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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by eczem

  1. Like some others have mentioned, this hit me harder than I was expecting. I cried a lot the day I found out. I knew Salv for less time than many of you, and I was never able to meet him in person. But we had some good conversations here and via Discord, particularly in the last year or so,  and I felt he was a kindred spirit.

    He was my favorite spirit on the forum. He was creative, hilarious, and fiercely intelligent. And in my awkward newbie phase here he was one of the most welcoming. It's really starting to sink in how ultra-talented he was; how much of a shining star he was. I wish I could tell him how much I loved his music.  But, I'm thankful for the interactions I did have with him. There's more I want to express but I can't find the words.

    Rest in peace my friend.

    • Like 7
  2. On 2/4/2021 at 4:33 PM, kuniklo said:

    I like their more recent work too but I do miss the prettier sounds from their earlier days. One of the reasons I like SIGN so much is that it's sweeter to the ear than a lot of their late period stuff.

    I think Oversteps is my goto for the softer side of AE, but SIGN has some amazing tracks for sure, and I did welcome the shift in sound.

    This is a bit of rambling, but I think one thing that happened to me over the years is my taste in terms of sonic elements got readjusted such that lush/sweet melodies or sounds moved from occupying a central focus to to just one crayon in the crayon box if you will. More than any other work of music, deep listening sessions to Draft 7.30 many years ago helped to open up my expectations about sonic possibilities.

    Having said that, I still instantly fall in love with tracks like Metaz form8 and gr4... but it's actually stuff like the Onesix recordings that I find the most satisfying.

    • Like 3
  3. New Seaes, MD style: https://amhain.bandcamp.com/album/ehdrtla-mwygory-arauf


    From Chris, an excerpt:

    As it is an archival edition, it will be the proper 4th release as Seaes.

    You will find the size to be very intimidating, (never said to or about ever) But i will instruct as is intended to be used.

    The other day i remember when the Gescom Mini Di[s]c came out in 1998.


    When it come out i was using a MD for recording outside and others, so i had one.
    I use to cane that MD all the time on shuffle and repeat everywhere i went.
    Each time i a new order, a new experience.

    This is how i instruct this to be experienced.
    A collection of audio documents from first coming here 2003 till just yesterday 2021.
    I hope each time, it gives you new experiences, sensations and memories.
    As getting through all this here, that is where i survived and only thrived.

    It is Bandcamp Fridays too, so all percentages go directly to the artist.


  4. Dude, what the fuck. I just had a long ass conversation with him like 10 days ago. He was the funniest person here to me. I was hoping to meet him in person as well sometime. This kind of gave me a miniature panic attack.

    • Like 3
  5. 41 minutes ago, usagi said:

    I didn't have an immediate improvement and there was a cost to pay in terms of my social life, but I decided that if a connection could not be maintained without FB then it was an acceptable cost given the bigger problem. over time unplugging from that shit helped realign some of my perceptions. that was a few years ago, shortly after Cambridge Analytica which I naively thought would have been the nail in the coffin for a lot more people but which was basically ignored.

    Yeah, I quit FB a few years ago as well, for a few reasons, but I basically concluded that any value from it wasn't worth the cost. Cambridge Analytica really underscored that for me... there were connections that were effectively lost, but I figured if they really wanted to get a hold of me they could via email, and if not it, wasn't a connection worth keeping, or rather, the connection was artificial to being with. But I was surprised at the feeling of liberation I gained not long after shutting it off.  I still have a few social media items as well that I just occasionally use, like Instagram and Youtube, but those never came close, for me, to the same level of toxicity. Somehow I've largely dodged Reddit all these years, heh

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