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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. Also in the technichally not Krautrock but appeals to a similar sensibility, check out Church of Anthrax by John Cale and Terry Riley. They both hated it. It's really good.
  2. Malcolm Mooney era Can - Delay 1968, Monster Movie Anything by Popol Vuh if that counts German Oak Neu!, obviously Cluster and Kluster and Harmonia are all good Brainticket is more Swiss space music but I think they should count anyway.
  3. I thought about pitch control and direct outputs but it sounds like they don't work too well for some of the sounds because a lot of the samples in ROM are actually two sounds interleaved in some way (all of the samples that can't be played simultaneously), so the individual outs and pitch controls are more for groups than for individual sounds, and I guess at least some of the sounds have to be tapped before their VCAs, so you don't actually get the proper envelope - so, like, the cymbal will just be a full volume sample with a hard cutoff, instead of decaying naturally. I'm a bit fuzzy on the specifics because I looked in to it years ago before I got rid of my first 505 and decided that it wouldn't be useful enough to make it worth the trouble for me. The 626 has both but from what I've read its MIDI implementation isn't that good, I guess the 505 is arguably the best of the original x0x machines for using as a sequencer even though it's one of the worst as a standalone box. What I was thinking of doing is adding the board that gives you three more banks of samples, not a huge change but enough to make it a lot more flexible and IIRC you can easily swap in your own EPROM sample sets too, if you can make them. Anyway I wouldn't really recommend a 505 as a standalone drum machine for most people, but for $150 or so (which is what they still seem to go for in the original box these days, even less loose - at least last fall they did when we were figuring out a fair trade for the one I have now) they're a nice drum sequencer to pair with other gear. I got a Roland MT-32 for a few dollars years ago and using that for the drum sounds with the 505 as the sequencer gets into som ereally great, mid-fi late 80s EBM/industrial/synthpop territory really quickly.
  4. I haven't had my hands ona 707 since before I knew what to do with one (my guitar teacher had one back when I was a kid) but I've gone through a couple of 505s over the years and every time I get rid of one I regret it becasue even though the sound is kind of bland and limiting, the sequencer is one of the most fun I've ever used and I always end up coming up with ideas on it that I don't on other drum machines. A guy I play music with lately found one in the box for $5 at an estate sale last year and traded it to me, and I've been thinking about doing the expanded ROM mod on this one.
  5. Corona has claimed almost 2.5% as many people wordwide as died in car accidents in the month of January in the USA in 2010 (the most recent year I could easily find numbers for), clearly we're all doomed.
  6. He had me when I noticed all those Electrix units front and center in his desk rack. That's not what I'm used to seeing.
  7. I really, REALLY want one of these for the old Wavestation SR, but € 230 is not even close to an option right now. He's just using it for the same old analog synth waveforms and playing soem stereotypical 80s chords, but there's so much potential here.
  8. Uli, is that you? Please reissue the Rev2496 V-Verb!
  9. That's how I feel about analog subtractive synths in general for the most part. They're useful, some of them sound really good, but another one coming out doesn't seem like news to me no matter who made it. I've finally dipped my toes into building a small eurorack system as of about a month ago and the key guiding principle I'm following is no oscillators in it at all.
  10. A 70s or even 80s (now that the 70s ones aren't so cheap) Ibanez is usually going to be better than anything Gibson put out after 1970 or so. Especially the pre-lawsuit ones that were basically Gibson clones but higher quality, but again those aren't cheap anymore. Still, something like this may not be exactly low budget but it's a really good deal for the quality (assuming it's legit, and I'm guessing at this point the hardware upgrades brought the value DOWN so it probably is). EDIT: just noticed it's a bolt-on, which says nothing about quality (a good bolt on is arguably better than a set neck in terms of actual sound and much more likely than a set neck to be in decent condition 43 years later, but it also explains the decent price because guitarists can be a bit superstitious about set necks, especially if they're looking at a Gibson-style guitar).
  11. All those Bernie Bros. Sanders' support is majority young, female, middle-lower class PoC. Warren is dogwhistling classism and ageism to upper-middle to upper class, Gen X/Boomer age, (mostly) white, coastal, centrist liberals. If you've spent any great amount of time around those people and don't know exactly what I'm talking about you might be one.
  12. Didn't Bernie Sanders literally decline to make a run in 2015/16 and suggest that Warren should run, then start his own campaign after she decided not to run herself?
  13. I've been starting to put together a small Eurorack setup specifically for processing external audio and I think at least the filter module is going to have to go in it, maybe that phaser/delay one and the active mult/switcher, too.
  14. Oh I'm still going to put together a Serge style system some day, just not for a while.
  15. Holy crap, I've been looking mor einto the Serge DIY world and I actually did the currency conversion for the 73-75 DIY kit. Just shy of $400 USD for the PCBs and panels to build TWO full 17" 4u Serge panel clones (the , and the mouser cart for the full BOM for both panels is only $237. Insane when you compare to the second cheapest DIY kits for Serge style panels being around $1000 per panel. In either case you'd still need the case and power supply so that's not a factor. So yeah, look for some of my stuff to show up in the Gear Box in a week or so, unless I find out there's some terrible catch that I'm missing here (the site doesn't appear to have been updated since 2017...). EDIT: the catch is that it's out of stock, and I doubt it will be back in at that price since they're selling PCB+panel kits for each panel separately at almost $700, so still a good price but at that point I'd rather just build individual models slowly over next fall and winter. Slow day at work today!
  16. I love that plasticy Korg sound, it's the audio equivalent of the alienated, existential dread of having a bad psychedelic experience at a mall.
  17. I'm super pro flanger lately, not going to lie.
  18. Yeah, Serge is the modular format that excites me, too. Not going to be in a position to start down the road until next fall at the soonest but I got that Kilpatrick Phenol as a seed finally after a bunch of shipping delays (Kilpatrick format isn't quite Serge but it's pretty close) and it's already a good start. At some point this spring I'll build myself a case and then over the summer and fall I'll start building some CGS modules or something. I'm one Mouser shipment away from having 99% of the parts for the Kijimi I spent all of 2019, and that's going to be a long build and then more than enough East Coast synth to mess with for a long time, which is another reason that the only modular that's really grabbing my imagination is a modest rack full of Serge and Buchla style stuff geared toward generative, abstract sorts of things. If I need to play notes I've got better options than modular for that.
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