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Everything posted by Vaaler9

  1. wow. I missed that one. Very cool sounding. It is a tad weirder than Syro. Maybe the new stuff he is referring to?
  2. I OD'd on it to the point I got very bored with it. But no album could withstand THAT many plays and still be completely entertaining. I didn't listen to it for 3 weeks and just yesterday put it back on with full volume and full attention. Back to loving it again.. but I have to say, not in a very "deep" way. More in a "this is fucking awesome almost every moment" kind of way. Certainly no flims, rhubarbs on this one though.
  3. I'm not sure if it will ever happen at this point but I would love to hear some new very digital productions. I sort of miss his hyperactive/hyper-creative "computer music" days.
  4. You're the man. Definitely liking the art direction. A tad less cartoony than 4. Would love if they put in a revamped parry system like 3.
  5. holy fuuuuuck. dude. I'm still obsessed with SF4 (yay for omega mode coming soon!) This made my day so much.
  6. If it's your first time playing it, then I would advice you to play on normal... or easy. I regretted playing it on normal, because there were times where I was damn close to being stuck. It is my first time but I'll continue with hard. I'm doing pretty well, up to mission 7 so far and not really getting too badly fucked over. Oh sure, I'ved died a whole bunch but I think I can manage. :D It's kinda easy when you realise how to hide properly and how to distract the alien the right way. Alright, that's pretty well done then :) I think I painted myself into a corner at one point which almost made me want to play the game on easy. Those fucking Working Joes... fuck. Those working joes.. Just about shit when I tried to hit one with the wrench for the first time. He caught it on my first swipe and proceeded to strangle me to death killing me instantly. That's when I knew this game does not fuck around.
  7. Whit ?! Which bits are random numbers and characters ? I kid. The numbers have meaning. but if they didn't or better yet are referenced technical specs mysteriously.. very IDMy.
  8. lol. IDM indeed. PS4 LP5 Edition *random numbers and characters.. that may have meaning*
  9. I have too much free time at my job and feel guilty that I get payed for it at times.
  10. Shenmue was remarkably well received and reviewed back then despite the lack of gratuitous violence or a large open world, but it was massively expensive to produce (the most expensive game made up to that time, in fact) - it failed because SEGA never had a hope of recouping their costs with the limited owner base of the Dreamcast. I remember the critical acclaim for sure. Most expensive game of its time?? Wow, no wonder I was so blown away. That was one of the most exciting times in videogames imo. The jump from PS1 to Dreamcast felt huge. Really loved that system. Same. One of my favourite gaming machines ever, still own it. It was the equivalent of having an arcade machine under the telly! Although it may have had a short life, it had an amazing software library for that time. Absolutely! It came out when you would still go to the arcade to see the "future" of what games could do. It had the Naomi arcade board right in the thing. Still remember the first time I saw SC and House of the Dead 2 on it. Jaw dropping at the time. One perfect arcade port after another. *drools.. still*
  11. Shenmue was remarkably well received and reviewed back then despite the lack of gratuitous violence or a large open world, but it was massively expensive to produce (the most expensive game made up to that time, in fact) - it failed because SEGA never had a hope of recouping their costs with the limited owner base of the Dreamcast. I remember the critical acclaim for sure. Most expensive game of its time?? Wow, no wonder I was so blown away. That was one of the most exciting times in videogames imo. The jump from PS1 to Dreamcast felt huge. Really loved that system.
  12. Did you play Sleeping Dogs? No. Heard of it though. Is it sort of like that?
  13. Speaking of open world games. I would kill for a new Shenmu or something like it. A good open world game with a very good fighting game engine built into it. So ahead of its time. You couldn't shoot cops heads off or collect cars etc. so it didn't take off. Shaaaaame
  14. In the settings you can switch the game to a 'do not disturb' mode, which stops phone calls, missions kicking in, etc. so you're free to just go off and explore. I've spent far more time doing photography than playing it 'properly'. Well, for me I just don't like the whole "play as a thug" mentality GTA has fostered - and I don't think I'd pay 60USD for a photography sim. That's just me though. I should get the Gallery module for the forums so we can post stuff like this and have it preserved properly... Wow. I thought I was alone on disliking GTA. There is something weirdly depressing about the whole thing. I can only appreciate it on a technical standpoint. It is incredible in that regard obviously. But I'm pretty much over the 'play as the ultimate badass in an open world' thing. Been playing a lot of survival horror lately. Thank god for that entire genre. I would put dark souls in there too.
  15. My theory on the BPMs is he is putting the track titles exactly as he has them organized himself. As he is into the DJing these days, I bet he puts the BPM on all his tracks to reference when mixing.
  16. sooooo... these were taken down the same time syrobonkers interview tracks were taken down??
  17. Love the bonus too. It is the newest one on the album he says. I could go for more like that!
  18. The new guilty gear looks so pretty. Did you see the Blazblue finals at EVO this year by chance? It was absolutely crazy. No, I didn't - hook us up with some YouTube love, mang! supposedly the skullgirls dev has created drivers for most ps3 sticks to work with ps4. hopefully these can be patched into most games although i imagine companies like madcatz may pay devs not to implement them so they can sell new sticks. really don't want to have to buy a new one for this gen. evo2k14 blazblue finals: regarding ds2, are you missing out by not playing through demon's souls or ds1 before jumping into ds2? i'd probably grip the ps4 version for <$25 eventually but i've not played through either of the previous entries I'd recommend starting the blazblue video at around 25 mins. in if you want to see the real goods. It is crazy though if you follow the whole thing. The kid worked his way up from losers brackets to final round is emotionally breaking down by the end ha. Very intense.
  19. The new guilty gear looks so pretty. Did you see the Blazblue finals at EVO this year by chance? It was absolutely crazy.
  20. I've been playing Alien: Isolation. Great game. One of the most atmospheric I've played. And I recently went back to Ultra Street Fighter 4. I check in on that game every once in a while. Still love it.
  21. Yeah just the overall fragility of the urban environment vibe. Exactly. Really into the theme. I sort of view this album as the soundtrack of nature eventually taking over urban decay after some human caused catastrophe. All while not sounding corny or over the top. It's dark but peaceful.
  22. This album is the definition of a "grower" for me. When I heard it I thought it was pretty good. Not incredible and definitely not bad.. but I listened to it a bit more a couple months later when the hype faded and that's when I "got" it. . Very very good.. and I personally love the theme.. at least the way I interpret it. It feels really mature and not flashy at all.. just solid, atmospheric, and wonderfully subtle. And head and shoulders above Campfire Headphase
  23. I was introduced at the tender age of 13 and I think that's probably had a scarring knock-on effect... True. I was introduced at 15. It blew my adolescent mind. I was listening to pretty much only fast punk music at the time. (NOFX etc.) I can definitely say Aphex completely changed how I view music and art in general. Scarred for sure.. in a good way. And then I heard LP5.. holy shit did that one affect me too. I went from "skater" to "weird kid" in a span of a month.
  24. Imagining all the dope 'Shops Leonardo could have produced is almost enough to make you weep. lol. I see your point. but the man made RDJ album (very digital) in 97 for god's sake. The standard digital tools these days can do some incredible things.. which he seems to be actively ignoring. Would love to hear what he would come up with using them.
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