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Everything posted by Polytrix

  1. I was thinking about this before and I find it kind of crazy that despite not being on facebook, I'm still on here which is still social media but for a different set of people. Perhaps it's the fact that this is largely anonymous and people are into cool shit and happy to help each other out. It's kinda sad that the people I've actually gotten to know and used to be in contact with, for good or bad, via facebook were seemingly less available and certainly less interesting...but that's cause we are all music heads here and connected by common interests. I'd buy you all a pint if I ever met you...we'd have a fucking massive rave I'm sure. haha. But yeah, cyberspace life is very unreal. I personally really just enjoy being very honest with people online recently no matter the consequences. It's all quite throw away really so you may as well just embrace it. Like right now I'm writing to all you people and I have no idea really where the fuck you are writing from or what you do in your lives...to be connected in such a seemingly easy fashion with you all is at one time incredible but also quite frightening. Which begs the question why people prefer to lie about themselves online when to some extent we all know it's not real life anyway.... I'm rambling.
  2. Yeah I rejoined under a different name as I needed to join specialist related groups for my job but I still get flooded by facebook telling me I should make friends with the contacts in my email etc..just ignore them. But yeah, it's how it's built right...it makes money by you having a 'real' online existence with friends so they can advertise stuff and get data from it.
  3. I left Facebook about a year ago and am doing just fine without. I'm probably a little ostracized in some of my friend's opinions but when I call them to catch up..it's so much nicer and more real. I found I was hardly using it to stay in meaningful contact with friends anyway and spent most of my time on it procrastinating or getting annoyed by people, including close family, disclosing really personal things to loads of people without considering how they are portraying themselves or what they are sharing. I also think autopilot's last comment above is really important, people who prefer to send meaningless forms of conversation are probably not a positive influence in your life. I prefer to amplify the positive and when you get random messages from people who clearly have only messaged you as they've lurked your profile and then the conversation dies...it's kinda heartless. Equally though, I totally see the benefits as a communication medium and knowledge sharing (you just have to wade through a hell of a lot of useless shit to get there). In my opinion, I find it hard to believe that sites like FB have an overall positive effect rather than a negative...I went through a really difficult time a few months back and being free from sites like that helped me clear my mind and start again. It's mad to think they have such a pull on us. I find that really scary. In South Korea, I used to watch really young teenagers glued to their phones instead of interacting at all with their peers or sharing experiences...there is a really high incidence of people simply walking into the road as they are more invested in their online lives than their personal safety when out walking in the street!
  4. Dude, this is seriously excellent stuff. Would purchase some tasty WAV files if they are going.
  5. I've been listening to Morbid Angel recently...check it out.
  6. So full of passion and sincerity. Enjoy
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I was listening to this whilst browsing this forum and it seemed to sync up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnG8PtcT9O8
  8. Love this one! Aphex Acid for dinner. I don't know about you guys but the sound of a 303 basically got me into electronic music :) Mainly via Rich
  9. Fuck, wow, that could be what kills all this in the end then? He get's sued for unlicensed samples which he would have gotten away with it was wasn't for the mass appeal this is achieving. I do expect him to stop soon and make it all official as he's getting really invested in it. I clearly don't want it to stop though. Wicked stuff.
  10. I send him messages randomly thanking him for specific tracks and sharing youtube videos of cool random stuff. Sent him a quick message then saying he should ignore the fools sending shitty messages. I wonder who was considering suing him? Personally, I love all this music but the idea of new, mixed and mastered stuff is even more exciting. I've recently ripped all my Aphex vinyl to WAV and listening back to it all through my monitors is gorgeous - Selected Ambient Works. Stunning.
  11. I think he's already sitting on some incredible things that will get released anyway so I kinda feel even though what he is uploading is mostly pure gold (i.e. Pretend Analog Extmix 2b) there is a lot more to come! Nice to be off work sick so I can listen to the last steaming dump of joy.
  12. This is also repetition but whatever. I just finished downloading the megarchive as my download sets had gotten a bit confusing and scattered so good to have it all in one place. THANKS TO ALL who were involved. Especially with regard to ripping the recent set as I haven't had time. 10 In The Sky is just wow. It makes me see shapes and colours. Yeah, I'd appreciate an ambient shifting into harder acid/techno stuff playlist if someone wants to make one.
  13. Well I still haven't stopped listening to Medievil Rave MK2. A personal favourite.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgiL7lsIATA&feature=iv&src_vid=baMs9P50J-w&annotation_id=annotation_3514303439 Just incredibly inspiring. Enjoy if you haven't already seen it.
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