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Posts posted by bendish

  1. lololol


    and in regards to "is trump the most american product ever" i would say more or less yes, but more specifically he's the sort of ignorance that has held murica back for the last several decades personified. pretty much everything i loathe about the worst parts of america are all found in the man. the only good thing i can say is at least he's not as much of a batshit religious nut like most other republicans, though maybe knowing the big man upstairs is watching may somehow rein him in. having said that, i seriously think that if a reporter asked him if he was god he would respond with "absolutely not... well, maybe" and do that dumb fucking shrug.

    He's properly supported by all those evangelical witless quacks though

  2. can the endings of these series EVER truly satisfy? theres always that nagging sense of anticlimax


    Finished Dark. Loved the cinematography and Ben Frost's soundtrack is on point as always. I thought the ending was a little predictable but looking forward to more.


    And don't worry, the 80s bits in it is only ever used as a setting rather than some fetishization of the past.

  3. well, apparently, thanks to you it might be just one guy indeed.


    and have you called your governors office already?


    the odds the sheep in the us only get off their lazy arse to go see the new star wars movie (instant gratification for the mentally disabled!), but refuse to see they need to get off their ass to get politically involved.... :dry:


    come on man its about a thoroughly undemocratic democracy...call it an oligarchy if u want cause thats what it is


    flake caved in cause he had too much to lose in terms of his own wealth


    the dems and reps are just the same 


    they believe in inequality...its the american way

  4. Just look at his True Pundit thread, how can you call that journalism? he is imagining motives that he has no way of knowing, he is also imagining people that nobody knows if they exist and making up their motives.


    Is the True Pundit fake news? Yes, was the TP used by trump campaign to spread fake news? yes


    but look at this tweet, its pure speculation, he has no way of knowing what Comey assumed or what the FBI agents did. His tweet threads are full of shit like that and again if you like conspiracy theories and want to indulge in anti-trump fantasies seth is the perfect guy for you but i want facts not speculation, give me the cold hard indisputable facts that way there is no confusion and no reason to make up motives.



    i think you're focusing on an ideal version of journalism that barely exists...

    basically everything is agenda driven

    agree that fabrication from left leaning sources merely undermines the cause playing into the whole both sides arguments

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