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Posts posted by bendish

  1. WACO first episode was interesting,but i,ve seen every actor in this in some other series,and i dunno why but its really distracting me,think i,ll carry on tho, gave ALTERED CARBON a try,interesting idea about the elite super wealthy being pretty much immortal,but its one dumb cliche` after another,and the acting isn,t stellar either,shame

    You saw them in boardwalk empire


    Waco 7/10



    He might be thinking that, but he's mostly just stumbling around the idea of being president and saying whatever comes into his dementia addled mind. I don't even think he'll be president for long enough to enact any kind of serious gun control. The noose is tightening faster and faster. 


    I get that for sure. But if he's successful in this, even moderately, it's a huge win in my books. Hate the fucker. But gun control is high up on my "USA is really fucked up" list. Not saying it'd sway me to support the dementia ridden cheetoh.



    What kind of gun control do you recommend?


    Get rid of the dumbass second amendment and demilitarise the entire U.S both at home and abroad. 


    so gates flipped then

    wonder what he told em


    He must have given up the farm if they're considering not charging him with anything after indicting him for laundering tens of millions of dollars, myriad other financial crimes, Conspiracy Against The United States, and lying during his "Queen For a Day" plea deal. The power of putting the squeeze on. Trump hasn't looked well the past couple of days. More orange and disheveled than usual...


    And Kushner had his access revoked...again...what did he do to be shut out? It's getting fun.

  4. Call me by your name - apricot/10 - great score/st - 100% relatable to feelings of lost love

    3 Billboards - 7/10 - weird chopped up film, Frances McD ace, needed a better ending, some terrible dialogue

    Lady bird - 8.5/10 - Sacramento looking nice, funny moments, a sweet movie


    Also love the venn diagram of young actors in these films..hollywood is such a trend based industry...its almost like actors are given turns

  5. Whether you want to take FBs research or not (I'm not a Zuckerberg fan and I don't support these platforms in their use of data and their monopoly nature), this isn't cut and dried and I think it's dangerous to just follow the Russia thing with an MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Democrat bias. I'm not denying that there is truth to the investigation or that Russia is shady as fuck with this. That said, I don't see the FBI or CIA as friends of the people, neither establishment Democrats. Trump and his goons are incompetent imbeciles and generally bad people in policy and underhanded tactics...just evil fuckers in every way. That said, the Russia scandal obscures so many other heinous goings on that are far from peripheral i.e. the thoroughly undemocratic nature of the entire U.S system...the money involved, the interests, the militarism etc 

  6. i do not trust the CIA at all

    I dont trust the russian shady informant either



    however its madness to think the CIA will not and have not lied repeatedly 

    its the CIA ffs Brennan, Clapper etc

    why do you trust the CIA?

    ITT: people who have more trust in some vague Russian than the director of the CIA.


    CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Tuesday rejected two recent reports that said U.S. spies were cheated out of $100,000 when they paid a Russian spy to return stolen hacking tools, but instead received unverified information.

    The Intercept and the New York Times both reported that a Russian offered to return that information for $1 million, and also offered information about President Trump.

    But in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Tuesday, Pompeo said none of that story was true.




    Rasta don't work for no C.I.A


    I don't believe Pompeo for a second. 

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