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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan

  1. he said he redid it, it's unclear what he meant though.


    and i believe the time was right around when he was working on the tuss...



    fingers crossed. But a remaster with tracks that weren't included or whatever would be great as well.


    Why is no one excited for the cheetah ep?


    Hell yeah I'm excited for that.

    And the T-series tracks.

    And the remade MFM.

    And the news that he is approximately 50% done making SAWIII.

    And the reissue of Mike & Rich.


    we've something quite a lot more exciting in the pipeline?

    Is this what Mike was referring to yesterday?


    And the reissue of SAW I w/bonus tracks.

    And the fact that he said he may do some surprise shows.

  2. It was likely just transference. Jev saw people over at 4chan lightin' her up and couldn't lash out or defend herself. You strolled in and called her out and shit got personal.

  3. aaaaaaand it's over.





    Enjoyed it more than I was expecting honestly. First impression is a 7/10. Could very well prove to be a grower though. Time well tell.


    Will jam again.


    Spaces how V is nice. I'm liking what I've heard from 4 and 5 more so than what was on the first three parts.


    I'll have to get to pendulu/curvcaten and the rest of 2-3 later, but feed1 and the first 3 minutes of c16 blow my mind. I have yet to dig into the last part of c16 which feels kind of silly atm. Also eastre is beautiful and c7b2 is a 'banger.


    and yeah good times, lets chill and have fun



    yeah, those were standouts for me as well. I'm not a big Autechre fan by any means, but when something does resonate with me it's really cool. Theres been quite a few really cool tracks and moments throughout. I think 5 is the best yet. Freulaeux and, currently oneum that I'm listening to are two really cool ways to draw the whole thing to a close.

  5. love the emotional eruption in latentcall at around 6 minutes too.



    That's what I'm listening to right now for the first time. Definitely one of the tracks I enjoy the most.

  6. Wouldn't surprise me if some cutting-edge musicians started selling 8kbps 22050hz mp3s. The vinyl and cassette market can only hold for so long.

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