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Everything posted by d-a-m-o

  1. d-a-m-o

    elseq 1-5

    gotta catch em all
  2. yep Actually do not agree with this... To me this is perfectly Aphex... the drums remind me of AB tracks, the melodies on this are so fucking great remind me of rdj album and AB ep's (like for instance AB5's A1 track), melodies that bring vast horizons visions to my mind every single time... Maybe the only thing is the minimalistic approach to the song that could be doubted (and even this wouldn't be that surprising since at the time he was making music with Glass) about but other than that... It's pure Aphex genius. Yep this one is clearly aphex style ! my fav of the dump by the way !
  3. Nice, haven't heard this. The rhythm and pacing doesn't sound like his usual style but texturally it sounds a lot like him. yep pretty sure it's him.
  4. come on warp ! new brothomstates pls !
  5. Nothing is happening in February... but maybe in mars
  6. each time I listen to T17 I see this gif in my mind (thanks Ivan)
  7. Cool, first bit of good news we've had in a week or so. i can live with "something's happening" fuck yeah, good news indeed :)
  8. Yes that was quiet something ! remember when he was uploading 5 or 6 tracks in a row ? "OMG new one !" "and another one !" "ANOTHER ONE !!!"
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