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Posts posted by bendish


    can't believe how much love annihilation gets on here


    couldn't get into that movie. actually couldn't stand it. 


    this film on the other hand blew my mind




    endless unimpressive sword fights....i was bored

  2. I always ask questions that I immediately answer


    for 50 euros with all the reapack and js stuff why did I ever get into Cubase


    Kenny geoiaioias voice is awesome

  3. not sure what you are referring to in reaper here?




    i'm getting used to using just one midi editor for all midi tracks on a project and it's so so handy, banged my head a bit to get used to it but now it's priceless... i know it's a feature that's been around for some time in fruity loops and maybe other daws but i'm late to the party as always...

    what's missing in the wav editor?


    edit: just watched a redux video, ok i get what's missing, an internal sample editor like redux...

  4. i think reapers editing is damn good...


    renoise still has the best sample editor but being able to do things on items with one key command on reaper like pitch slides reverses pan etc is awesome


    the more im banging my hed against the wall learning shortcuts the better it gets


    u can reconfigure literally everything...ableton is very nice but damn 220 for suite upgrade....

  5. I've actually had problems with REAPER too. 80% of the options are all about configuring your workflow. It's both its greatest and weakest strength, but REAPER updates their software like twice a week and things are being changed and added constantly so I never feel like I can understand the software 100%. It's frustrating to the point that I wish they would slow down their updates.



    studio one is awesome cause its so simple and straight forward

    reaper is super deep and complex sometimes to its detriment


    theyve even got a protools theme which is bizarre

  6. yea thanks I got that...working through commands for basic zooming, rendering, bouncing etc


    just small things that drive me nuts like zoom track heights doesn't apply to foldered tracks etc


    paulie theme is nice

  7. Just started using REAPER...


    Its an amazing program but as a result quite hard to figure out how to configure the actions to suit your workflow.


    Anyone got any awesome tips and advise for REAPER converts?



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