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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan


    By sheer luck, I happened to plan my trip to Tokyo to get in yesterday. So I'm here. Yes, the tweet references scramble crossing in Shibuya. I will head there this evening at 9:30 JST and start streaming the event. My Twitter is @tumes, I'll tweet the periscope link there. More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/4p26z2/i_just_happen_to_be_in_tokyo_will_broadcast_the/


    Toppest of blokes!





    ^for real




    you're a doll tumes


    an absolute doll.



    I doubt he is release his softsynth yet. He said he wouldn't do it until he'd created and released tracks with it. It doesn't sound like these tracks are related to that softsynth.



    He actually said he would do something like that? When? I thought it was just an idea generated by watmm speculation when the flyer surfaced. I know Joyrex mentioned something about gear, but he said he was going to make his own soft synth and make tracks with it too? Hell yeah.


    Somebody in the cheetah thread dug up the comment.




    EDIT: He didn't say the word "release" - i was wrong.




    Thanks. Dude said so many great things (many of which have already come to fruition) that I actually forgot about this.



  3. I doubt he is release his softsynth yet. He said he wouldn't do it until he'd created and released tracks with it. It doesn't sound like these tracks are related to that softsynth.



    He actually said he would do something like that? When? I thought it was just an idea generated by watmm speculation when the flyer surfaced. I know Joyrex mentioned something about gear, but he said he was going to make his own soft synth and make tracks with it too? Hell yeah.

  4. First I just grabbed the CD and Bleep tried to charge me with like $14 tracking S&H for a $13 dollar CD. Then I saw the shirts and heard the complaints, cancelled the first order and got a CD and this:


    and all of a sudden I got the standard $8 S&H rate I was hoping for. First the exponential price increase for 24 bit WAVs and now this? we gotta watch these fuckers man.

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