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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan

  1. The German short-haired pointer gracing the cover of SAW III is not only from a breed known for their superior hearing (note the prominent vascularity in the dog's ears, a trait that's been selected for over countless generations) in locating pheasants and other critters along with their other senses, they also are extremely sensitive to any sort of dissonance or high frequency noises. Actually, they've been used in the past (and less frequently in the present) as aids to more than a few orchestras around the world to point out where something may sound amiss. Handel and Wagner were known to bring one with them to rehearsals for that very reason.



    So no. It's not just a dog. And if that blissful expression on its face is any indication of what's to come you better believe it's going to be lush.

  2. got me this stunning album Year Of No Light - Tocsin

    instrumental droney, doomy, post black metal whatever that is so beautifull and heavyyy like fuck!!

    blows me out of my socks, absolute must have release



    Nice. Haven't checked out anything since Ausserwalt. Not sure why, when it comes to instrumental rock they're damn good.

  3. i fucking hate brownout



    Yeah, I went from really enjoying it to wanting to throw a M-67 fragmentation grenade through the closing doors of an elevator Phoenecia occupied.


    How dare they make Brownout.

  4. Mega late on learning about Phoenecia, listened to Brownout for the first time and bought it immediately after. Hoping it holds up on repeat listens, but goddamn, it made one hell of a first impression.


    Two albums that may sound somewhat similar I'd say are Terria (my personal favorite alongside Ocean Machine) or maybe Accelerated Evolution.


    good call, these albums are awesome!



    I feel like the majority of his albums are either great or at the very least have moments of brilliance scattered throughout. Also, wasn't trying to sound like a dick as I love Pink Floyd as well, it was just the specific nature of the question and my inability to really draw a connection between the two albums that had me a bit confused. You're right to ask about which albums may sound similar, however, as he really runs the gamut in terms of style. He's done everything from metal, progressive, pop, country, acoustic, avant garde, bubblegum punk (pretty funny concept album), electronic (probably his weakest releases), to musicals. And apparently his next album, after another DTP release, will be straight up classical music from what I've heard.

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