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Posts posted by mcbpete

  1. repeated listens to some of their tracks should convince you there is significant 'large-scale' structure in there.

    This is exactly it, and exactly the appeal of VHS Head to me. I think I've mentioned before how when I first listened to Video Club that I couldn't even make it through the samples on Boomkat, but something later on played on my mind and I gave the samples another go. I then thought, OK I'll give it a cheeky download - listened to that a couple of times then bought it. So it took me about 5 goes before I got even the little 20 minute EP - this album took me about twice that before I really started appreciating the sheer detail and depth of it all.


    So yeah, it's an album that does require significant effort but definitely rewards. And as for the age thing earlier, in a few months I'll be 29 so I don't think it's an album exclusively for the early 20s demographic at all....

  2. I can tell the album is masterful, but I daresay to dense for my tastses.

    That's actually what's so awesome about it (IMO anyways). Much like last decade Autechre your brain just can't take everything in the first few listens and it's all just too much. Then one by one elements of utter excellence subtly slide in as your ears finally adjust to the crazy intense world.


    I heard this album again today after a one month gap of near constant plays (I was overplaying it if I'm honest) and it was like an eccentric but loveable long-lost friend had come back to visit again. I would say this is probably my album of the year.

  3. I was gonna rename the thread to what I thought was the correct spelling and have just realised I've been incorrectly referring to Italo Disco as 'Italio' Disco for about 3 years now. :facepalm:

    Good god, the shame you must be living under.


    Well it took me three months of therapy but I finally got over it ... and now you've brought all the raw emotions back up again. Damn you. Damn you to hell :cry:

  4. Didn't really like the EP but judging by the sample track and cool references I'm down to give this another shot.

    Definitely do, I actually hated the EP on first listen but for some reason I kept on going back to it. Within 4 or 5 listens something just clicked and it became one of my favourite releases of last year.

  5. Might have to nominate migraines for most IDM thing next year.

    I think it was nominated to the year that black holes won it. I think it got to the quarter finals or something ....

  6. I remember the first time I got one (I was typing up a BASIC listing from a magazine - yeah, I was a hip kid, pretty fly you might say !) I was completely convinced I was going blind and I played through the entire life changes I'd have to make if I did happen to go blind. Then the headache kicked in and I don't think there was any brain capacity for more thoughts as it was 100% dedicated to pain processing !

  7. Woah that's a strange coincidence, I had an migraine earlier this evening and was thinking about posting this exact same topic.


    I too get migraine's with aura, and the video above *sort of* is similar to the ones that I get - though instead of moving to the right side of the vision 99% of the time it'll be a mirror image of that video and move to the left side. Mine are less flickery than that video makes out, mine are more pulse like (like the plasma effects you got on old amiga demos) and more colourful with usually greens, blues and purples - though in the more defined 'polygonal'-like parts the close banding of the colours can sometimes look monochrome. Mine also take up a much larger portion of my vision with probably at the peak of the size of the aura taking over about 50% of my vision.


    Mine generally follow the structure of this over time:




    But end up this sort of size with similar colouring (though the colours quickly cycle):



  8. God, that 40 minute Blue Room is marvellous. Why weren't more singles like that?

    Hey man, I remember having this conversation with you a while back trying to convince you that it wasn't shit, glad you've come the right side of thinking again :beer:

  9. IMO Vol.2 is much better than Vol.1, it's much more coherent as an album. However Vol.1 does include some quite nice old archive tracks


    I've never really got Pomme Fritz, I know it got slated on release and I can kinda see why as it seems to meander all over the shop from start to end. Although I do enjoy the stupidity of the last track....

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