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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. @rhmilo yup 3500 is kind of steep, but - after finally watching the video - it makes sense. It's got all the whizbang DAW features (compare to $600 protools perpetual license) and it's pretty much a computer that is very closely integrated with a physical audio workstation (easy $1000-1500 for parts). It's also gloating a lot of quality ADC-DAC hardware and motorized faders so manufacturing can't be really cheap either.

    It's a perfect thing to sell to old school audio engineers who "never got into computers" (I know some of those) so there seems to be a huge market in making the "computer" into something the old school engineer is used to.

    And corporate spends a lot of money on stupid overpriced shit - you can have a regular conference room with a $25 usb mic and some cheapo tablet running the software, but all this is marked up to €10k because of support contracts (someone who comes to install and fix when it breaks) and ease of use (because regular people aren't audio experts and it's literally cheaper to spend €2k on some bells and whistles shit than to spend the time on researching the best solution).

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rhmilo said:

    See, but a concert hall would need robust and doesn’t care about all the crazy routing and a small studio already has a computer.


    Maybe if you think it's only professional classical music places that call themselves "concert hall", but I think a lot of times it is "big room someone wants to use for audio". This includes nice places, but also some regular beer hall tent somewhere or just a bar where the owner knows nothing about audio so it's safe to just blow some more cash because then the box they will get is probably Good Enough.

    For example, all the corporate meeting rooms also need mixers and mikes and all that crap because of recording, sending audio-video feed overseas, etc. It's way more easier for corporate accounting to just buy a machine that does everything instead of spending time and putting thought in it and setting up a custom good studio quality audio set up.

  3. 9 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    TBH, after reading the Sweetwater review that seems like a really good price (even accounting for Sweetwater reviews being essentially advertisements). Out of my league but if I had the money for an expensive mixer I'd be seriously eyeing this (even though if I had $3500 and space for a mixer I'd probably be thinking analog first).


    Also it works as a standalone 64 track recorder, so you could theoretically go DAWless with it, at least for tracking.

    This is nitpicking but if that thing is not a Digital Audio Workstation then what the hell is it? ?

    Also since we are talking about Behringer and churning out "copies" and "tributes" of other standard equipment.. just hear me out here, I have one word:


    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    I used to fall asleep to stuff like that.

    However, I agree it's already been done:


    I think Neil's really talented but I always feel that his music depends so much on being embedded in american pop culture to know all the cues and inside jokes, so I find it difficult to enjoy it. Also there's so much going on at the time, it's just too intense for me and not enjoyable.

    9 hours ago, drillkicker said:

    already been done


    I meant doing it without granular fuckery - it's easy to extract a killer bass from any fart sample by just zooming in to the basic one cycle waveform and pitching it up and down like a sine wave in a regular AM synth.

    Something like this


    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Squee said:

    I back everything up onto Dropbox and my external drives so I feel pretty secure already. And it's mostly work-related stuff I'm worried about losing because a lot of clients will return after a couple of years and ask for small changes ?

    That's good if you have a backup regimen. I started a year or so ago - after a hard drive just crapped itself out of the blue. At the moment I'm not even sure what I am doing is enough, but all my stuff is duplicated on my main HD and the Time Machine backup one. I think getting a storage RAID that handles all the duplication is actually the way to go - so even if one hard drive fails, you are still OK because the data is duplicated and you just have to switch out the broken one.

  6. 11 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    So what are we looking at? I recognize a Neutron, a Volca kick and a mixer, but the rest? The pic is a bit blurry.

    I think there's definitely a stuffed dog wearing some goggles. Probably good for some warm 80s beach sounds. Looks like it has a lot of I/O too - there's at least 4 cables coming going from the thing.

    I wonder if it has a good filter.

    • Facepalm 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Squee said:

    Unfortunately, I don't have a Time Machine set up. But I'll probably go ahead and buy a new Mac Pro. I just need to see what the new Mac Pro will end up costing in Europe.

    It's probably something like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000€


    I strongly suggest setting up the Time Machine backups, you never know when your hard drive craps itself and you lose all your cool unfinished projects that are definitely going to be released any time soon on vinyls.

  8. 1 hour ago, Squee said:

    I was thinking about trying to reinstall Logic. I just need to make sure it doesn't delete any of my Channel Strips and so on.
    I've found a company that beefs up MacPro 5.1s and it costs like half the price of a new one. I'm thinking about contacting them just for shits and giggles.

    Yeah, I bought the 2018 MacBook Pro and it's a piece of shit. I beefed it up and it's the most buggy computer I've ever had. Oh, and as you mentioned, the keyboard is acting up as well, but Apple covers that.

    If you have Time Machine backups set up, then you should be able to make a backup exactly before you do the Logic reinstall, and if it screws something up you can just easily go back to how it was before. DISCLAIMER: I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS AND THE WORD "EASILY" IS MAY BE COVERING A LOT OF GROUND HERE.

  9. On 11/1/2019 at 12:04 AM, Squee said:

    I upgraded my Mac Pro (the trash can) to Mojave not that long ago because I needed it for something Unity related. Ever since then Logic has been slow as hell. So now I’m considering buying the new Mac Pro when it gets released but I don’t want Catalina because I still use some 32 bit plugins. So then I considered an iMac Pro or just buying an old Mac Pro and upgrade like a raging psychopath. Help. 

    What's up with your Logic install though? Seems like if that is the only thing bothering you it might be worth it to downgrade to a version of Logic that works fine instead of going through a full overhaul getting a new computer up to speed.

    It's now close to 2 years when I got my new MBP and it's been nothing but fuck shit and crap - keyboard (entire bottom half) has been replaced twice, screen's been replaced twice and the last iteration was some fan that went fucky. I feel I am the living incarnation of the guy who can only talk about all the technical issues they've had with their mac. Truth is maybe I should not have bought a refurb 2016 unit (the first fancy keyboard ones and generally a damn mess of a generation). 

  10. 14 hours ago, xox said:

    This looks much better! How large is your love for the neumanns these days?

    I think I am quite happy with the Neumanns. For everyday listening they are really nice and I think I have gotten over the initial fuss about the low end. I am still debating whether to get the sub or not.

    What I can say is that the two mixes I have done since I got them have transitioned quite well.

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