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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. day 1 in trump's america https://twitter.com/i/moments/796417517157830656
  2. Hard to disagree with this. Considering his admin apparently has only started the hiring process for staffers, they'll be lucky if they pass any legislation in his first year. He won't be able to fulfill many of his promises. TPP will probably not get signed though. The Wall was always a pipe dream, and deporting immigrants is a multi-year project that no one knows how they're going to pay for it. Doublename: awesome. What do you teach? http://www.npr.org/2016/11/09/501451368/here-is-what-donald-trump-wants-to-do-in-his-first-100-days could be except his first 100 days looks downright malicious * THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities Los Angeles Washington, D.C. New York City Jersey City Berkeley, California Coachella, California Philadelphia San Francisco Santa Ana San Jose Oakland Salt Lake City Dallas Houston Detroit Chicago Salinas, California Minneapolis Miami Denver Baltimore Seattle New Haven Somerville Cambridge Portland, Maine Portland, OR
  3. true.. regarding problems.. but no one has any kind of sense of assurance just now..
  4. other presidents won the election w/o winning the popular vote. it's nothing new.. just a thing to console someone and as he says a way to reassure people that the whole country hasn't gone "to the darkside" or whatever.
  5. michael moore's morning after to do list https://www.good.is/articles/moore-five-point-plan
  6. we just surrendered the country to a bunch of hacks who are going to further let big corporations over run it and chop up the environment and fuck everything. clinton would've at least had climate change in mind and thrown up a half billion solar panels and embraced some kind of futurologist themes in places. but yeah.. there are a few serious policy makers and politicians in trump's circle but mostly there's a bunch of half wits.
  7. this make it in to this thread yet? KKK rejoices
  8. i only mention because someone sent it to me. it's same mostly. i'm huge X-Files dork so appreciate scully character for so many reasons. the other version is more than suggestive cutting. it's explicit. and only makes it slightly funnier/sillier because her expressions and timing of other things.
  9. Not everyone who voted Trump voted because they're racist. There are MORE demographics Trump appealed too. He appealed to the anti-establishment crowd since (for some reason) many of them thought that just because Trump was a reality TV star and not a politican, he wouldn't be as bad as Hillary... for some reason. 4 sum reason I was a Republican about 6-8 years ago (before I realized how to fact check I guess), and since I am surrounded by family who are Republicans (why I was a republican). They honestly think the economy and everything will become better if a R is in office, and I'd say only one or two are VERY racist, a few more casual racists, but there are those who aren't racist at all, and are very nice/sincere people who were raised republican (and Christian). I mean it's not true, but at the end of the day don't forget that regardless of what party you're in, everyone just wants a better life, and the way their life has played out has brought them to the point they are. There is only so much control people have over what they believe. they overlooked racism/sexism/misogyny or made it less a priority to whatever their main priority is??? whatever thing they believed. who knows.. maybe they thought he was just saying stuff to get elected.. what does that mean? what are people really thinking.. but trump knew his base.. got it right when everyone else got it wrong. or shillary just underperformed. combination of both. tell me again how rape/sexism allegations end a man's career? is something my lady friends are saying just now.
  10. What is wrong with you people? also, Pence is worse. that guy is fucking awful.
  11. there's an X rated version of that gif. even moe so now and doing great work too. hannibal, the fall.. etc
  12. gonna go to sleep now.. half drunk. half not believing it. but really believing it. hoping trump just chases domestic economy and does infrastructure as first priority. dems have 4 years from right now to figure shit out. again.. sorry world.. for whatever horrible dark nightmare happens to foreig policy.. oh, and tell me again how rape allegations can ruin a man's career?
  13. someone made a ton of cake shorting it. i'm investing in pork futures.
  14. sorry gays and blacks and muslims and mexicans and world and america and ...
  15. Thats what Im sayin! Gonna celebrate by ordering pizza and watching as many of those films as i can all week this is how most cyberpunk novels begin.
  16. the twitter thread here ^^^^ is pretty interesting reading.
  17. white people are the silent majority. certain part of non college educated white people have been ignored and somehow trump spoke to them because they don't understand that their jobs were lost to automation and think a trade deal is going to sort them out.. nafta is going to get recalled (derp) and mexicans are going to be deported making room for them to "finally" get their fair share. really though.. a lot of white people who don't vote came out and voted for trump because he tapped into racism and painted himself as the guy who will reach out for the forgotten man. his voters are more enthusiastic. trump had a better bead on his followers than the demos had on theirs. hillary under performed.
  18. canaananananda's immigration website crashed. so many things to say. so many people got it sooooo wrong. voters thumbed their noses. if in the morning i wake up w/rat faced trump family in the whitehouse so be it. legal weed to cope for a while. so sorry for the rest of the world for whatever trump does. he's a fucking asshole.
  19. trump is up by 2 or 3% in michigan, wisconsin and new hampshite.. it's over. she's gonna lose. stock market will be worse tomorrow than on 9/11 and for 6 months it's going to be a chaotic hangover.. and for 4 years late night TV is going to be sadly funny and dark. bernie sanders will keep fighting. obama is going to pedal to the metal anything he can do before leaving. we're fucked here in the USA regardless. fucking rat faced shit eared douchebags.
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