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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. Must be regional, because I checked eBay USA before I posted and all of the things I listed had multiple examples currently available or recently sold in the $300-$450 range (except the Junos, those seem like they're going back up again) whereas all the Matrix 1000s were $900-$1200. A Wavestation A/D sold for less than $225 a couple weeks ago.
  2. I figured out a way to get some (bought a cheap kit for a 12 point passive mult so I can scavange the 11 jacks I need from it for now and then build it to replace my shoddy 6 point hand wired one in a couple months when I can get more jacks easily) but I really appreciate the offer. EDIT: also half of the 7mm spacers (I mistyped 6mm earlier, that wouldn't have been as big a hassle) showed up, and that's enough to get the front panel on temporarily so I can get encoders and switches mounted.
  3. WRT the Matrix 1000, mentioned above, I was going to say I've had one for years and they have a lot of charm (with a good programmer, software or hardware) but for the price they fetch now you could get TWO ESQ-M or SQ80-M rack modules, or one of either of those AND a Wavestation A/D (or Roland D-550), and cover a lot more ground. Throw in the cost of a hardware controller (even DIY) and you're getting to the point where you could buy and polychain at least four Bass Station Racks and get a different but similar sound (plus external audio inputs per-voice, MIDI to CV/gate per voice...). I really like the Matrix 1000 but I would NOT buy one at today's prices.
  4. Thonkiconn jacks (and the Tayada clones) are out of stock almost everywhere in the world right now because they've been heavily restricting shipping them during the quarantine. Only place I could find them was in Scandanavia and shipping was so expensive it was cheaper to just buy a cheap mult kit, use the jacks it shipped with, and then replace them and build it in a few months when things smooth out a bit. All I want are some jacks and some 6mm m2.5 brass spacers (those have been sitting in customs for weeks and that specific size is surprisingly hard to source from anywhere but China) so I can finish building all of the gear I'm in the middle of on before they send us back to work.
  5. It's kind of cheating to call it a plugin, but if I could use one paid plugin it would be Reaktor (bought during their annual half off sale of course). There are plenty of really good free plugins out there, and whatever you can't do with them you could probably do with Reaktor.
  6. I still need to get something like a 4P8T rotary switch and caps to add the sidechain highpass filter and insert, and get some better knobs, but the GSSL is sounding really, really good. So glad I finally finished it. If I was doing it again I'd have the front panel made with the markings around the knobs spaced out more, I'd really like some big, chunky .75" or even 1" knobs for the threshold and makeup, and chickenheads or something similar for the rotary switches. As it is, even those green knobs are pushing it. Also I might not have bothered with the fancy illuminated push switches if I'd realized the LEDs aren't actually switched and stay on all the time, so they don't actually show the state of the switch at all. Still look and feel nice, but not really worth the extra hassle and cost (plus with toggles there would have been room to put the power switch on the front panel).
  7. I've only messed with it superficially on Linux, but there are MacOS and Windows builds of Jack available: https://jackaudio.org/downloads/ You'd still need something to host the VST but it could help with routing. Maybe something like the standalone version of Kushview Element would be a more practical option than Reaper, although it doesn't get much lighter on the resources than Reaper. https://kushview.net/element/
  8. There's no way I could fit those in my space, I've thought about it.
  9. My dream is to live someplace where I can treat the acoustics, that looks great and is probably nice to mix in.
  10. Setup I've been using for online collabs (broken down for the night): Guitar goes into the Boss BE-5 compressor, distortion and noise suppressor, out of the effects send into the little tube preamp, from there into a patch in the top row of the Eurorack case, out from an instrument-level send at the end of the patch to the return on the BE-5, through the delay and chorus in there back to the Eurorack, into the spring reverb module and then out to an input on the Octatrack. Everything else is pretty simple, mono outs from the Mother 32, Tanzmaus and EleVAta to the other three Octatrack inputs, out through a compressor (finally had time to finish the GSSL I started a long time ago) to the interface.
  11. That's what I get for trusting Wikipedia, they hadn't updated the number since May of 2010 when it was slightly over 18,000 confirmed deaths - that larger figure is from August 2010. Either way, we're still a couple hundred thousand below the average flu season (around 250k deaths a year from flu is normal) but this has the potential to be a lot worse than that. And yeah, the "losing a quarter of the world population" thing was miswording, the 25% is actually the high-ball projection for the economic decline in this country over the next couple of months (actually 24%), juggling too many messages and posts at once. Anyhow, botched number notwithstanding, my point was that it's unlikely this will be on the same scale as 1918 becaseu so many of the conditions that led to it aren't present now, regardless of this virus being potentially more contagious, but we're already in worse shape than at this stage of the 2009 pandemic and a lot of countries are proving a lot less prepared this time around.
  12. Friend of my family who was hospitalized with it last weekend requested hospice today. No idea if he's still alive or not, because the only contact we have is with his wife, who is in quarantine now herself and has no direct contact with him. Pretty terrible situation, and there's going to be a whole lot more, there've only been a few deaths in that state so far. My folks have about a 2-3 month supply of food now so as long as they're still clear in about 10 days they stand a good chance of weathering this but I expect to lose some people over the next few months, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to self quarantine and a lot of (probably most) people who are lucky enough still aren't doing it. I don't think it will be as bad as 1918-20 since but it's already a lot worse than 2009. I'm hoping it'll be comparable to 1968, which is pretty bad but a lot better than losing a quarter of the world population. Stay safe, everybody.
  13. Yeah, I heard the other day that projections for the big surge put it most likely Monday or Tuesday but it wasn't clear if they meant NYC specifically or the whole USA. Plus Spring Break ends tomorrow, so all of the idiots who caught it when they were partying in Florida this week are going to be spreading it all over the place soon.
  14. I think you missed my point there.
  15. Anyway, if it makes everyone feel better I did some quick math and only around 0.002% of the world's population has been infected so far, and more than a third of them have already recovered. So it's pretty rare in absolute numbers. If I calculated right, the odds of actually catching and dying from it are about 1 in 825,000 right now. OTOH a couple yeas ago my dad developed a rare autoimmune disorder that only about 1 in 1,200,000 people get so I'm not putting too much stock in odds.
  16. As a sort of wishy washy long time Kropotkin fan I'm skeptical of M-Ls but I'll check it out. Usually they're pretty much on the same page as me in the short to medium term, and beyond that everyone's jsut talking out their ass really because we never have any idea how things are actually going to turn out.
  17. If it makes you feel any better, most of the stuff I've read lists sore throat and headache as pretty uncommon COVID symptoms. This is a pretty good list: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200310/know-the-symptoms-of-covid19
  18. Yeah, sorry THawkins, I was actually just getting ready to go through those finally.
  19. I've pulled off two no-death runs of the Turbo Tunnel in the last 24 hours. Thanks, Covid-19.
  20. Not official yet but we were told this afternoon to not expect work to reopen until May at the earliest.
  21. That's what my state gov't is saying, too. They're now down to no gatherings above 25 and estimating 5 weeks minimum of exponential increase.
  22. That really sucks, is WA providing unemployment benefits for people who are temporarily out of work because of it?
  23. Hasn't been bad so far, but when it warms up more consistently it'll be rough for about a week. Usually it doesn't hit me until late April or early May but this year there have been so many out of season warm days that I get a few days of allergies every time one hits, and it's a little worse each time. I'm actually hoping that kind of eases me in to it, because usually the first 4 or 5 days of allergy season proper basically feel like having a really severe cold and that's the last thing I want to be feeling right now! Anyway, I'd put money on me being called in for testing by the end of the week regardless, just because of where I work.
  24. I've had hay fever since last Wednesday, which basically means I wake up with a cough and scratchy throat every morning but as long as I stay inside it clears up by lunch time, and it's very much a WET cough. Happens every spring but it's more unwelcome than ever this year.
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