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Everything posted by Perezvon

  1. Also watching Gotham right now. It's nicer than I thought it would be thanks to the lore and the actually pretty good actors overall, but the realisation really is quite terrible. The way it's filmed and set is gross, feels like it should have been broadcasted years ago as a failed mainstream series. Which is too bad because it's not what it is... @meshgearfox : I dunno really since I have avoided pretty much anything called a sitcom because of that.
  2. Yeah sitcoms are nowhere near anything I would describe as "creative", nor "funny". It's quite an antithesis to "creative laughs" really, more like "déjà-vu sighs".
  3. This and How I met your mother. How could you even like this shit? I don't get it.
  4. WOW! This is insane... I should really consider getting back to console sometimes. Can't keep up with computer specs for games these days, especially since I can only afford an average laptop.
  5. Perezvon

    Now Reading

    I've just started reading Dune. Looks immense but might be difficult for me since I didn't get the translated version and the english somehow seems... broken at times. Funny.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhBPPLbjEUw
  7. I'd like to not get paid like an intern for a full-time job anymore. FRANCE...
  8. Just watched Jodorowsky's Dune, ordered the original book... Also want to watch Interstellar... Man it's becoming real difficult for me not to order Elite: Dangerous. Looks amazing as fudge, but 60€ for a game without having a demo version to try first (at least to know if my laptop can REALLY take it, never trust estimated requirements) is making me bite my tongue hard.
  9. Trying not to aww too loud at work
  10. That might be that actually. I roughly sleep 6h a night, maybe less. When I do remember my dreams, they seem really... thin. Also they don't have that glue to stick on your memory like any other event. They always fade away eventually, even when I try hard. So yeah, maybe I do have dreams that are too short to be remembered... That audio recording thing sounds fun but I doubt I'd ever be able to fall asleep at all knowing I'm spying on myself lol. Thanks for the info though.
  11. How does one remember his dream ?
  12. Thanks! Here's another one I made a while ago.. This is really really really great!
  13. Oh fudge, I wouldn't call that a first world problem. That's proper awful...
  14. Got myself a job for this year at least, starting tomorrow
  15. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/we-want-half-life-3 I hope the Gabe Newell's lookalikes siege happens.
  16. "Want more from Aphex Twin ? You'll never believe how imminent new shit is" *clicks* *reads a one-liner article about Joyrex waiting for an email reply"
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