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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by eczem

  1. Yeah, the discog has been a bit hit and miss so far, but no big deal.


    Here's a couple more I've liked so far:

    [bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=1192511744 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]

    [bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=1974079389 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]

  2. ^ Cheers for all your mixes prdctvsm  :beer:



    I remember wishlisting this on bandcamp when it came out on Dream. sounding lushサ日内  so far. 

  3. Bought these three albums the other day:

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=4213624833 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3470483946 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

    [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3664635176 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


    along with 206 others via full discography of this businesscasual label. $1 minimum.




    Nice. I like this one. Reminds me of Oval's Commers/Process era


    Funny you should mention Oval. I listened to Ovalprocess on Friday, after not listening to Oval in years, and I was thinking "I wonder if Spiral likes this, i kind of think he would"





    It is a unique experience when listening to these sets . It is not like hearing an album for the first time whereby you anticipate nothing , and it's definitely not like listening to a static release that you are already familiar with.

     This. I find this middle territory quite stimulating.




    I honestly went into these latest NA ones with slightly less enthusiasm than normal (ungrateful wretch): something along the lines of "well I've heard the AE_LIVE '15 europe ones a bunch already, and they're great...but I know they also recorded soundboards of OneSix, and since they didn't tour NA for that, I'm much more anxious for those."


    This attitude pretty much eroded after the first two listens (LA & Miami).


    Thank you Bob and Sam.

  6. Very nice, man. It builds really well... some nice ambient pockets, and some more stirring moments too. Great use/context for guitar. The last minute or so was quite a nice conclusion, some beautiful quiet melodies there.


    Muscially, a great start to the year I'd say.

  7. Hey guys check this out!!! A tune I did from 13 years back in 2006. Its poorly mastered but it got a lot of plays when I uploaded it to Myspace. Enjoy!!!!


    Very nice m8... channels some nostalgia

  8. Wumpscut had so much potential.  It got really cheesy, really fast, but some of his early stuff was genuinely unnerving.  


    Kind of a far cry from the one Wumpscut album I have, Wreath of Barbs (alternatively, Resse's Puffs).


    Definitely digging this raw sound more.... kind of to Oscillik's point about the grit of the earlier industrial.




    Speaking of cheese, this is maybe more of a guilty pleasure than "good industrial" (most of the good stuff I like has already been mentioned itt, like Gridlock, Skinny Puppy, Cabaret Voltaire, Coil, Zoviet France, Haujobb/Architect, etc...). On the dance-ier/EBM/formulaic-song-structure side of the spectrum, [sITD]:


    I'd probably like this band a lot more if they didn't feel the need to have a dramatic chorus breakdown in just about every track. Someday I'm gonna make a mix of just their bangin' verses.

  9. Good stuff eczem! Would work great as soundtrack for generative images/new age meditation techniques/432 hz pineal cleanse :)


    There should be more music like this



    Hey thanks for the kind words, Claudius. Yes, my aim to is to open up watmm's third eye through sound waves  :wink:.


    Thinking about an early E.P release soon on bandcamp; might throw cec/particular in as a bonus track... not sure.

  10. gotta listen to the whole thing at some point (maybe before/while napping) but the little that I've heard of it sounds really good. There should me more music like this

    Yeah, i listened to the whole thing a couple of times... works okay in the napping/ non-active context... pretty bad for active listening. I think the transitions are too slow and mostly at the same rate. Better results with better effort, potentially.

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