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Everything posted by Vaaler9

  1. These tracks are 93.. If he keeps going at this rate, he is going to more than double his discography with these gems. WTF. Still in disbelief. 20 Vtnm is amazing.
  2. Anyone else with an office job and able to listen to music find it IMPOSSIBLE to do work right now? sidenote: can't get enough of Red Alert right now. lovely.
  3. Oh wow. Yes!! God daaaamn. This is all so crazy. Trying to contain my disbelief. I LOVE this era from the Aphex canon. When all is said and done and we have a definitive number of tracks, I want to make packaging and put them on mult. CDs or something like that. I want to "own" these badly. Maybe we should have a design contest and take a vote on "WATMM approved album art?" or split them into multiple albums each with cover art separated by era? Just an idear.
  4. FUCK. Just can't get over this. So much gold here. I hope he upgrades his account or posts somewhere else. If not though, I'm thrilled anyway. Such an overload. I want to hug him.
  5. Sams Car has an almost Stone in Focus repeatability. Can't get enough of that one.
  6. That made me legitimately lol. (Also what a fucking tune!) Pre-saw1 he says.. wow
  7. i wasnt really diggin SAW1 for a long time (prefferd darker stuff just like you), before i actually bought vinyl and omg i listened to it almost every day for a year, it never gets old or annoying. On the other hand, i still dont really like ICBYD, preffering all ABBs, polygon windows, caustics etc over it. some tracks on ICBYD are great, but as a whole...just not for me (i hope i wont get banned) SAW1 on vinyl is when I finally "got" it too. So warm. Didn't even realize the MP3s I had were crap in comparison. That album probably has the most sentimental value for me of all his releases.. and its just damn good. Also.. pearls is greeeaattt. so many good tracks. and thanks to those who ripped it!
  8. Someone make a real thread for this purdy please.
  9. OMG. I am a bit late to this party. So much good shiiiiit. Anyone ripping this?? What is going on??? I'm too happy right now. Too anyone confused right now: LISTEN TO THIS. https://soundcloud.com/user487363530/1-chink-101
  10. Aye, the amount of times I've played though Quake over the years - still has such an amazing atmosphere and game mechanics Quake II. Such good memories. First online game I've ever played. And that soundtrack.. Still great.
  11. Oh yeah? Never heard of it actually. I'll check it out.
  12. dude i've been playing it 2p... it must be easier because the bosses don't last 10 seconds even. still only part way through act 3 due to busy schedules and my gf's intensely anal desire to completely clear every new area map. started picking up olliolli on vita again each nite to do the daily grind. usually end up w/a score of 0. such an awesome game though. stoked for pt 2. also started running through duke3d on vita (free on+ this month). didn't remember that there's only 4 enemies in the game apparently It is really odd even if going for mass appeal. Unless we are talking 'your grandparents will play it after a round of wii bowling' mass appeal. The fIrst act I thought maybe I was just pretty good at the game ha. Not the case. It got truly brainless by the last act. Makes me not all that enthused to play 'nightmare' 'hell' etc. But maybe those modes on 'hard' will get the loot addiction going. Loved D2.
  13. Green tea and Chamomile tea. I'm under the weather... and over posting here today.
  14. FInally played Diablo 3 on PS4. Very pretty and polished game.. but incredibly easy. Almost broken easy. I understand it has many more modes to play through and apparently gets a lot harder etc. But to play the game first time through on normal and beat hyped bosses in literally 15 seconds seems odd. I died only once and its because I was barely paying attention.
  15. Had the same feeling but mainly due to the shipping cost and how late I got it. Every once in a while I'll throw on XMAS Eve and give it my full attention (on vinyl). I just OD'd on the album while I'm at work (office job) to the point listening to it entirely on vinyl sounds a bit tedious. Random note: Last week I finally bought SAW1 on vinyl. WOW. The natural warmth of that album plus vinyl warmth made me realize my old MP3's were doing it no justice. Best record purchase I've ever made.
  16. Make sure he isn't autistic (god forbid). that's a shitty thing to say dick Make sure you don't skip words inside brackets. Might be useful for you. I think he is referring to the whole statement including what's inside the brackets. It's harsh to say the least. (That is what made me ask about autism in the first place, and I guess is being mocked by Triachus). It's brought up constantly here.. usually in that sort of context.
  17. RE1 might be my favorite game of all time. Loved the GC version. I actually can't wait for this. Cash in no doubt but would love to own a 1080p version :)
  18. thanks btw | v lol. No problem.. but at least make it grammatically correct. 'about what is possible people' I lost you at that part.
  19. Because it won't be the latest thing in the discography? That it will age somehow? I often had this strange feeling about new albums that they were some strangers in a discography. When their successor came out, they suddenly became good old buddies (provided they were good in the first place) :-) I think you're on to something there. Funny how that works.
  20. Syro is sounding damn good to me right now after hearing about the EP coming out. Just knowing new stuff is coming so soon makes me love this release even more. I really don't know why..
  21. Make sure he isn't autistic (god forbid). This might belong on its own 'silly' thread but do you think its possible that people on the autism spectrum have a better chance at liking Aphex? I'm actually curious. I keep seeing autism and aspergers being brought up here and I'm not that educated on the matter.
  22. havent heard this. really different vibe. maybe its just fresh, but i like this verison better...that snares! No wonder I liked these versions better. So much more alive sounding and the beat mashing/big snare brings the energy up quite a bit. Almost want to put a bit of reverb on the Syro versions to see if it gives it a less sterile feel. play it in a big echoey room then! When I find a big echoey room to play it in I'll do just that. Might even throw it into traktor dj software and beatmash the shit out of it. (actually sounds kind of fun)
  23. havent heard this. really different vibe. maybe its just fresh, but i like this verison better...that snares! No wonder I liked these versions better. So much more alive sounding and the beat mashing/big snare brings the energy up quite a bit. Almost want to put a bit of reverb on the Syro versions to see if it gives it a less sterile feel.
  24. I think he confirmed that it was, yeah. Most likely his robots in action :) :)) I'm going to try to hold off on listening to this 500 times just in case this gets a release. It took me a while to hear 'metz' 'manchester' 'singapore' 'swinging piano' properly on Syro. They all sounded a bit off to me at first because of overplaying the live recordings.
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