of long tracks with short tracks following them... is if all the songs were pop song length. Actually I don't really think that'd be such a great thing cos often 20 songs of about the same length can be a bit much but it might work....
  4. Jeez you're like my Autechre-twin or something, this is pretty much exactly what I think (although I think EP7 is a little hit and miss... but still has absolutely amazing stuff) this is something I really wanna do... take my favourite albums and animate films to them. Especially Autechre. I tend to picture CGI for Autechre though, and I'm a classical animator so I think it's unlikely I ever will... but it would be awesome to do.
  5. I think it's their most solid release, I think the only miss is Recury... alot of people don't like Hub (I quite like it though) either way, for most people there's only one track that doesn't quite do it for them. And even Recury I think is at least 'good'... it's just not nearly as good as the rest of the album. Anyway... that's besides the point... I do like LP5 a bit more because, although I think it has a few more low points, overall it has more emotional impact.... it's their saddest and most disturbing album. Plus I've owned it for longer... it was the 3rd or 4th CD I ever owned, so it has nostalgic value for me personally. But Chiastic Slide is defenitely second best for me... or first equal :)
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