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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. good luck with that i dont get the militia mentality on the simple basis that a couple of Colt's and flamethrower will always lose to nuclear weapons, which is what 'the man' owns and he's dropped em twice, too
  2. the roman catholic church has done its fair share, but the blurb around Just Melvin is staggering i was an alter boy in an extremely warped rc diocese as a kid, but when its family & relations... those seem the hardest cases of all to recover from its more common than people want to know
  3. spending my spare time doing up an old Norton with my cousins, with 1 eye on an easter relaunch/sale. Thing is, we got it for next to nowt and although we can make a few quid i'd really like to keep it now. nothing in the world beats a bike ride, some good tunes and ancient landscapes,,,, v simple pleasures. what do you ride, if i could ask? I've never sat on anything new due to biker freaks on my Ma's side, so its always been beaten up vintages.
  4. mate,,,,,,if thats a god damn cat paw, rather than a lovely dovely doggy paw, the voices are...... the voices are gonna............... its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down. You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue. hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating. But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort? you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices? its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe. Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its ok fellow hive-mind member, i dont take it personally, you crack on any way you want, but something tells me yer a long way from being a Dr. Of anything. 1 thing i guarantee is that if i get banned for whatever, you various hive-mind pack animals drinking at the trough of self-righteousness with your own hysterical bs will be ignored by the powers that be and continue spouting shit at anyone who contradicts you or who expresses contrasting opinions. There is such a thing as shit art. Whether you ever get close to understanding that, well i wouldnt bet on it.....
  5. its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down. You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue. hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating. But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort? you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices? its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe. Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  6. is that a question or yet more hyperbole? as a question i'd reply that i'm not ruining anything here mate, maybe you could take a valium or take the dog round the block if yer a pet-owner, the latter usually works for me. the flick with the wolves is actually almost digestible on some strange level, for a forgettable money-making scheme, but it might frighten you, what with the swearing n all. or you could go into the Chatroom and talk behind my back again, like a real super-hero with back-bone. lastly & in summary, i could care less if you piss off or not, your over-emotional responses will find expression & outlets, whether i piss off or not. fuckin Taken........what a laugh cue Squee (sp?) or Del...., watmm's resident Nazi caretakers to take the piss yet again.
  7. so you like Taken AND Radiohead, Mr Meshy? dayum son,,,,,, this is like baptizing yerself with pre-emptive dementia and the lacking of sparked out wolves was, as mentioned above, where you have to draw the line and if a wolf aint getting the Neeson hammer-time treatment, i'm simply not watching ps: dont be "frightened", its just an opinion
  8. and the menu: http://gbrowns.com/wp-content/uploads/Gbrowns_Menu_Sunday15rJazzBrunch_2.pdf
  9. yet more death the Gumbo point is salient though and merka is the new bogieman, just like the British Empire was right the way back to the Romans. Do you think the guys who raised the stones at Stonehenge were free? Its just a more toxic version of the human condition,,,, condensed and allowed to fester. Its something i noticed on the roads that people, compared to Europe and elsewhere, didnt reallly get into road rage incidents anywhere near as frequently as you see here, because its more likely that firearms are present. Not saying drivers were polite, but it wasnt like here where every cunt wants to kill you over a missed signal maneuver or minor bs escalating but Gumbo........people slag off American food but its one of the finest places i've been for variety, maybe this is a first world problem? I had one Gumbo in DC at a place called Georgia Brown's and not only did you get biscuits and sausage gravy for what seemed like infinity, but it did a Gumbo to this day that i would love to get close to something that even got half the depth of flavour that this had. AND there was enough to take home for an evening meal, so double GB's Gumbo & b&g, all that fat shrimp, andouille sausage, i even enjoyed tasting my own burps as a forms of 2nds so refined. Tons of muck but f you pick your way through regional specialties you get flavours n fun thats not as over priced as you'd get here in Blighty Just the mention of Gumbo, flashbacks, the smell, almost sexual, quite
  10. def one for the next mix planned, US tv evangelists get the full Richard H Kirk treatment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ATi-Et6Qik
  11. the British NHS i love it & hate it in equal measure some departments are like a Rolls Royce, others like something out of 1 Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest....... there has to be a middle ground? its not a moan, you can have Radiohead for that i honestly dont know how it keeps going, despite all the dedication and hours put in by thousands of compassionate staff, some experiences recently have shown in clear contrast where the fault lines lie ok, i'm gonna eat a mini tiramisu as comfort food.... i was pushed into it
  12. what? you hate kids now too? clearly the meanderings of a pedophobe (thats a joke btw)
  13. could some1 just post me some god dayum biscuits n sausage gravy (preferably from Cracker Barrel)? sexual liaisons with my Jack Russell may be exchanged if he likes you, cos if he likes you he'll rape your legs anyway, innit Trevor
  14. i've been trying to suffer through a lot of his "great works" over the last couple of years to see what all the hype was about. i think the only one i haven't seen was 2001 dr strangelove was tolerable as well, but the shining is the only movie i actually would say i liked are u kidding me? Dr Strangelove works on so many levels,,,,, the bodily fluids, the mutually assured destruction conundrum, Peter motherfuckin Sellers (sp?), and the ending with whatshisface out of Blazing Saddles whooping n a hollerin while armageddon unfolds to Vera Lyn's "We'll Meet Again" I can only summarize u dint grow up "under the bomb/cold war era" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ couldn't have said it better meself and lols @ "G"
  15. Fargo series 2 surpasses the first series and maybe even the film too if it carries on at this rate loved the scene with the drunk lawyer remonstrating with the german rednecks to back off and leave their son in jail......the matriarch is hardcore as fuck too, reminds of a certain woman i know only too well. Better Call Saul is ok, but Fargo S2,,,,,, dayum even Ted Danson does that world weary experienced veteran brilliantly. Crackin characters, plots, acting AND casting i wanna lob it over to my folks but the cancer plot is a bit too much right now
  16. surely self recognition is a sign of self awareness? i'm no biologist but have you ever seen an elephant confronted with a mirror for the 1st time? they do all the things humans would do (without thumbs of course and shaving foam)
  17. this hangover in biology from when we were religious, that the action of every animal is solely down to fulfilling some biological function that will further it's species is rather irritating. That BBC presenter Chris Packham is a rather trying adherent to this outmoded concept "no you see, those birds aren't playing, they are incapable of play, there has to be some..." blah blah fucking fuck you cock in a codpiece * your most enlightening post yet ;) elephants & dolphins both recognize themselves in mirrors, no-one's really deciphered whale songs (although i thought Derrick May have cracked these for a while with all the humpback samples in his late 80's/early 90's sets,,,,,,,,,but alas) what did Coil sing about the eyes of animals? i think Attenborough could maybe corroborate part of the elephant/dolphin analogy anyway
  18. lemon sour diesel + cheese & occasional blu-cheese combos, either in a joint to trek with the chien a couple of night a week, or vape quietly tune sifting either way the best of sativas & indicas - the full spectrum of both and a fuller hit than hybrids like Jack Herrer offer glorious
  19. so much of Joyce is the Dublin lingo & twang.....i spent month after month visiting family in Eire as a kid and teenager, it was only after slowing down my reading that some of the sayings you hear around the streets of Dublin started creeping through the text phonetically
  20. same & the chips were banging, as an ex booze hound my sipping vintage is strictly DietCoke-2015, dint do fish or gravy or pies, just an unhealthy amount of salt & vinegar & those slices of deep fried spud wonder no other nation can treat a humble spud so perfectly
  21. Man in the High Castle is creaking.....80% of every thing is set in a few rooms in Canon City (sp?) in the neutral zone, whic hampers the expansive nature of the novel. Mr Tagomi grimaces a lot & there are 1 0r 2 v dodgy German accents complete wiz all zese well worn accent characterizations. Baines is a bit of dope, surely his character is borderline terminator rather than some corn-fed blue eyed all merkin kid (although i get why that look has been chosen for such a duplicitous character) tbt i was pretty gutted it didnt started with Childan and his superbly observed anxiety, cultural inferiority and perpetual state of supposed faux pas, then build out, rather than start with the film leaking the grasshoper lies heavy......its just seems off-kilter somehow gonna persevere cos you cant judge a series on 4 episodes, but it might yet prove that PKD is a writer for the mind rather than the screen.
  22. Four Lions - rewatched to escape Jihadist news insania for what boils down to be a buddy film of desperate proportions god bless Chris Morris, noticed he directed a few eipisodes of VEEP, just wish the bloke released more material but i'll take quality over quantity every time
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