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Everything posted by Vaaler9

  1. 6 is definitely harsh IMO. He makes it sound soooo light and boring. Maybe he should be listening to it louder.
  2. The needle drop review. Not sure if shared yet.
  3. Haha. Love it. Brilliant Apparently this is from a horrendous movie called 'Vibrations'. I must see this... Its about a guy that gets beat up by thugs, loses his hand and wakes up in a rave. He then becomes a 'club sensation' that plays rave music with a prosthetic hand and is called 'Cyberstorm'. <- I love that I'm not making this up.
  4. That song has turned into an insta-skip for me. It was amusing at first.. I guess I just got impatient.
  5. back on speculation train: I think I'm going to read into Joyrex saying its not "new" music. My hopes are for some creative way to unleash the archives... And that really would be bigger than the Caustic Window thing. Just imagine more tunes from the SAW1 days... hell any days. There must be a shit load of gems.
  6. If Fantano's reading, this is how you do a video review (just a shame he pronounced Autechre as 'Awwtekrah' WRONG WRONG WRONG) I pronounced it that way for years.. and my bad habit carried over to my friends. doh. The right way still sounds wrong to me. 0:10 Rob and Sean are wrong. (wish I heard this many years ago)
  7. If Fantano's reading, this is how you do a video review (just a shame he pronounced Autechre as 'Awwtekrah' WRONG WRONG WRONG) I pronounced it that way for years.. and my bad habit carried over to my friends. doh. The right way still sounds wrong to me.
  8. I HAD THE SAME DREAM I dreamed that you guys dreamed that... Aphexeption
  9. "The Aphex Twin" Good though. I like Alexis. I thought it was surprisingly good too. Also I noticed "the old timers" always call him 'THE aphex twin'. He must have went by that back in the day. I sort of like it. Seems not human or something ha. Like 'the alien aphex twin has landed' (not far from the truth)
  10. interesting. Video review surprisingly. http://www.theguardian.com/music/video/2014/sep/26/aphex-twin-syro-album-review-video
  11. got my grandma into aphex. not just the piano stuff either, she impresses me. My grandma only likes Venetian Snares unfortunately.. just can't get her into Aphex.
  12. Off the speculation train for a sec to share a personal story (still very much to do with Syro of course) So I've been headphones in, full on obsession mode since the album was announced. Either listening to the live recordings, revisiting old releases, then when Syro came out, obviously wearing that out big time. The whole time, the GF wondering what EXACTLY have I been so crazy about. I would sort of pass it off with " oh its this crazy guy that makes really weird techno that I have loved for like 15 years, he is releasing a new album. I've been waiting for this FOREVER etc." The whole time thinking she would basically hate this music. And even as "welcoming" Syro is I still though, well, it can't be THAT welcoming for someone that thinks if there is no singing and guitar it is immediately shit. So the LP came in yesterday and she is like "I'm listening to this, I've never seen you this way." I was actually weirdly nervous. So to make a long story short she listened to XMas Eve and LOVED it. And even the Circlon stuff which I basically warned her about, she would listen to it and just keep laughing.. and said it was really fun and entertaining. And with Aisatsana she got a little teary.. especially after I told her he made it for his wife. Now this morning she texted me saying "ahhh I just want to listen to more aphex twin, I can't get it out of my head, I see why you love it." I guess part of the reason I'm sharing this is I thought it was pretty amazing this album has the ability to attract someone not into electonic music whatsoever. Its sort of a testament to how truly good Aphex is, despite it being "weird". No wonder so many of us got so damn into it back in the day. It is powerful music actually. This is his "fun light album" but if its the first time you have ever heard anything like this, it can open you up to this "world" just like RDJ album did for many of us or SAW1 did for the real old timers <- ;) Ok I'm done now.
  13. Ok.. still hyped. Sweet jesus.
  14. Badgers + Chris Cunningham.... interestiiiiing. Very interestiiiing. I can actually imagine that being something.
  15. Ok now I just have no clue. Its not new music? But excitement factor that high? Sounds like you are sort of involved on this project maybe. Best of luck! I'm sure it will be cool.. (god knows we are patient when it comes down to it)
  16. Sincere thanks for the update Joyrex! But if there is no new music.. Hard to imagine what is still super server-crashing exciting... (chris cunningham video maybe).. I shall continue to waste my time pondering these things
  17. Would be awesome... but can the server space this is hosted on handle such a thing? Would be FLOODED. Watmm crashed twice during the announcement of Syro and the release of Minipops, and that was just with 700 users being logged in, not to mention the lurkers all this. Badger/new music related I still think. I'd rather new music than personally meeting Aphex, much less an AMA.
  18. Would be awesome... but can the server space this is hosted on handle such a thing? Would be FLOODED.
  19. I was thinking that as well.. but if it is 'more exciting'.. well I think a totally unknown prospect is more exciting for sure. Not that I would complain about MFM.
  20. The badger thing is soooomething. That I'm convinced. Its the bg of the forum. Joyrex makes sure to not completely dismiss it.. even says the chili pepper is a clue as is '53' being a two digit number... hhhm chilli pepper + aphex = flea from red hot chilli peppers (who is an aphex obsessive by the way) plays bass with richards robots.
  21. If you play Syro backwards, it becomes the experimental album he was talking about har har.. Actually I wouldn't mind hearing that.
  22. eznzea is on the way. Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned. This made me involuntarily say WHAAAAAT at work in a really loud and embarrassing whisper haha. I'm at work too. My reaction was a little gasp followed by a head-shake, like I just got terrible news. (terribly awesome news)
  23. eznzea is on the way. Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned. Oh man.. Right when I wanted to distance myself from this forum for a bit... obsession continues. Joyreeeex the GF wants to kill me.
  24. I remain... titillated. Even if nothing on the immediate horizon. Seems pretty damn confirmed lots of cool things happening in Aphex-Land in the near future. In a small way I don't want something right away. My obsessiveness has made me neglect way too many aspects of my life this last week lol. Sad but true.
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