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Dorian Mode

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Everything posted by Dorian Mode

  1. it might be that the wolves didn't exist as their present form then, some dogs allied wwith the humans, other evolved in to different direction, because there was a new, the most dangerous species of them all ... it was a mutually beneficial deal for the dogs and men ... the animals people have kept have had an effect on human evolution too, like lactase persistance, that is a recent mutation ... when people were hunter gatherers or pastoral nomads, dogs' life was better than after the agricultular revolution ..,. then the cats came around .... and probably because dogs remember the better quality of life before agriculture/cats they still have a grudge, they haven't forgiven ... --- heh last summer I was spending time out with my dogs and talked with woman with her dog, she admired my playful and friendly pit bull mix and told how she had had a dog that was a pit bull mixed with a wolf/dog hybrid ... mixing wolf and pit bull, hmm, - she said it was kind of hard to keep in the city so she gave it away and it lives somewhere in the countryside currently ....
  2. post modern indentity politics is seen as leftism while in truth it's a right wing "divida et impera" - strategy and ideology ... if there is a tranny or a left handed black lesbian on the board of directors of a multinationally exploitating company, that's supposed to be somehow a great achievement - job description is "community relations", meaning that the tranny or lesbian won't do anything there, their role is representational or ceremonial, they just sit there and the "community" should be happy that one their own is pulling big money .... business as usual goes on and inequality widens there is a lot of talk about "communities" - and it's mostly bullshit, because these aren't any genuine communities but statistical aggregates ... wtf could be a "tranny community" ... wouldn't a tranny be happy instead if he/she/hir/hör/it is mistaken for a woman? people are supposed to obsess over skin color and sexual habits, and forget their common economical interests ... calling indebtity politics "cultural marxism" is like calling neoconservatism "cultural trotskyism"
  3. there have been attempts to use current level scientific concepts, nowadays quantum phenomena and this "integrated information theory" to explain connciousness but I predict there won't be any more succes than with former mchanical, electirical, hydraulic etc theories ... my feeling is that the primitive nativesnatives with their animism and panpsychisms and the Hondoos with their atman and brahmas stuff might be more on the right track ... like science is looking answers in the woemg direction looking outside, when it might be more fruitful to look inside, maybe using psychedelic research methods, meditation and shit... recently i re-read the book "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" by Julian Jaynes, for thrills and tripping ... it's a "leftfield" account, but not just cranky bullshit, because there are philosophers like Daniel Dennett who've given it serious consideration .... there is a Wikipedia article on it ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameralism_%28psychology%29
  4. I have an intuitive feeling that dogs and cats are about as conscious as people in their REM sleep phase ... conscious in a way but lacking self awareness ... animals showing self awareness in the mirror test might be as aware as a "lucid dreamer" ... as a little boy, i got knocked out, suffered a concussion in a rough play at school yard ... I kind of woke up in a class room, sitting at my desk doing class woek without any idea how I came there ... I asked my friend sitting next to me: has something strange happened? he said: no! did I fuction as zombie for a while? not necessarily, maybe there was consciousness, but it didn't imprint any memory, or the memories got erased at the moment I "woke up" ... watcing UFC, one can sometimes hear fighters asking their corner men between rounds what the hell happened? they've been tagged and rocked, concussed, but they just keep going through the motions .... Consciousness is truely a great mystery, like the Big Bang ... one who is not technically dumb but don't see the mystery might indeed be a "p-zombie" him- or herself ....
  5. I ve thought about self driving cars and the trolley problem ... like should those vehicles be programmed to bump the fat guy in front of a trolley to save the kids ... taking in account it could calculate the physics and probabilities much better faster and more reliably than a human .., on the other hand, when the cars automobiles were invented, suddenly it came very easy to kill people by accident, by negligence or omission and going by the old laws there would have been a lot of "nice people" doing time ... my understanding is that there wasn't any extyra demand for philosophy, it was resolved politically or by legal adjustments .... I've also thought about the life extension immortality business ... suppose it becomes reality, the treatmentm the pill would cost let's say 1000 dollars a day ... how could you protect the industry against cheap generic pirated equivalents, or Canadian imports
  6. I watched this, without any foreknowledge whatsoever - which is exceptional for me, but actually interesting, and I need to do it more often - I was wondering, what is this a "Lord of the Flies" variant?, but then I realized it was a "boys' adventure" , but it didn't feel childish, like Star Wars for instance and the lack of "mature content" didn't bother me at all ... I liked it.
  7. Carrying on your lolita theme - try The Babysitter, Wild Things, Boxing Helena and both Lolita's. just saw The Babysitter - made 20 years ago .... the main actress the babysitter was Alicia Silverstone who's the daughter of the singer of aerosmith, and her father was a co-producer of the movie if I'm not mistaken ... when I saw the credits I start to wonder if even a rock singer with a reputation of being or having been a depraved junkie would have his daugher to play a psycho bitch or a dirty sick slut .... but she was a good girl who just happened to be an object of male desires ... the movie interestingly was showing the desires in the fantasy sequences all the time ... usually teh fantasy sequences were triggered by the surroundings, what was present but not always, it looked like once there was even an shared fantasy and once the fantasy was flowing in to real events in another place ... making it a non realist account ... it didn't resolve as clearly distinct reality and personal, subjective individual psychological thing .... there was no evil sick people in it, the escalation of the drama wasn't maybe set up convincingly but I'd say it was quite allright movie .... Liv Tyler is Steven Tyler's daughter, the other chick from the Aerosmith videos lol Carrying on your lolita theme - try The Babysitter, Wild Things, Boxing Helena and both Lolita's. just saw The Babysitter - made 20 years ago .... the main actress the babysitter was Alicia Silverstone who's the daughter of the singer of aerosmith, and her father was a co-producer of the movie if I'm not mistaken ... when I saw the credits I start to wonder if even a rock singer with a reputation of being or having been a depraved junkie would have his daugher to play a psycho bitch or a dirty sick slut .... but she was a good girl who just happened to be an object of male desires ... the movie interestingly was showing the desires in the fantasy sequences all the time ... usually teh fantasy sequences were triggered by the surroundings, what was present but not always, it looked like once there was even an shared fantasy and once the fantasy was flowing in to real events in another place ... making it a non realist account ... it didn't resolve as clearly distinct reality and personal, subjective individual psychological thing .... there was no evil sick people in it, the escalation of the drama wasn't maybe set up convincingly but I'd say it was quite allright movie .... Liv Tyler is Steven Tyler's daughter, the other chick from the Aerosmith videos lol sorry, I managed to get it all mixed up ...Tyler Perry, Steven Tyler, Steve Perry ... the producer was actually the last one, not related .... it was the Aerosmith video that I was thinking and that got me off tangents ... BTW, is there any music more nauseating than 90's "power ballads"?
  8. I find this to be pretty interesting lately. We're taught about historical figures as if they were role models, but in order to buck the trends they had to be pretty savage and morally bankrupt some or maybe all of the time. Thomas Edison was a dick, Ben Franklin could be as well. I have no idea if Steve Jobs will be looked at in a similar way decades from now, but they'll probably fudge some inconvenient details. The ends justified the means for them. Thomas Edison was indeed a dick, especially regarding his treatment toward Nikola Tesla, who was the REAL granddaddy of modern electricity. When they talked about how Edison was to credit for electricity in history class in school, I don't recall even one mention of Tesla in those textbooks. This is downright fraudulent. I suppose I could tell the story in a nutshell, but some of you might already know. If not, Google can point you in the right direction. EDIT: Holy shit, just realized today was the 73rd anniversary of Tesla's death. I read about Edison and Tesla feud - IIRC, Edison was pushing DC while Tesla was for AC ... and to prove how dangerous alternating current was, Edison arranged a public electrocution of an elephant! a dick move, I'd say ...
  9. Carrying on your lolita theme - try The Babysitter, Wild Things, Boxing Helena and both Lolita's. just saw The Babysitter - made 20 years ago .... the main actress the babysitter was Alicia Silverstone who's the daughter of the singer of aerosmith, and her father was a co-producer of the movie if I'm not mistaken ... when I saw the credits I start to wonder if even a rock singer with a reputation of being or having been a depraved junkie would have his daugher to play a psycho bitch or a dirty sick slut .... but she was a good girl who just happened to be an object of male desires ... the movie interestingly was showing the desires in the fantasy sequences all the time ... usually teh fantasy sequences were triggered by the surroundings, what was present but not always, it looked like once there was even an shared fantasy and once the fantasy was flowing in to real events in another place ... making it a non realist account ... it didn't resolve as clearly distinct reality and personal, subjective individual psychological thing .... there was no evil sick people in it, the escalation of the drama wasn't maybe set up convincingly but I'd say it was quite allright movie ....
  10. me get out scum no I'm kidding. it seems to be the most universally loved film on watmm, was curious. the problem I've had it recently is the flying cars .... I'm not expecting to see them very soon ...
  11. heh it's more like I endured instead of enjoyed Knock knock, and Hard Candy ... and Lolita is the only Kubrick movie I haven't seen and probably will rather rewatch his other films or that 's how it feels now ... Wild Things is movie that I tried to recall in an another thread where neo noir recommendations were asked .... thanks for reminding me - I had a vague feeling that it was a movie starring maybe a Baldwin and it had two psycho bitches destroying man's life .... it would have been a hard task to google it on that basis ... there is difference between a classy femme fatale and a psycho bitch and having had too much of the latter IRL I nowadays prefer the old stuff as an escapist entertainment. going from the name I guess the Babysitter might be similar to Hand that rocks the cradle - I thought that was ok, so maybe I'll try the Babysitter - the movie I mean
  12. The Green Inferno (2015) a hilarious comedy about some dumb SJWs/activists who pull a Greenpeace like media stunt in Amazonian jungle ... they wanted to save the rain forests ... they wanted to help the natives. --- the activists find out out that the natives are willing to embrace diversity .... in nutrition ... should be mandatory viewing for college girls with wrong headed ideas, might help them to spot an asshole behind the shining armour of an activist leader Knock Knock (2015) - you are an architect and a former DJ who still can do harmonic mixing on the fly, you are putting finishing touches on your project in your beautiful home while your wife and kids are away ... then you hear knock knock and there are two (kind of hot ...) girls outside, lost and with dead phones - should you be a good, hospitable person and try to to help them or should you just let the little sluts rot in the rain outside? watch this movie and find out! hard to watch but couple of excellent jokes will lift your spirits in the end. ' as companion piece to Knock Knock, i watched Hard Candy .... almost had to quit very early in the movie but I'm glad that I persisted ... a thought provoking movie with some out there dark humour that lighten up the mood .. still hard to recommend this as a movie to see on your first date with a nice girl ....
  13. Nina Simone is perhaps better known as a "pop singer", or maybe even a "protest singer" in the 60s but her debut album "Little Girl Blue" is a totally fantastic soulful jazz record ... her voice is extremely convincing and strong - and she plays piano too! she plays with just a drummer and a bassist, varying her playing from Bach like counter point passages to romantic piano style and also bluesy stuff, it's amazing! this record is high quality from start to end, very much recommended ... suitable for instance for romantic candle lit dinners, I think, heh ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTFhADgKxi0
  14. well, if it's time for reminiscenses, I remember my first immersive, focused listening of Syro --- it gave me jolts ... like something is off, not like expected ... in terms of pitches ... so I wonder if there is any analysis by someone with good ears on scales and tunings ...
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