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Everything posted by caze

  1. This is the tough bit. WATMM's mandatory paid memberships are both a blessing and a curse. It'll pretty much eliminate vote abuse as nobody's gonna spend time, effort and money on setting up additional accounts. (Maybe one or two will, but this is probably the best defence against exploiting the poll imo) On the other hand, people shouldn't have to pay for their vote. It should be free and open to everyone who frequents the Soundcloud account. Facebook log-in? Email confirmation? Handwritten by post? ;) fuck facebook
  2. amazing, best of pals.
  3. correct in principle, but somewhat inaccurate. 16 bit audio has around 96dB of dynamic range, decent stereo equipment and human ears have more like 120-130db of dynamic range. so 24 bit is audible - if you have a good stereo and if the audio is not massively compressed. otherwise, yeah, diff btwn 16/24 is not really audible to the avg listener. the "you don't need to go over 44.1k because you can't hear over 20k" thing many ppl believe is also missing the point a bit. audio recorded at 44.1 has to be filtered to prevent aliasing, and this filter rolls off audible frequencies due to the slope of the filter, as well as causing audible phase distortion. this is why older converters sound better at higher sampling rates, because the filter is not needed, or is at such a high freq the artifacts are inaudible. most converters today always record at 96k-384k sampling rate, and downconvert on the fly to the rate you request. so you don't hear the diff between 44.1k and 96k coz everything is recorded at 96k or higher. sorry for ot, just see these misconceptions all the time. 24 bit is up to 120 db after dithering, 96 db is already pretty high though, and still vastly more than vinyl or cassette. 120 db is already approaching the pain threshold, close to the noise of an aircraft taking off, and would result in permanent hearing loss if endured for too long (well over environmental safety limits in most developed countries). you're not correcting any misconceptions, I already mentioned the filters, and the dithering process also makes a difference (if it's a freq-shaped dither). you're right about the higher frequencies in the ADs these days, left that out for brevity (though they run at higher clock speeds for economic reasons as much as quality, you could make chips just as accurate with slower clocks for extra cost), the point is whether the final encoding makes a difference, and extra bits and samples get you nothing. there might be a slight argument in adopting 24 bit in order to skip the dithering stage (because then any distortion would be well below the noise floor of the hardware being used), but that just simplifies the process (becomes a cost of storage vs cost of DAC argument), it doesn't result in better quality audio.
  4. caze

    Now Reading

    Reading Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks, great stuff as expected. It's been mostly the usual case studies so far, not sure if gets into his own psychonautic experimentation at any point, but I hope so. I once hallucinated the face of Jesus on a wall while completely sober, was not in any way a religious experience, but offered me insight into how others may have been fooled throughout time.
  5. 24 bit is a complete waste of time, the bit rate only represents the dynamic range, 16 bit is already far more than is required to handle both quietest sounds the human ear can hear, and the loudest sounds that will actually cause pain and damage your hearing. Vinyl has about half the dynamic range as a 16 bit source for example. High bit rates only make sense in production and mixing, when that extra range can be useful to have in the signal path, but the final mixdown need never be higher than 16 bit. Higher sampling rates can capture higher frequencies, and that is all, they cannot improve on the reproduction of the lower frequencies that are already being recorded, which is solely dependant on the quality of the AD/DA converters (and the filters they use), and the dithering algorithm being used. 44.1khz samples (which result in handling frequencies up to 22.05khz) should be more than enough for virtually every human ear, we cannot hear above 20khz, and most adults not much above 16-18khz, so there's already plenty of unnecessary data in there, adding more is a waste of time. Again, in terms of music production having extra frequency data might be helpful if you want to play around with it, but a final mixdown will never require it. That doesn't mean that people can't genuinely tell the difference between so called high def releases (though in most cases they probably can't), but in the cases where there is a genuine difference it's down to the fact that the high def release will have been mastered differently. If you conduct blinded tests between a regular CD release and a HD release you'll be dealing with different masters, the main difference probably being that the HD release will be louder (which is enough to fool a person into thinking the overall quality is better). If however you did the test based off a high def release and a transcode of that release to 44/16 then no-one could tell the difference.
  6. I don't believe in people hearing the difference, unless it was sourced from a different master than the 16-bit CD mad props to ya yup. 24bit is a waste of time.
  7. It's starting to stray too far from the books now, the odd detail here and there made sense, but they're cutting whole swathes of the book and loads of characters now, and at the rate they're progressing through it they'll finish before even the next book is finished, may have to stop watching after this season, don't want to spoil the books.
  8. No they wouldn't, some would maybe, I'm not. It is conflicting though, eventually I'd like to eat vat grown meat, thats a few decades away at least though (the current stuff is pretty tasteless, and ridiculously expensive).
  9. they're a manufacturer of tape recorders and other hifi equipment.
  10. watched it last night, thought the story was some atrocious fairy tale like nonsense. the action sequences were just confusing, hard to follow what was getting shot at and by who. the visual scale of the thing was impressive though, and very well executed, even if I didn't quite dig the aesthetic at times, some of it was nice though. also, the big idea behind everything was just as retarded as the human battery nonsense from the matrix. just finished watching Inherent Vice, not sure what to make of it at all. Left me very non-plussed indeed. I think I liked it though, want to watch it again, interested to read the book as well. Great atmosphere. Music was great. Was shot really well, as expected. Story was very hard to follow though, was hard enough keeping track of the names of all the characters.
  11. Isn't that more likely to be a third world problem?
  12. I don't think you can, or at least can't see any way to temporarily disable my own account. Maybe it's different for Pro users? Or maybe he sent them an e-mail and asked them to fix it from a backup or something?
  13. yeah, there's been a lot of terrible shit on here, but a lot of it you can at least laugh at, that one is just offensive on every level.
  14. that was just set up by some guy to visualise the tracks, now it has no data to work with.
  15. Was me who mentioned that 'shit knock-offs' comment, but I think that was one of the user-name squatters. It was under the 8user... username, but he'd already moved to user{BIRTH_DATE} at that point.
  16. 3rd armpit's url probably used to be someting like https://soundcloud.com/3rdarmpit, after afx deleted his account he went into his profile and changed the URL to https://soundcloud.com/user18081971. There was only ever one 3rd armpit account. Though as I write this, he seems to have changed the URL, probably realised he was being a sap.
  17. you just need to edit your profile and change the URL.
  18. all my likes and reposts of the tracks are gone. might be some other cache in between you and the server. What happens when you try to look at his user account profile? I'm going to the page but have a message 'can't connect...retry' Sorry! We can't find that user.
  19. all my likes and reposts of the tracks are gone. might be some other cache in between you and the server.
  20. comment is now: "what an opportunity to promote my shit knock-offs"
  21. ha, he's just posted a comment saying he hasn't received his grammy yet, but when he gets it he's going to keep it in the toilet.
  22. he just changed the name to include 8 of clubs in there for some reason.
  23. Cornish Spreek5b [st. Nectan S Glen Waterfalls Mix] =
  24. caze


    yeah, bandcamp is great. i pretty much only buy from there, bleep occasionally as well.
  25. I only realised the other week that I'd been listening to 128 kbps rips of several 90s classics for many years now (Hard Normal Daddy for example), I lost the CDs years ago and never bothered getting new rips. At the end of the day good music will sound good no matter what format it's in.
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