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Everything posted by drillkicker

  1. Actually most of my friends who aren't depressed are assholes now and I don't like them anymore. I feel like I'm losing friends faster than I'm making new ones and it feels lonely.
  2. All of my friends are depressed and I think it's making me depressed
  3. I'm back on tinder again and it feels weird to treat potential relationships the way I treat job applications. I matched with like ten different people and now I'm too overwhelmed to hold a conversation with any of them. I just wanted something casual and low pressure but instead I'm trying to make short tailored responses just to buy time. What a mess.
  4. The world is run by neurotics who try to make others conform to their mental illness, and force us into desperation to keep us working in their system.
  5. The only reason we went was because one of my buddies wanted to pick up girls except it just happened to be drag show night and there were no girls.
  6. I spent the whole day superstoned and eating lumpia while venting about really personal shit to one of my friends. Well worth the five hours of driving I had to do to get there.
  7. My friends brought me to a bar and for some reason I was the only one not enjoying it so I left and now I feel bad. I wish I knew how to have fun. I just want to get drunk and stoned by myself and watch youtube videos.
  8. I'm drunk and stoned and just remembered that I wanted to do a sober october lol didn't even make it a single day
  9. Yeah, bricks n boards is a good alternative but I'm not sure how safe that is. I might get anxious about being crushed (it is not my fetish). There are plenty of both in this city though.
  10. I guess I haven't thought of that. The main problem is that my car is too small to transport furniture but I might be able to borrow a work vehicle somehow. All I really need is a coffee table and a bookshelf, then I can put down rugs and pillows and sit on the floor. One shot of gin and I'm feeling optimistic already, let's go!
  11. I hate how poor I am. I don't think I'll ever have furniture in my new place because I don't have disposable income, and my car is barely safe to drive right now because it keeps needing more things that I can't give it. I don't know how to make more money show up in my bank.
  12. I'm going to lose my phone service tonight because the only place that sells total wireless refill cards is on the other fucking side of the whole ass city. I spent the entire afternoon looking for a single place that sells them and I want a human face to scream at rihht now. FUCK I'm pissed off
  13. OK but what does the sokal affair have to do with me or anything I've said Also:
  14. Why do you insist on bringing me into your conversations? Find someone else to talk with about the sokal affair. Message @Cryptowenor something.
  15. Deleuze and Guattari aren't logical philosophers. Poststructuralism isn't concerned with the truth, it's about finding ideas that produce interesting results. Logic can always be used to support completely disparate and conflicting beliefs about reality, but what's more fruitful is analyzing these beliefs themselves, and how they act against human society and against each other. They call this kind of thinking schizoanalysis. Logical systems always break apart at the seams, but schizoanalysis transcends logic, it adapts and repeats eternally.
  16. Wow, a lot of responses. Obviously I'm not very good at summarizing philosophy, because this passage makes a lot more sense in the context of Deleuze and Guattari's ideas. I'm not scared of schizophrenia because of what it is but because people who have it are incompatible with "normal" society and become victims because of it. Edit: I'm going to try not to attempt any more summaries of philosophical concepts anymore. See, this is an example of how the passage makes more sense with prior knowledge of D+G. Their claim is that the Oedipus complex isn't a natural part of human development, but that it's actually something that happens as a response to socially enforced repression. That's why the word Oedipus is used the way it is in poststructural philosophy. Edit: oops I already broke my rule
  17. @brian trageskin Schizophrenia is characterized by a recurring denial of the signifiers that are enforced by whatever power structure is in place. Psychotherapy is a practice of turning people into tools that serve the current social hierarchy. Schizophrenia is unwieldy in this setting because it constantly finds a way to escape from the prescribed treatments. As said above, psychotherapy is repressive and schizophrenia is adaptive and uncontainable. Schizophrenia is a microcosm of human advancement, but on a much faster timeline. Schizophrenics aren't broken, there just ahead of the rest of humanity, if we consider that human progress is characterized by the formation of different assemblages and the simultaneous dissolution of former ones. Psychotherapy is a fascist police force over the minds of advanced individuals who have progressed too far beyond the socius. Instead of trying to shackle and drug schizophrenics we should be learning from them; they're the prophets of cyberspace. This part is just a quote from an Artaud poem. The connotation here is that it's best to accelerate the processes that are bringing us to a certain end instead of trying to resist them.
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