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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. A lot of today's coding jobs are arguably a lateral move from Wal Mart, at least in terms of human dignity.
  2. Oh hey, it just coincidentally happened that I was listening to today's M.R. news recap adn Michael Brooks explicitly called the possibility of a real "Bernie or bust" movement in the general election "disastrous."
  3. Having seen the Majority Report discussion I think you're talking about, it's pretty funny how much you misrepresented it. I find Michael Brooks pretty annoying but he's pretty outspoken about how irresponsible "vote your conscience" type rhetoric is.
  4. I hadn't checked up on him in a long time bu I finally watche The Platform Master last week and then had a look to see how he's doing (since I did know he had moved in to his own place a while back), and it seems like he's in a really good spot compared to where he was in 2010. It's really great to see, I've been rooting for him ever since he used to post on the old Portal of Evil forums back before their decline in the mid 00s.
  5. I've got to pack it in on this one again for now, just like last year it felt like I was taking time away from other projects to work on it and then finding out the week after next I'll be working at least 10 days in a row (one of them from home, but still) was the last straw. MAybe I'll be back to it in the late spring when hours at work get shorter, this seasonal job I do for a few months out of the year on top of my regular job always gets in the way plus I'm already taking on more music projects with friends than I have time for, even if they're all pretty casual. This winter a few of different people I hadn't seen in a while are all around again and all of them want to start different bands, so now it's a matter of seeing which ones click and which don't. It did already get me back on the portastudio and there are parts of a couple of the tracks I submitted that I can rework into finished things for an album I've been slowly workin on since last fall, so it was still useful.
  6. I don;t know you have your shit way more together than I do.
  7. I finally tried You Have to Win the Game this weekend and it was pretty fun. Not super hard but hard enough, took almost three and a half hours to beat it and I was only at 97% so there's still a bit left to figure out. Looks great as soon as you turn of the fake CRT stuff. I'm also perpetually behind on anything gaming related so I've only finally gotten around to playing Dark Souls and Cuphead, which are also a lot of fun.
  8. YES It's not technichally Krautrock but the Pärson Sound tapes that got released in 2010 hits a really similar spot and lives up to the fairly massive (for what it is) amount of hype it got. I notice nobody has mentioned Agitation Free yet.
  9. I think I had it this week, but I feel a lot better now and I got two days off work.
  10. I'll admit that nationally I'm going by 2016 and 2017 numbers where Sanders' support was majority female/non-white but I can definitely say on a personal level the vast majority of Sanders supporters I've met in person are white and Hispanic women. By far. White guys are mostly apolitical "both sides are the same" types. in my experience.
  11. The real "Bernie bro" joke is that both statistically and in my own personal, anecdotal experience, Sanders supporters are women and POC by a fairly big margin.
  12. Only 62% in still and he's not even up by 2%, but the main thing is that Biden is way behind.
  13. Some of the precincts have unofficially reported some stuff and if they're representative of the state as a whole, Biden will probably be in 4th or 5th place and the Biden/Sanders spread is pretty much the most important thing here IMO, so that would be good.
  14. As far as I can tell nobody has uploaded a scan of the old Bloom County "Raucous Caucus" strip anywhere. Sucks, because we really need it right about now.
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