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Everything posted by QQQ

  1. i fuckin love me some Horrendous. bout time for a follow up to Anareta imo
  2. there's an angel in the shower is lush as f0k m8 i'm only just getting into Actress properly. i've listened to and enjoyed his stuff before but it hasn't really stuck in my memory. recently though it's completely resonating with me. on first listen i'd say this is better than Ghettoville and Hazyville but not quite reaching R.I.P. or Splazsh levels.
  3. QQQ

    Now Reading

    funny you say that because Sailor is one of my favourite books. none of his others have hit me as hard, though they are all very good. i might go for that one next, though Confessions of a Mask has my interest and i still have the final 2 books of the Sea of Fertility tetralogy to read.
  4. QQQ

    Now Reading

    Mishima is excellent. Have you read xThe Temple of the Golden Pavillion? i haven't yet. so far i've read The Sailor That Fell From Grace With The Sea, Spring Snow, Runaway Horses and Forbidden Colours (read in that order).
  5. QQQ

    Now Reading

    fin: Yukio Mishima - Forbidden Colours begin: J G Ballad - The Drowned World
  6. battery life is a difficult thing because technology is so powerful these days it drains a charge insanely fast. it's not a Switch issue, it's just an issue with batteries. they haven't developed in line with the technology it powers. that said, everybody i know with a smartphone has a portable charger these days (myself included). they're cheap as hell and they can be used anywhere, so there is no worry about running out of juice even if you're away from a plug socket or other USB port to charge from. mine was very inexpensive and fully charges my smartphone 4-5 times on a single charge of its own. you can obviously buy much better ones that have more power if you want to.
  7. 'nother Pallbearer tune released. can't wait for the album!
  8. And the only thing more boring than mafia movies is westerns (Yojimbo excluded)what about El Topo or the Dollars trilogy?
  9. yeah guys, stop talking about the most interesting development in vidjo games at the moment, jeez !! why all this talk about a BRAND NEW console ??
  10. The Nintendo User ID compatibility, is it Switch exclusive? Because I think I have one but for my DSNintendo ID covers 3DS, Wii U and Switch (i tink)
  11. it's a touchscreen rhythm game - how would you play it on a TV?
  12. QQQ

    Now Reading

    Dune is so dull. i dropped it maybe 3/4ths through. huge disappointment.
  13. love em! lovely use of colour. i particularly like the first two of the set, they definitely capture the Ae vibe well.
  14. QQQ

    Now Reading

    i burned through Money in less than 2 weeks. nearly 400 pages long but barely felt half that. i gotta read some more of his stuff. next up: Forbidden Colours (Yukio Mishima)
  15. Dillinger have been involved in a bad bus crash. not sure on the details but i've heard rumours they were reading the scathing reviews from WATMM posters before the bus veered off course. kidding but seriously it's awful. some people are still in hospital and they have had to cancel the rest of the tour. i'm glad i had my chance to see them. it's scary how often these tour buses seem to be involved in bad accidents.
  16. i think After Life is my #1 favourite film. i haven't seen Nobody Knows yet but that's the next one on my list.
  17. they are one of the most intense and vicious bands out there and without the melodic breaks it'd honestly be too much. the melodic parts lead to some killer breakdowns 99% of the time too so it's totally worth it. can we also stop calling any clean vocals "emo" in this thread plz. thx.
  18. Still Walking (2008) i highly recommend people watch some of Hirokazu Kore-eda's films. i don't think i've seen him mentioned round these parts and he is easily one of my favourite directors.
  19. [party smasher] i'm afraid you are wrong their best work has been done recently One Of Us Is The Killer is my favourite DEP album, though Dissociation may be equal. maybe better given more time. that's a great picture though lol [/party smasher]
  20. that Dillinger album is intense! i saw them a couple of weeks ago and for all the crazy antics they get up to live i couldn't tell you a single thing they did. the pit was none stop from the first riff. had a hell of a bangover the week after. it's a shame they're going on hiatus.
  21. i was going to watch Seven Samurai last night but 3 and a half hours is such an investment. i'll get around to watching it one of these days. i watched Throne Of Blood instead though which was amazing. i'm not sure if it was because of all the medicine i was jacked up on or what, but the scenes with the witch spooked the fuck out of me. perfectly eerie. fantastic film.
  22. Dragged Into Sunlight just announced a show at a pub in my town !! \m/
  23. QQQ

    Now Reading

    fin: The Little Sister reading: Money by Martin Amis
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