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Everything posted by thawkins

  1. Try out a trial or Pure Data and find out. I don't think I care a lot about the audio fuckery but making sequencers and stuff for controlling gear over MIDI is interesting for me.
  2. Waiting for an Ableton discount so I can get M4L and an upgrade to 10. Not that I really need either but M4L would be nice to have.
  3. I did a couple weeklybeats on it when I was away from home. I think it's a good thing, especially I like the ability to sample with the phone mic. I use it on a iPhone SE though, so for my huge fingers the UI sucks a bit. All this is mostly due to me not using it nearly enough though. With weeklybeats the biggest hassle was converting the WAV from nanoloop into an mp3 - I probably was doing everything wrong, but the only way I could figure it out was to upload the file to some cloud service and have it convert for me. And after conversion I really did not have a good way to audition the file to see if it came out OK either, because saving & using actual downloaded files seems not to be a thing Steve Jobs imagined people would be doing on the device. I think it's possible with some Dropbox builtin audio player, but what a kludge!
  4. I think the pitch needs to be controlled by CV and the output needs to be filtered, then it can be useful (for me). Right now it is a edgy noise box.
  5. MS2000R is nice, I mostly use it to manually twiddle knobs and get my rush of changing the sound on a running arp or midi loop, instead of changing the loop to transition to something else. I wish it was 75% of the size and that I would have the mental discipline to go through the manual and learn the thing in more depth. And oh yea the trackpad is huge but I have had to take the laptop in for keyboard repairs twice now so I am feeling pessimistic about the future of this thing. My previous MBP lasted for almost years since 2009 and still works. Vaporwave? I think vaporware is more fitting for the things I make. Here is my junk nest. How is the Kastle treating you? I am not really happy with the Kastle yet - I don't have any CV equipment so I can't really use it as a melodic synth. I am trying to make it play nice and fit in with the rest of my things, but it's not so straightforward. My original idea was to use it as a sort of effects box - I send drums or some melody through the thing and have it react to the sound somehow. Maybe I am just wiring it wrong but I think the main limiting factor is that it doesn't have an envelope generator (or even a gate) or a filter. I am pretty sure though that I just haven't used it enough to learn how to make it mine. :)
  6. Vaporwave? I think vaporware is more fitting for the things I make. Here is my junk nest.
  7. mine can do ümläüt technõ õnly, but also テクノ
  8. I think I am going to take a critical look on the junk I have piled on my desk & drawers now and try and make use of it as best as I can. I do have a Livid Code v2 with a script that I wrote that already gets me basic mixing, sends, device control and clip triggers. I still do believe that it is kind of better to have to fight with my gear to get something out of it, getting the Push seems just like going the easy way..
  9. Push is pretty nice, had mine since right after it first came out. Works without flaw. Heard mostly good about Push 2. Have no knowledge on the MPD32, just looks like an MPC-style MIDI controller at first glance, I guess if it's cheap (Push 1s are like $150ish? Maybe less) and you want the faders and that MPC feel then should be fine? MIDI mapping to various controllers is pretty dead simple with Ableton in my experience. Thanks for the suggestion. I think used Pushes do go pretty cheap these days (esp. the first versions), so it could be an option. I know most things are dead simple to map with Live, but I am looking for the adaptive kinds of mappings where if I add a device, I don't have to figure out a mapping for it myself, but it's the physical controller that maps to it automagically. Push does that really well, but I am not sure about the MPD 32. I am not so much after the MPC "feel" (although it seems like fun workflow) but I like the faders too. Sometimes you just want to fade out more than one thing and with knobs it's difficult to do.
  10. I got slight GAS for some Ableton controller with nice integration and faders, and there's an Akai MPD32 for sale on CL. Seems like a lot of people have fun with playing just the controller and not messing too much with the laptop so I am wondering if it's a nice thing to try out and see how well it suits what I am trying to do.. Edit: I think I am mostly interested in how well the out of the box default configuration maps to Live because lately I am feeling tired of constantly having to figure out ways to do something or program my own scripts and troubleshoot some latency or midi issues. Edit2: yeah ok maybe I should just get a push, but it's got no faders and somehow seems way more limited than the MPD32
  11. I would get a Yamaha Motif ES rack for this. I have experience with Yamaha MO6 which is the little brother of the ES, and I was always really happy with the vibes, organs, pianos and other sample based versions of real instruments. Not so sure about strings and brass (used to play in a brass band and now I absolutely hate the sound forever, sorry).
  12. Music software. Yeah, I recently had a two-week holiday between jobs and spent much of it with a laptop in the woods. It was great. SuperCollider or CSound or something more exotic? I would really be interested in hearing what the result sounds like. :)
  13. What are you coding there in the woods? :) Looks really nice, I haven't been outside the city proper in ages. My holiday starts tomorrow so hopefully I'll be spending most of it away away away from civilization and offices.
  14. The Blofeld sounds really really really nice in that video, but my reality check is saying that buying a synth after a jexus demo is like getting Nike Airs after seeing the Michael Jordan ad. Also wasn't it supposed to be a bit buggy on the software side? And I know that I will never be able to menu dive that long to get those motions going on in these sounds...
  15. Found out that the guy selling Live 10 on CL has a cracked version and says I will receive updates through his Google Drive. Oh boy let me get out my wallet right away, can't miss this awesome deal!
  16. I am on my 6th month of using win10 at work, and it's a pain sometimes. Of course many of my problems are related to trying to program cutting edge stuff and run a professional development environment, so probably if you are using professional ready made software it seems to be more or less OK. OSX is much better of course, but recently the thinness obsession is turning the hardware really fragile, seems that they need to get their act together sorely.
  17. "Turning your patch into a polyphonic instrument is as much as a click in the menu.", also good for saving money on heating in the winter! It requires a DirectX GPU, I hope they are using the GPU to as a DSP then? If not, then god damn I can not stand audio software that spends most of it's processing cycles on rendering the GUI.
  18. That's just a sheet music notebook thing right?
  19. There's some guy selling Ableton Live Suite 10 for $80on local CL. Apparently it's possible to transfer a Live license as well so if the guy is up for doing the process the legal way I am more than ready to save $$$ on the upgrade.
  20. To be a bit more clear - I don't think a dedicated box would be bad with latency actually, definitely not worse than having a modern computer do the same processing. However I would like to think that having a modern computer send MIDI only (instead of doing audio signal processing + MIDI), is definitely comparable to the old 80s dedicated box.
  21. Not sure about this. I think a trigger to midi converter is handy for hooking your piezo drum triggers to EZDrummer or some VST so that you can DIY your own digital drum kit. As for tighter drum sequences and jitter, I think the TMI is going to have orders of magnitude more latency issues than dealing strictly with MIDI, because in the case of the TMI, you always have to convert audio into a MIDI message which means you have both audio latency and MIDI latency. RSP shared some really good information about MIDI timing stuff in this thread https://forum.watmm.com/topic/95499-midi-over-usb-am-i-doing-it-wrong-or-does-it-really-just-suck/
  22. For what it's worth, even though I don't really follow and watch your stuff on youtube, I do envy you for having the balls to stream and upload videos. I would not worry about not being a proper youtuber, because I hardly can stand the style of presentation and all those fukken effects and self-promotion. Being a streamer/youtuber and making a living out of it seems to be mostly dependent on the online ad industry, and thus does not sound to me like that's a good career path long-term. It seems to me that the path to success is instead finding your own style of doing things that you're comfortable with, working and developing your skills for that one day where you may get lucky and break through. And if it's true that it's 99% hard work and 1% luck, then boy would it be really stupid if you caught that 1% of luck but whoops you were not prepared to take advantage. By the way with regard to revisiting your youtube stuff - for the last year or so I have tried to edit/render any works in progress to a listenable form and keep them on my phone, and then listen to all of it on shuffle. It happens really often that I hear some idea that I had tossed to the side long ago, but now sounds really good or I just get inspiration to build something out of it. Maybe this one weird trick helps you as well - especially if you happen to have a long walking commute or something monotone where you can listen. As for not being in the best place mentally - I have had my ups and downs as well, but making music and playing drums seems to be the best cure for it. Hope I don't jinx it now...
  23. You would think that having a metal chassis would make the thing a bit more resilient. I think what did my screen in was that I happened to close the lid with the power cable somehow getting stuck between the closing lid exactly next to the screen joints and then something acted as a lever, bending the aluminum. Also I could care less about the thickness race to the bottom and the touchbar, but at the time it did not make financial sense for me to buy anything else but a refurb 2016 model.
  24. Speaking of laptops, my 2016 MBP just went in for repairs - the keyboards acting up for the second time now and the screen is fucked and not covered by warranty so I am out $800. Meanwhile my 2009 MBP is still in working shape after all these years. When the new lappy works it is pretty fantastic but I think considering the price, I would rather have bought a used older model and save half the cash god dammit.
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