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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. shat out of good ol' fashioned merkin guts
  2. digging through my dearly departed old man's jazz gear tonight Sun Ra's "Night of the Purple Moon", "Jazz In Silhouette" & "Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy" - all varieties of the Man, the Band and their grooves Also found out the Arkestra are playing all over Britain this year - simply HAVE to plug my mind in to the almighty inner god-head for a few hours & to swing me mind-pants
  3. found out supposed to see an NHS consultant 6 weeks into treatment, 22+months later, still no appointment ironically i'd love access to firearms to go and cleanse the world of these specific cunts, but their NHS pin-licenses will suffice for now for the medical advocates who've helped more recently in this sewer of lies and deceit l i owe everything in this world
  4. saw it was a German production & after the success of Aaaaaaaaaaaaah (the gorilloid grunt comedy that seemed ridiculous to start with, but got a lot better with watching) thought it was pretty ballsy to try summat like this vaguely recalled a radio review/interview about it from the recent past, then saw it listed on ahem a certain dload site....bob's yer uncle so def summat for inbetween digging up the vegetable patch if the spring weather holds out, will report back
  5. gutted Tec, Stew is usually on point, missed these for various reasons maybe that fat bbc pay check curbed his bile
  6. the discrepancy gap between the kind of cunts who loudly preach the sort of pc-bs advocacy debated in the video above & what they actually do to further the plight of folks with (for example) trauma conditions tends to be of galaxy-sized proportions
  7. got "Er Ist Weider Die/Look Who's Back" for le weekend the premise....Hitler wakes up in the 21st century and tries his hand at stand up comedy rarely has the expression 'no idea what to expect' been more pertinent http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4176826/
  8. flaaaaaaaaasssssshback, quality still, cheers for the reminder
  9. with Ben Wheatley at the helm not a fan of Hiddlestone, but thats a minor issue here read some mixed reviews, rather find out for meself liiiiiike
  10. of Mendes? i googled Roosevelt + goat & the only thing that comes up is a tale regaling of Teddy R saving someone's pet goat once very generous & much nicer than fucking a dead pig's head for example, unless you really like bacon, then its all-out no safe-words mayhem
  11. Sean Connery sunday with me Ma: Outland (1981)...... been a long time since last viewing this & it stood up well. Yes its a bit patchy in terms of budget/effects, but just strays the right side of fromagery. 7/10 The Anderson Tapes.....another flashback, but much more solid heist filem (though nowt will trump Le Cercle Rouge). Loads of loads of 70's faces, proper "ah i know him from blah", but besides all that a fun blend of characters/tension/plot. 7.5/10 non-Connery rewatch of The Conversation (1974). How fuckin on top was Gene Hackman during this period? Its like an inverted French Connection, where the pace n pows are supplanted with fear & paranoia, plus this human loves the editing style. It adds so much more weight to the desperation & questioning, the morality traps & fallout from the 60's, but that dissonant audio technique really bites subconsciously too. Missus fell asleep. Say no more. 8/10
  12. what if Bernie was in the running? comparisons of systems are interesting, particularly @ election time. apologies if a tangent over-extended your train of thought - this thread has been clogged with a virtual highlights package of the worst the US system can throw up every other post but i guess gun-junkies letting off on cam with various hate bs constitutes an actual debate
  13. what if Bernie was in the running? comparisons of systems are interesting, particularly @ election time. apologies if a tangent over-extended your train of thought - this thread has been clogged with a virtual highlights package of the worst the US system can throw up every other post but i guess gun-junkies letting off on cam with various hate bs constitutes an actual debate
  14. re-Adieu - its brought up some interesting points, no rush bwlad, if u're busy/work stressness, things could wait ;) i can buy into "charity begins at home", but a lot of this appears like the privileged tiers saying "fuck paying for those people, their kids & their kind", when the entire system was built on slavery & genocide and from that perspective & as a Euro-pleb, our own continent owes entire cultures & continents innumerably vast reparations will that ever happen? will it fuck
  15. No, the road I use was funded long ago via government and taxes. It's irrelevant to the discussion of moving forward without government involvement in infrastructure I think. Sure, there is a middle-ground and it's taking government out of as many things as possible, and giving the freedom back to ourselves to make decisions in our best interest. I call this empowerment, and I think it brings the best out of people. I think the domino effect of good this would cause to occur in society is not being taken into account really. It requires people to not be lazy about their medical care, about their choices, it requires the attention of the individual to make sure they are doing the best for themselves, instead of a massive power structure that is trying assure us they are making the right decisions for us. It creates a sort of top down authoritarianism in thinking. I use doctors as an example, because I've had firsthand experience with basically wasting massive amounts of money and time trying to be healed by the medical system, and only when I took the problem into my own hands was I able to achieve good health. Had that authoritarian structure not existed, and I and everyone else around me, understood that doctors aren't authorities on health, it would have changed my approach from the start I think. It would have been much better I think. Even medical certification is sort of a false assurance. Sure, there are some basic things it requires of the doctor to have achieved, but it absolutely does not mean you're going to get a doctor that is good at what they do and makes the right decisions to heal you. They may even make decisions that hurt you, because the medical field is so massive and misguided that this often occurs. Obviously this is generalized and there are GREAT doctors out there, but I propose that they would be there anyway. surely sketchiness would exist in both pvt and public environs? in Britain its frequently the case that advocacy groups & charities regulate/police the public health service, as an example also, if yer US-based & take on the entrepreneurial spirit, build a business small or otherwise, why does the cost of employees health insurance fall on/have to burden the employer? never quite got this angle plenty of folks work hard in the US, yet live decidedly unhealthy lifestyles, obesity for instance why should i (for example) as an employer pay for diabetes treatment if i had good staff but who just liked cake a bit too often? wouldnt that entail prejudicial employment practices etc, ie: you interview someone who has a superb cv but their body-mass index looks a tad pronounced? not judging your ideology, just curious
  16. what happens if roads get fully privatized and you're not granted access to actually travel on them? not cos you couldnt afford to, more that some oligarch just feels like telling the peasantry to find alternative routes? call in the military? channel Ayn Rand? also, if u look at the Severn Bridge toll charges here in deepest Britannia, u'll find they cause a great deal of harm to the local economy on both sides of the border (just 1 counter-example). a US example - an ex used to "borrow" her relative's bridge payment waiver thingy all the time = technically a crime, but folks just used to shrug "but every1 else does it too!" the Danes pay approx 50% income tax and they're (technically) the happiest folks on the planet just a thought
  17. the road you live on works this way too, yes? this whole "the market" can decide everything is as big a disillusion as believing the state can do likewise there has to be a middle ground, surely? more to the point, why is it that Europeans rarely use these kinda "market-faith" derived positions as core principals? not being a culture snob, just curious, having lived in the US for a while and visited regularly. describing how the NHS works would make some folks i talked with metaphorically spew
  18. whats about interstates/motorways, bridges, natural disasters.....u know, things like infrastructure?
  19. i think you might've met an unbridgeable ideological fissure here Caze
  20. ps: bizarrely, last time i was in DC i had a series of truly grotesque nightmares (ask the psycho ex) about this thing called Skynet in the building walls voila, idiot savant strikes again: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/feb/21/death-from-above-nia-csa-skynet-algorithm-drones-pakistan
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