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Everything posted by Perezvon

  1. My job : some daily fog punctuated by lapidary directives from my boss that lead to nowhere since she appears not to live in the same reality in which my colleague and I do. Asking her about shit doesn't do much since she answers with more lapidary yet elusive shit. I don't know what to do. It's like I have to figure it all by myself. Taking initiatives and being independant, yeah sure, but I'd like a bit more of guidance pls, I'm just an intern ffs. becuoming isnane
  2. lol I haven't played that one. Fed up big time with zombies tbh.
  3. Played the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands. Jesus... How good are these Telltale guys are ?
  4. I hate how Facebook is slightly/heavily muzzling everything that isn't an instagram selfie now. The page I manage at work has depressing statistics, like 5% of total fanbase reached each post. Tried everything : tagging, pictures, posting at specific hours... It justs instantly fucks off deep down the web
  5. Perezvon

    Now Reading

    I've just finished it myself and loved it to pieces too! I think I'll go on reading the following books but for now I'm reading a SAS book (spies novel by a french author named Gerard de Villiers) I found in the metro some weeks ago. It's pretty lol but way more well written than I expected it to be.
  6. FInally went through Batman Arkham Asylum and now going through Arkham City. Not so fond of the combat mechanics but otherwise, wow yeah, these games are awesome! I loved the sequences with the Scarecrow (not the platform moments, the psychedelic ones). Really thought my laptop was dying and it reminded me of MGS somehow. After that I don't tink I'll be able to run Origins really. Not even talking about Arkham Knight... Man I hate all of this about modern gaming. Intense planned obsolescence.
  7. Jamming the fudge out of the pristine second hand APC40 Mk1 I bought this week end. It's so good and fun I honestly am shedding a few tears. How good it feels to let go of the mouse just a little!
  8. Ecstasy, mdma and coke are pretty easy to find here. Like, you could even ask bartenders for contacts lol (and in night clubs ofc)
  9. Depends if it's only when she sleeps or not maybe
  10. I'm going to see Amon Tobin, Machinedrum and Moiré next month! EXAITE
  11. i'd just tell her that you can't camp out with her due to a prior arrangement but are totally up for spending the day with her. go and cycle with her during the day then go to the party in the evening. simple no? This. Who said you couldn't get laid by day anyway ?
  12. The place I use to buy a sandwich from everyday just divided the size of their sandwiches by two but still sell them at the same price. I don't know if they wanted to do that since they look like nice and honest people but fuck that, I'm not going there anymore. Found another place that sells cheap and long sandwiches but they really are meh. :(
  13. I think I got the flu. Or at least some pretty heavy cold. I want to die ;_;
  14. It's not even noon and I've finished all the work I had to do today, yet I don't know if I can leave just like that... This gon be a long day.
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