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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I'm pretty sure if enough of us get a Wavestate and all play the same chord at the same time it will literally manifest the Alien Autopsy into physical existence in our own homes.
  2. Can't afford a Wavestate so I'll be contrarian and say I hope the Wavestate pushes down the prices of old Wavestations so I can get a Wavestation A/D for like $150 since I missed my chance last time they were that cheap. Wavestate.
  3. It was like eating one of those gel insoles.
  4. I'm a folder, I don't knead at all, but its fun that way too.
  5. I've got to say, Reaktor Blocks is actually pretty fun now that I have a laptop that's only 2 years old instead of 8 years old.
  6. I'll add mine to my signature. I haven't used the actual Weeklybeats site before (the 2019 one was a side thing on streak.club or something) but as far as I can tell the tracks don't actually go live until the end of the week they're submitted. Don't get to excited about the one I've got up there now, I'm away from home so all I had was Reaktor, Reaper, a couple of plugins, and a pair of headphones, and I'm pretty crap with Reaktor so it's really just an aimless generative thing with some mix automation and reverb. https://weeklybeats.com/tubularcorporation
  7. UPDATE: Gluten free pizza dough is "dough" in the same sense that Play-Doh is "dough" but I managed to squish it all together into a sort of halfassed pan pizza. No way it would have made a calzone, it's was more like making a really big, thick tortilla with pizza toppings on it than like making an actual pizza. Lesson learned!
  8. Have been. Was OK.
  9. Got some dough ready, making calzones tonight. EDIT: I just bought some off the shelf dough at he local market since I'm away from home and didn't feel like making it from scratch, and it turns out I accidentally got GUTEN FREE PIZZA DOUGH. That's just not right.
  10. Yeah, I want to like it but then when I do it I don't like it. It feels like part of the value for me of working on stuff in a home studio is that it's one of the few parts of life left that isn't public in some way, and whenever I stream it feels like I'm violating something. I'll probably give it another shot at some point, though.
  11. The unreleased Ulillillia documentary from 2012 was officially put up on Youtube last night. It's a New Year Miracle!
  12. Every time I actually stream it takes me maybe two sessions to realize I don't like streaming at all. As much as I love playing live, streaming doesn't feel like live performance in any way to me.
  13. The Cat sounds pretty excellent, most interesting one so far IMO.
  14. Whenever anyone posts anything about BoC the first thing that comes to my mind is BOC. Can't help it.
  15. I have trouble with these not so much because I'm not working on stuff consistently, but because I don't draw a distinction between working on recorded music, playing/writing with other people, noodling around with video experiments and building things, so I might be working really hard all week but not produce any music at all. And to be honest, I don't think there IS a clear distinction between any of those things, compartmentalizing is overrated. Still going to give it a shot, though, even if I just post a quick improvised thing every week. EDIT: already uploaded something.
  16. Now that I've got some undiagnosed health stuff that was making me chronically tired diagnosed and under control maybe I'll give this another shot. OTOH I've got a ton of stuff I want to build so we'll see how the time pans out.
  17. God damn it, between getting paid for fall editing work and getting a bit of cash from a relative for Christmas and the money I had saved up for the last of the parts I needed for the huge 2020 synth build and Perfect Circuit having a sale, I just ordered a Kilpatrick Phenol. Has this sort of beepy, almost clinical, 1970s sci-fi computer sound (without actually sounding like any specific vintage synth) in all of the demos that I find really inspiring and can't really get out of anything in my current setup. I'd had my eyes on it when it was first in the crowdfunding phase but I wasn't in a position to get one back then and it kind of fell off my radar for a while. I really like the idea of having a single modular desktop box that can get into more deep/semi-generative modular sounding areas than Even though it's a completely different instrument the form factor kind of gives me a VCS3/Synthi feel. Plus I'm a sucker for anything with banana jacks. We'll see.
  18. I was going to offer to fix them if you sent me both, keep one as payment and send the other back, but then I looked at what they still sell for and that wouldn't be a good deal for you at all. You should be able to get a $10 soldering iron, take the bottom panel off and jsut remelt the older that's holding the jacks on because there's about a %99.9 chance that's all it needs. Then sell them both and make like $350.
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