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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. Actually @xox do you know if the 750DSP absolutely requires an app to use (because I read a lot of comments saying that the app does not exist). And even if the app does exist, I don't really have an ipad for messing around with it.

  2. 8 minutes ago, xox said:


    if you can buy the 750 sub! it has fantastic features for correcting phase and frequency response of satellite speakers; your monitors would sound even better + you'll have the needed sub of excellent quality. it's the best buy for the money!  

    Yeah I am thinking about it definitely. I am also wondering what are the chances of messing my bass frequencies up by setting it up incorrectly though... ?

  3. 3 hours ago, Nil said:

    It's not about the quantity of low end information, but rather about the usefulness of how these frequencies are voiced by the monitors. In my experience, what we hear below 300Hz is equally as useful (if not more) than what happens under 50Hz.

    I think I care about the informational content as well as the sound, meaning that I want to hear that the bass is playing an A1 (which is information) and I want it to not sound weak compared to the rest of the bassline (which is more down to feeling and sound).

    I wrote that earlier post while at work, then as I came home I listened to the exact same mixtape as I did in the office, and I got to say I was very happy with how all the bass solos sounded on both the Sennheiser HD280 and on the KH120s. Of course that was from Soundcloud but what mattered more to me is that both times I enjoyed listening to it - never felt that anything was missing frequency wise.

  4. Thinking of getting a Neumann KH 750 DSP sub to fix all the bottom end issues I keep complaining about in this thread. I wonder if this is a dumb decision or not? 


    Gearslutz seem to be mostly concerned with the lack of app/manual, both of which now exist. https://www.gearslutz.com/board/high-end/1258394-neumann-kh-750-read-before-you-buy.html

    Looking back on the BM15A, the lowest their spec goes is 40Hz, which is 12Hz less than the KH120's 42Hz, or approx the notes E1 - G#1. This is a really silly 4 semitone difference which makes me think that if I am seeing such a huge difference between, it means that the BM15A must have boosted the low end considerably.

    In any case it seems that getting the sub will resolve all bottom end issues once and for all.............. if I manage to set it up correctly and put bass traps properly. Free lunches don't exist, it can't be just a plug and play deal. ?

  5. On 10/16/2019 at 2:58 PM, Enthusiast said:


    This is an interesting blog by a loudspeaker designer who also reviews monitors for Sound on Sound. Some really interesting stuff about speaker design, the difference between hifi speakers and monitors (if there is any), repurposing and modifying old B&W speakers for use in the studio etc.

    I found this piece about the suitability of Q-Acoustics bookshelf speakers for studio monitoring interesting. I have some of their speakers in my Av setup, they are excellent for the money they cost.

    He also likes these Neumann's

    Damn, the bigger Neumanns look good. So good in fact that I keep thinking about "what if the KH120A but with no more worrying about bass", which is not good for GAS or mental health.

    Thanks to you guys advice in the studio pics thread I now put my stuff in an equilateral triangle and re-did the calibration thing... and my first impression's not so good. I feel I liked the wider stereo image even though that is probably psychoacoustic bullshit I just liked to believe in, and the rearranging also destroyed my carefully set up desk feng shui.

    I think the main reason I might still not be 100% decided to keep the KH120 is that I find a lot of my favorite stuff not so well sounding, especially in the low end department. I guess it's fair to say that maybe some of that material is not particularly well mixed/mastered either though.. Because I do notice that when listening to more mainstream label stuff, it does sound way better and more in place.

    Let's see how it feels next week... I probably did a lot of my listening this week in feeling tired and aggravated at various things so that may color my impression of the speakers. ?


  6. 9 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    If the XV is anything like the JV-2080 it's probably easier to just edit from the front panel.  I have a 1080 and it's quick and fun to program it from the panel, but one of the major upgrades they made with the 2080 was giving it a big screen like yours has and making it a lot easier to navigate.  I've never used any Roland ROMpler newer than the 1080 but if it's even more intuitive than that you probably don't need an editor for it.  It seems like it's essentially a 2080 with more samples, upgraded effects, 24 bit outputs and a mod matrix.  That sounds pretty excellent to me.

    That might be possible, although for now I feel the editing is insane menu diving. And I usually use the thing in the performance mode, where (I think) it's not really possible edit individual parts/patches in depth. Also I think the main rotary selector knob got dinged in transit when moving back to Europe. ?

    I want to figure out a good rack enclosure thing for my desk so I can have the XV-5080 and MS2000R set up in a more accessible and hands-on way. I had some time yesterday to move my speakers in a better position but that absolutely destroys how I had the other stuff set up on the table. Time to start up the DIY I guess.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheBro said:

    Any good?

    I am still exploring it, but it's got a lot of amazing sounds and capabilities. I mostly care about presets, especially real instrument modeling like organs, rhodes, vibes, etc. I think it's a good piece of kit.. sometime in the future maybe I will bother getting some librarian/sound editor to go with it.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, auxien said:

    Korg MS2000R looks so fun. what's the one to the right stood up just behind the computer? silver knob on the left...?

    nice Ikea desk and hunky neighbor. i hope the next track you do is an ode to him ?

    That's a KORG MicroX. I have it on a IKEA tablet stand because I mostly use it as an external sound module. I like that it's basically like a MicroKORG but way more powerful (no vocoder though).

    10 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

    xox' right. mine are already a bit too spread out. yours are miles apart, must sound like two mono systems

    Yeah I guess you have a point.

    The picture is may be a bit deceptive though - that table is around 1m in depth and the listening spot is at around 140cm from each monitor.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, xox said:

    The speakes are too much spread out imo. Youll get the haas effect like that; put them closer!


    Ok so the ideal positioning is the 22.5 or 30 degrees like in the manual? I swear I read the positioning page for 4-5 times and there is no mention about whether it is a good idea to aim for any positioning or not.

    You might have a point though - I do feel that sometimes the stereo image is kind of wiiiide.

  10. 5 minutes ago, user said:

    No way, it's interesting!

    OK, let me drop a small teaser life hack until I get around writing the next episode.

    The life hack is (loudness warriors hate this) - when testing out your mighty pro audio rig after you have just spent half an hour carefully doing the measurements for your 21st century clever room correction software... do fucking remember to turn off the automatic gain correction crap in your free DJing software so that you don't spend the next day wondering why some tracks sound really quiet and weird.

    • Haha 1
  11. I spent some very frustrating hours this weekend dealing with the cable hell. I hope these monitors work out well because the rest of the setup is pretty neat, and in history we all know neat setups are great for making music and you never ever end up just listening to crap on youtube and procrastinating. Nope, never.


    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    More patch bays, more cables.  At this point I jsut want to have every input and every output of every piece of gear I own available at any time.  Also a big ass mixer.


    Neither of this are likely to happen any time soon.

    You can satisfy the first criteria by getting rid of some pieces of gear. ?









    No need to bother yourself, I'll see myself out...

    • Like 1
  13. I get your point about flattering and giving a good accurate representation. I think currently I am a bit unsure about whether I am happy how the music I like sounds on them. It's because I feel a large part of my thing depends on me listening to a lot of music on the same system that I use to produce, so I feel it's kind of important to like the sound for everyday listening, even though it may not be analytically good or revealing. Not sure if I had this with the Dynaudios either though.

    On the other hand I did some test listening with the ARC system yesterday, and I think it sounds ok. As you said it's a 2-3 month process to get used to things so it's probably too early to tell... 

  14. So I got the Neumann KH120A a week ago. They are surprisingly small, sturdy and metal. No technical issues so far, which is nice (and what I would expect from a quality german brand ? ). I also like that they are small and compact, I can now have loads of room on my desk to arrange all the other gear nicely.

    The sound is not as nice as it was with the Dynaudio BM15A, at least I don't feel the same kind of nice vibes when I listen to music. I think this is due to my room being fucked up and also that the Neumanns not having the bottom end the BM15A had. That said, some songs are really nice to listen to on the monitors, especially old school stuff like Fleetwood Mac (Dreams was jaw droppingly good), Miles Davis, which are not mixed to depend on a massive sub woofer anyway.

    I think in general the lack of bottom end really does not bother me mostly, at least not when I am not really making any club bangers that absolutely demand this. Listening to some of my fave hard banger tracks though I got to say that they fail to deliver the punch. A. Mochi, Funktion, Katharsys .. no way I could make stuff like this at home and be into it. Yeah I could drop a cool 2,5k EUR into getting the Neumann sub too, but I that will absolutely blow the budget - might as well get the Amphion at that stage.

    All above said, this is without applying the IK ARC correction system which I plan to set up properly tonight. It's probably going to be a pain to set it up so that I can listen to regular audio with the room correction stuff going on, because the thing only works in a VST host, which means there is going to have to be a dedicated Reaper instance going at all times.

    Ps feel free to tell me to fuck off if this thread is becoming too much of "one guy livejournaling all his bad monitoring decisions".

    • Like 1
  15. 14 hours ago, drillkicker said:

    Can you please play a set in Boston ?  This is seriously beautiful stuff.

    I would definitely love to. I am currently just trying to find some contacts and generally I don't say no if anyone invites me to play out somewhere, no matter if I have to pay for transportation to get there or not.

    So yeah, work in progress. Hopefully someday soon. ?

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