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Everything posted by keltoi

  1. his shirt is exactly the reaction he deserves burn little kid burn!
  2. a delicious prawn jalfrezi has ravaged my bumhoop for the last 3 days.
  3. something to do with nice guys always cum last? but what's the connection to hats?
  4. Ah right. I thought it might be a bit trying living with all the crying and cooing when its not your sprog. Not usually what you sign up for when sharing a flat.
  5. my new house is beyond brilliant and my 5 week old girl gave me a huge smile this morning that definitely wasn't wind induced.
  6. well apparently not. red mist descended, he lost control and didn't remember anything afterwards. he regrets what happened every day and served his time. do you not believe it's possible for someone to reform? it was a joke. oh? hahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  7. painting is alive? apparently nail painting is.
  8. well apparently not. red mist descended, he lost control and didn't remember anything afterwards. he regrets what happened every day and served his time. do you not believe it's possible for someone to reform?
  9. wrong dude, mate. i'm actually a jonas brother! ps. congrats!
  10. I know a guy who caved someones face in with a baseball bat when he came home and found him shaging his wife. He served 9 years for manslaughter... and he's a really nice guy.
  11. how righteous of you. wtf? all i'm saying i disagree with people i like have you never disagreed with a friend or relative and bit your tongue? I'm not known for biting my tongue. If you can't tell someone your viewpoint for fear of offending or putting them off you, something isn't right. Anyway I meant announcing that you were having to bite your tongue all the time is righteous rather than the tongue biting alone. Maybe I should bite my tongue? This is the first world problems thread isn't it? I kinda get what you're saying, but I'm not declaring that I'm this hyper-intellegent person that knows The Truth but don't want to offend the all the pathetic little plebeians that surround me with their petty little opinions. Rather, I was just pointing out that in society there is a balance to be struck between speaking your mind and keeping the peace (often they align but sometimes they conflict). My mother, for instance, has alot of opinions and values I don't share so I usually try to avoid discussing things we disagree on or else there will inevitably be a strain in our relationship. There's nothing righteous about it. Its fine around your mum but I think people here can handle whatever you've got to say.
  12. how righteous of you. wtf? all i'm saying i disagree with people i like have you never disagreed with a friend or relative and bit your tongue? I'm not known for biting my tongue. If you can't tell someone your viewpoint for fear of offending or putting them off you, something isn't right. Anyway I meant announcing that you were having to bite your tongue all the time is righteous rather than the tongue biting alone. Maybe I should bite my tongue?
  13. cheers delet... family home with garden (couple pics in my brag thread). in a really nice rural-ish town. not the city anymore ​ . looking forward to it though, it's a new chapter.
  14. steak always seems to 'slide through' pretty slowly for me. if merging is easy done, go for it, but use eugene's thread title... i announced putting my flat on the market in september, selling my flat in december, buying our new house in february ** and now finally moving into our new house in april so it would be nice to have everything together in one place. although it also doesn't really matter at all. if it's a pain in the ass don't bother. ** also - i didn't really announce the achievement of having another beautiful daughter 4 weeks ago. hm indeed, sorrys, i never noticed it. no problem, great minds and all that. yours is better named.
  15. also, i finally move into my new house on monday.
  16. I'll merge the two when i'm not flat out from a big steak dinner. No achievment by me to acknowledge here. It is a good thread idea though, both edison and swan. don't worry about it, doesn't matter. if mine dies, it dies... no need for life support. in 3 days you can announce that you managed to do an enormous meaty shit.
  17. my achievement is that i made this thread before but people obviously prefer complaining so it died... http://forum.watmm.com/topic/76393-braggadocio/
  18. i know! and now i have poppy seeds in my teeth.
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