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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Hunderby series 2, had to buy as series 1 was anarchic fun and a few shekels is fk all really for proper period satire
  2. isnt Eraserhead partially about the mood of the times he lived in Philadelphia? caught in an interview somewhere
  3. he's a proper funny pillock kinda in that Alan Partridge/John Shuttleworth line of absurd character satire
  4. spending 2hrs IN an ambulance OUTSIDE A&E with a loved 1 in agony due to cancer complications waiting to be admitted, then 1 more hr IN A FKN CORRIDOR by a pediatric unit so a bunch of sicks kids could see my old man screaming in agony yeah, bummer dude still, at least we wont get fkn billed for it like other places round the world, small mercies
  5. ex sex shoot me now Highly recommended: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/onetab/ For anyone interested, Chrome version is here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall and ta v much Was
  6. Legend, well its better than all that Guy Ritchie wank and it does a very British kind of psychopath like i havent seen for a while, who the fuck knows with 60's gang bollix, but pretty good fun & the 1 particular pub fight scene is dark funny
  7. opening too many consecutive tabs in firefox, then it crashes, then wont reload the previous session after re-opening, then u have to go thru your own browser history with a fine toothpick to extract what u'll most prob miss anyway not learning from it is an annoying habit in itself
  8. hungover again? skin up for once instead, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, & find your inner cuddles big hugs and nugs my for frustrated friend or maybe clean the fishtank over some filth?
  9. barring other special fx, you can buy cbd oil to vape legally here, although vaping owt is tastier there are so many strains now its hard to keep up plus the legal status of flowers here makes access to specifics difficult it used to be 80% resins, but it was the proper old north African hashes, temple ball (<-not the fake versions), oils and charas (sp?), but that whole system collapsed about 96 onward into all forms of washed soapbar, dodgy tar black sticky seals, even the old Lebanese faded into this awful "flat press" guff that fluffed on heating this whole area was Howard Marks and his crew's network so it was better than some of the resin you get in Holland at times, but then they got busted and from then on it'd arrive in Spain and cunts would mix it with all kinds of crap, you could get flowers but they were a lot more random greenery i had in the US outside of NY was either kindbud (which varied like a rainbow) or u'd actually get to specifics, but even then huge range in quality & variety, could never get resins though, not once never got to Colorado or elsewhere in time for the great revolution, which is an evolution in common sense (but not for unripened minds) personal favourites are Sage (sativa afghan summat equilibrium), it has everything and more, beautiful creation, Ed Rosenthal another wicked hybrid, the ridiculous reeeekin cheeses are a blast in the right time/place, but for reading long passages of text lemon sour diesel is tasty....a few concentrates but its an unregulated market soooooo...
  10. gripped an ok screener, looked decent on t'telly, but yer right with resolution/big screen experience.....i just couldnt face 2&half hrs in the cinema with awkward seats & fucked pelvis/legs that dont mix well, plus they dont take kindly to u vaping up certain special-fx in their gaff, understandably this is whats kept me from the new Star Wars...... round my Ma's for sunday dinner earlier and to keep her chipper watched, or is that grimaced, through Love Actually. Pre-recession Britain. You know, the kind that would never have robbed & raped & pillaged its way round the globe. Jesus wept, even Sir Alan of Rickman couldnt pull off the supposed gags. Or was that gagging. Yes its easy to critique twee humour for ladies, but wtf. Which world did these cunts actually live in? Even Cinderella had to get home b4 the spells wore off. Cunt after cunt after Hugh Grant after all the self congratulatory bollix. Utter twats chasing summat like junkies on heat. The same kind of Britain depicted in 4 Weddings & Funeral. Privileged cunts doing privileged things, and hugging every cunt every fkn time (i thought the English were more stoic than this?). Oh well. My own fault for suggesting the tv be truned off. Rockin dinner doe. 1 positive and sexist thing i did realize was that Emma Thompson would surely be a banging shag. Nevermind all those fake weaves/tits/tans, i reckon she'd grind the life out of you in the best way. Here i am Em, do what you feel......
  11. good that u left the paranoia behind Limpy, no fkr needs that in their life if theres 1 thing US legal changes have done is to re-invigorate the research on specific strains maybe have a nose round some cbd strains (if u have access to them), i use that end of things for pain relief (no joke here) limping round trying to rebuild muscle fiber while exercising, cos it fkn destroys me for a good hour after every session if i dont i'd prescribe charlotte's web or even some of the British Cheese varietals over any opiate every time for chronic pain relief, cos they wont send u into orbit either if u've got shit to do.....well, the Cheeses might a bit, but as a non-drinker they're def my preferred choice of meds
  12. personally, occasional dabs of high cbd/low thc extract for neuro-pathic pain relief help immensely. Oxycontin is too short lived for relief (although my god it works for 1 good hr), morphine means not being able to drive legally, codeine & dihydrocodeine just bung up yer guts,,,,,, sooooooooo, letting nature & selective plant breeding do their thang is part of the process tried to cut right down on pure 1-skin j's and vape instead with an arizer solo, the insidious device as its become known lol, but everything in moderation eh cos i proper likes it i does does
  13. It's not out for a month?! the internet is your friend here chap! on reflection, its ok, it has some truly memorable moments involving LDC's dead missus (not exactly a plot spoiler), Tom Hardy does wild eyed a bit OTT and the ending kinda dragged a bit and lots of beards too if yer into the hairy bear scene (ambiguous pun intended)
  14. The Revenant - a tidy western in the wilds, the director should do Blood Meridian
  15. Clone has clips of all of the tracks up already: https://clone.nl/item38043.html ta for the info!
  16. ta for this Mr Tec, not really a graphic novel fan since Arkham Asylum (sp?), but this is heaviness. Its so subtle and visceral at the same time and really bores into subconscious/parental fear buttons with the skill of a psych-surgeon and the imagery/story to underpin it all. Sorted 2 problem xmas-wank presents too. its truly been a benevolent universe today, strewth Ruth & tips cap
  17. <---- knew fk all about Salem, phewwwwww, old-age-ignorance is bliss if yer Spanish is as sketchy as mine, subtitles need juggling, tits n tears are where its really @
  18. that Sun Ra/Cage collab is fuckin nuts, and its got swing! shamone, Michael Jackson, my old man is a Sun Ra freak and i thought i'd heard em all, but you saved 1 of the best for christmas
  19. i've been looking for a job, probably ranted about it in this thread a bit. my government payments are student welfare btw as i am studying and it's not easy to fit work around that.also taxis in sydney cost so so so much it is unreasonable. cost of living here is through the roof man it's insane. also this is missing the point of what i was saying. this is more to do with issues of personal organisation and time management, was hoping people would have some anecdotes about what they do to be more prepared and on time for stuff. (btw it's a bit mean to just tell people on benefits to 'get a job' as if they're not trying... it's never helpful... ) hey i know u think i'm a prick cos of RH, but there must be,,,,, how could we term it.....under the counter work? I worked illegally around a few different global spots and bars n restaurant staff turn-over is usually pretty high. all you need is to find the right gaff where yer not too risk-saturated, maybe if luck beckons on the same day someone rings in sick and the owners say "fuck it, could you come in tnite?" although its a while ago, it worked for me when i was a student visiting your manor/sunny shores, my visa had expired by quite a bit and rainy damp Britain just didnt hold the same appeal cocaine dealing = double yer money, if you have fuck all scruples and dont mind liaising with armed & severe undesirables, shelf life is pretty shitty doe. 2 gangs got busted locally in the last 18months through complete muppetry - flashing their cash on facefuck, flying to Vegas all the time and 1 cunt even went into a car dealership with 80-grand cash which prompted an immediate police call. All middle-management between locals and Albanians. If theyd just been a tad more discreet the money would still be pouring in
  20. go to the library, find past papers on your modules, find patterns (ie: you cant revize everything so prioritize through whats been asked over the last 10 years, ie: i doubt many of your tutors will ask out-dated/olde questions beyond these samples) helped me massively and could help you focus productively
  21. What, more found footage wank, where someone strays daftly into harm's way, even though he's given every chance to gtfo way b4 the finale? 2/10 @ best if only for the constant pantomime of "he's behind you AND crazy" bollix. Sick of this genre - trying to staple shit stories and shit footage together, Blair Witch is what, 15+years ago? I can only assume you were drunk with or w/out pizza &/or incredibly stoned. #snotty-tone ;) The Night of the Hunter (1955 and Charles Laughton's only filem as director apparently) - Robert Mitchum does evil as fuck in both subtle and graphic pauses, chasing 2 nippers who know all about his scheming after a buried inheritance. The scene along the river with the 2 kids in the boat as all the little animals observe them from the riverbank is 1 of cinema's greatest achievements in depicting the true innocence of childhood. 11/10 - gets the Spinal Tap 11 treatment for Mitchum's performance alone...
  22. this thread has thrown up some fuckin sweet gems and the Dur Dur Band track was a flashback of dancefloor heaven - heard a version many many moons ago, the whistle sample was the trip factor cos you think/thought its some twist on NWA, then it goes full frontal funk attack,,,,,,, thats traversed space/time & spangled youth flashbacks all in 1 safe and plenty of others too, if i started quoting every cunt it'd be impossible to follow the declining angle b4 giving up, so ta for wanging oop here
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