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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. This week a kind of slow dream pop vibe. I guess I felt the need for something relaxing. Also been listening to a lot of dream pop-ish stuff recently. It is a bit rushed because I wanted to get it done before the weekend.


    8 hours ago, Smokin Speaks said:

    Yeah man, listening to 5 dec, it takes me almost as long to sit down as it takes for the bass drum to come in, it is also as rewarding. But I have lost interest.  These comment are in time obvious.  About 3:45 for me, phenomenon really.


    Dec. 11 Do you have this peace, how do you obtain it? Bugh, I do not care for it.  Where is the drama? The violence? CAn the peace wash over me, or will i continue to fight? Getting angrier. Hi hat has come in.  could be better.   Too low, bring it up, and maybe cut it. is that a snare? irt may be the snare is the problem, not the hi hat. up or down in tune and cut it. for my tastes. 

    Nov. 27. this is why I dot Like ambient music. It/ the artist has no conviction.  Convict.

    Nov 23, same key.  Is this not the same song reprised?

    Nov. 17 - I am in that groove. so sue me. so much better than the last two, you love that minor hit though.  What does it mean for you?  You nee to cut your snares?  That long snare sound sucks, to my tastes. 

    I skipped ahead and the sound is the same, but bigger. 

    Oct. 30  Thank god, i hear why I fell in love with your aesthetic? Thank god, what a stud.   This is why these 52 week challenges suck, but that is how you get here perhaps.  Wow oh wow. I want to wrote this style tune.  So good.  You were in the zomne as they say. I call it the flow. The ebb and flow of life. Ups and downs, sine curves basically. This was you high, perhaps you went into you low too quickly given the above, but absolutely forgivable, given the amount of time.   I would never go it, at my age. Kudos to you.  

    - A fan

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! I think one thing I definitely want to explain is that nearly all of the weekly things are at best unfinished chunks of work that I try and get done during a week - sometimes I focus on mixing, sometimes sounds, sometimes composition, sometimes I want to work on an old project and clean it up. As a result some things end up being always not so perfect once I upload them and listen the next day - that's fine, I will be better next time. Sometimes I come around to fix things a while later, but sometimes I find that after months/years of not listening to something, when I randomly hear it from my phone (god bless DJ shuffle), then I find that I really really like the track as it is (even though I hated it).


    Dec 11 - life's quite busy at the moment, I guess I find my peace when I mess around with music. Roland XV-5080. Hihat & snare is fine. I feel I ended up rushing finishing this track though.

    Nov 27 - that's fine. For these kinds of tracks sometimes it only hits you when you accidentally listen to it in a half-sleep half-awake state where your head works in a different way.

    Nov 23 - yep it's just the intro part for Nov 27.

    Nov 17 - not really happy with that, the original from 2011 was really crude but it had some elements that I destroyed in this remake. ?

    Oct 30 - I will definitely re-visit these fast-paced things soon. ? Things are more slow paced in music now because I am working on finishing a bunch of slower songs into an album.

    All the best!

  2. On 12/7/2019 at 12:34 AM, Smokin Speaks said:

    yeah yeah yeah yeah.  That organ/synth/instrument is vibey.  Can't really tell if you if you are playing an interval back and forth or if that is just the resonance.  Dig i regardless. Obviously the drump patterns are super groovy and you have placed accents to make it nice and alive, generally something I avoid, unfortunately.

    Also 90 bpm, I need to slow my stuff down, I usually default to 130 bpm as that is what the track open as.  Have written in 130 so long, it just feels like home. New to break off of it for some upcoming tunes.  Though the last two I wrote i think are 124 and 128, so working that way ?

    That outra bass is fire.


    Nov: 5 a little harsh on the open for my ear. Also a little slow to develop  for me as I have a petulant child like discipline. Sounds great and obviously a lot of fun when in there, jamming. 


    Also One thing I wanted to say was that one of your pieces that you have listed at #ambient is more #amorphous than ambient. to me

    The main instruments are a organ and a rhodes (or wurlitzer piano) preset, both are sent through my effects busses which do a lot of delay and long tail reverb stuff, so it's probably actually a mix of resonance and intervals. There are actually 4 different bass drum layer, and one of them is going through a delay so I did not actually manually mess with any accents, everything is just due to syncopation and interacting patterns.

    90bpm is actually same as 180bpm essentially. I should try out some other tempos too.

    Not sure what you mean by #amorphous? I know there is a FSOL project called Amorphous Androgynous, but that's too narrow for tagging I feel.


    Anyways thanks for the feedback and glad you liked it!

  3. 11 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    Yeah, personally I'm fine with it since most of the companies they're knocking off haven't done anything like this themselves in decades (and Moog isn't exactly aiming at the same market as Behringer, plus they discontinued their Model D reissue a while ago), they always add some extra features, and it's not like the eurorack/boutique market hasn't been knocking this stuff off for a couple decades already. I've said it before, but I think clones like this are better done by bigger companies that can take advantage of economies of scale to bring the prices down, and smaller companies are best positioned to do more forward thinking, risky gear that a bigger company would never bring to market for all sorts of reasons.

    The bad thing about this is that the small company actually taking the R&D hit and the risk of bringing a new product will get fuck all, while Uliexpress makes millions off something they actually did not invent.

    Sure, legally it's probably fine as the stuff is not patented and nobody is making the things anymore (because the original company went bankrupt due to production costs too high etc.), but that's just the unfairness of the system as a whole.

  4. 59 minutes ago, kakapo said:

    Elektron model:samples is £269 at Andertons uk for black friday.

    Speaking of black friday we got a full auto coffee machine: 3 inputs coffee, milk, ground coffee, 10 insert effects but I only care about lattes. It's not only audio gear that matters in the studio.

  5. 2 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Why does that band think it needs to have two drummers?

    It works pretty well in live. I think two drummers add some sort of tightness and more body (kind of like a chorus effect) but if they suck playing together then it's horrible of course.

  6. 1 hour ago, donquixote said:

    Cheers, it's nice to meet you too. 

    As an insufferable turbo nerd this is nice: 


    Sorry, I did mean that as a joke and I guess I failed to make it very clear. I am also an insufferable turbo nerd but probably in other insufferable ways.

    For instance the song you linked is good, pleasing to listen to it. It's not the bad kind of microtonal at all that scratches my mind out from the inside.

    Besides, isn't there a fancy MIDI plugin now where you can simulate any tuning from a VST basically using pitch bend? I saw it mentioned on this very forum. 

  7. 3 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    While the Technics SL 1200 is undoubtedly a classic, that is not because it sounds good. It’s great to DJ with and very durable, but a record player meant for listening will sound much better (and be a lot nicer to your records). 

    FWIW My own record player is a Denon DP 300F. Its successor, the DP 400, comes with a built in phono pre-amp. Dunno how good it is, but it’s Denon so it won’t be shit, I’d assume.

    Hmm you got a point there. I only pick the Technics because it's easier for me to pick a known good thing instead of doing a research. ?

  8. 1 hour ago, rhmilo said:

    A lot of open source is paid for by big companies like IBM, Google and now, gasp, Microsoft.

    Not the desktop stuff, though. That’s a handful of foundations and some driven amateurs.

    Shame that never took off.

    As for innovation in Eurorack: I hear this quite often, but what I see is mostly combinations of tried and true concepts being thrown at walls at a dizzying rate hoping some of them will stick.

    Or public domain circuits using bog standard - and very cheap - components being sold for a premium because “analog”.

    I think Eurorack will end up feeding something back eventually. Like everyone seems to have the Mutable Instruments Braids in their rack, so I expect popular modules like that to end up back in "regular" hardware synths somehow.

    As for open source, it simultaneously seems like a really great time and a total desert - companies who make good open source software struggle to make ends meet and you get this ridiculous growth/monetization at all costs bullshit. The only way to survive seems to be either get bought-funded by a big corp like Google, at which point by definition you are not boosting the open source ecosystem but rather the narrow financial interests of your patron. And if you're not lucky, big corp will just erase you by way of copying your product internally and then releasing it, destroying your market. ?


    Ok, I'll stop derailing the Uliexpress thread...

  9. Yeah my main motivation is supporting the artists by paying for the music. I figured yeah I can buy a digital download, but being a software guy as a day job I know this shit will not last and I want something tangible and more or less durable for my money, so I have slowly started buying vinyl from the artists that I like. Usually this means I get the mp3s as a download too.

    Plus I like the album art.

    As for the amp/speakers, I already got the Neumann KH120A which are super nice and probably I will end up getting the subwoofer as well some day. So on gear side, I think I only need a proper turntable and a phono pre-amp. Thinking about a used Technics MK2 SL1200 which seems to be 500€ these days, and https://www.thomann.de/intl/ld_systems_ppa_2.htm

    Let's see if this feeling goes away after a couple of weeks and I get off by just writing about my urges here. ?

  10. IP law is messed up, but on the other hand so much of the world runs on open source software, but it's rare that the companies who benefit from it give anything substantial back in return.

    Public domain designs is the same thing, Behringer seems just to benefit from a lot. On the other hand, I doubt there is much significant R&D done in any big name brand these days. Elektron seems to be the most innovative hardware developer, the others mostly refining the old designs. Most of the cutting edge action is probably happening in some Max patches and - I guess - also Eurorack. I hope this means that future cool stuff will trickle down into "regular" hardware from the modular/livecoding scene.

  11. 10 hours ago, cooliofranco said:

    got rid of everything (space, money, usual reasons), and wanna startup with small set up that can be fun for me and my kids once they get a little order. thinking of starting with korg volca bass and korg drum. are there better alternatives in that price range that sound way better or are these as good anything else out there?

    Get an acoustic drum kit.


    • Like 1
  12. For me visually if you took off or swapped the maker logos, I probably could not tell the difference out of the blue. They even copied "Computer Controlled" which makes 0 sense nowadays since everything has a computer in it anyway.

    If this stands in any court as not being a clear derivative, then I don't know. ?

  13. 1 hour ago, rhmilo said:

    I suspect Behringer vs Novation isn't a fair fight either.

    From the looks of it, the only ones they're worried about are those with Roland and Korg - there they seem to have gone (a little bit) out of their way to make the ripoffs not quite as obvious. It seems like they fully trust their lawyers to make short work of Sequential, Moog and now Wasp.


    Dunno, the Behringer TD-3 looks insanely similar to Roland's original.

  14. 45 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    ^ I suspect Behringer is going for the "We're a really big company with lots of lawyers - don't like what we do? How about you try to sue us?" tactic.


    There's probably a line item on the Behringer Wasp budget for "spend this money for positive PR campaign if someone discovers shit". I mean if nobody really cares, they're good. If someone cares and makes a stink and it actually turns out that the design and circuits are patented or something AND the original owners still care enough...

    Went down a wiki rabbit hole for a second, and it seems that Chris Huggett from EDP who made the original wasp, is now working at Novation. Does this mean Novation and Behringer could have at it if the original designs were really patented somehow? Interesting.. ?

  15. 17 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    This one just replicates the graphics so exactly that it made me wonder. I guess the wasp graphic is public domain.

    If it's copying the design and not giving anything back to the original creators, the Behringer clone should go fuck off to the dumpster where it belongs.

    It's one thing if a small boutique shop makes a DIY clone of some Moog that is otherwise lots €€€, but Behringer is a huge company that just decided to take other companies R&D, copy that and push out their own cheap thing.

    Maybe I am being unfair here, but then I don't see any announcement of a licensing deal.

  16. This week's instalment:


    On 11/23/2019 at 5:34 AM, Smokin Speaks said:

    Prepare your day to be made again!  Tried to steal your style, I am simply not that groovy.

    But I was able to take your clean style and completely ruin it. Obviously your technical chops on the back side is something to be reckoned.  I went as minimal as possible.

    Enjoy, start low volume. I was thinking of just crescendoing this from start to final organ. Also warning, I did pop my left monitor with this at 100. Probably resonance.  Still works at 65% for now, so... maybe a good thing?

    HEADPHONE WARNING: Start Soft - Had to erase, someone was going to hurt themselves with headphones


    This midi jam template, the phaser/flange work, the pad work. the command, of voicing. 


    Oh no! Sorry to hear about your monitors. Let me know when you fix it and upload again, would really be interested in listening. ?

    By the way I usually have a limiter-compressor on the master bus when rendering to do a poor man's mastering so that the result sounds kind of like it actually should. If you are using Ableton Live, check this out http://legowelt.org/software/

  17. 17 hours ago, baph said:

    Should I get a Volca Sample or yes?

    Yes. Insanely good little thing for the price I think. I just got mine for a "toy" step sequencer and drum machine.

    But I figure if you want something more professional, modey's suggestion is the way to go.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 17 hours ago, Smokin Speaks said:

    tue-13-aug-by-thawkins: Fire  - The patience of development and the size of that sound envelope though.  whooo!

    Thundercat kraut Level 3 - those sounds that you choose, such a clean palette.  and you are a man of a grove.  I need get on that train.  Still messing with trying to ragdoll a listener. so youthful, so dumb.  This is much fire. 

    listening to a few more, but while that goes on why no soundcloud?

    fwiw, I am going to be jocking your style.

    Hey thanks a lot! My soundcloud is full and I am currently working on finishing a couple more polished things. Eventually I plan on paying for the full pro subscription so I can just upload all of them on there.

    The weekly things are kind of not so finished sometimes, so I keep on trying to find time to properly finish before "releasing" on soundcloud. 

    Again thanks a lot for the insightful review. ? You made my day. ?

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