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Everything posted by keltoi

  1. got dog shite all up the side of my suede pointers! only the other week in the park i lifted my daughter up onto my shoulders and she had dog shite all up her leg which of course covered my jacket and i had to have it dry cleaned. i fucking hate dog owners that leave dog shite all over the fucking place! i'd like to lock them in stocks and throw dog shite at them until they die.
  2. Thanks! Yeah, there are a few things wrong with it. The first and last frame are the same, so that's why it pauses for a second. One of the wings looks kind of messed up, plus there isn't a left wing in the background. Right now, it's really just a placeholder for a game I'm working on with a friend. and the cigarette wobbles like a semi
  3. click on the image once, it's actually pretty nice still doesn't tell you who/what the image is... for example i searched for 'hot news readers' but hovering over the images or clicking them doesn't tell me who they are. i don't like it.
  4. they've changed google image again. you can't see who/what it is when hovering over an image, only where the image is hosted. whyyyyyyyyyyy?
  5. i've got this striped t and whenever i wear it i feel quite iain...
  6. Haha, no. There are a lot of people way more gay than me. I'll love anybody. I think I'm gayer than you and I'm married. I love your one and only shirt! lol i thought same... i swear i've seen iain wearing that thing in pics going back to 2006 and before... either that or he has a wardrobe full of them.
  7. doesn't sound nice. was it spicy hot?
  8. exceptionally crisp and drinkable... tasty yet subtle and well balanced... hops, biscuit, citrus and bitter hint... yum.
  9. is the '... insecurity...' tat anything to do with the dalai lama? if not what is it from? jus' curious.
  10. aye! the block's silly design also annoyed me, rising up for miles around a small central square with overlooking galleries on every level. the square at the bottom would get the sun for 10 minutes of the day and noone would ever want to walk across it for fear of stuff/bodies being thrown on top of them. Keltoi is now quite officially the most nitpicky picker of nits in all of WATMM Land. Wow...lol. thanks! please remember me for the 2013 watmm awards... anyway, i know you know that small things like that can add up to affect your enjoyment of a film. really though, comic book action films are not my bag so i was destined to be critical.
  11. aye! the block's silly design also annoyed me, rising up for miles around a small central square with overlooking galleries on every level. the square at the bottom would get the sun for 10 minutes of the day and noone would ever want to walk across it for fear of stuff/bodies being thrown on top of them.
  12. dredd - was relatively entertaining i suppose. i liked the darker, less hollywood polished feel... i didn't get the girl baddy though... a prostitute who got attacked and scarred once turns into the most feared crime boss in the block? and why didn't dredd just judge the guy and dispose of him instead of trying to get him out of there? ok the psychic was only 99% sure of his guilt but he had already killed others in the name of the law... and either dredd's helmet was too big or his jaw was too small... i know, i'm nit-picking a comic book yarn but these things bugged me... 5.5/10
  13. cool thanks. got it ordered... sounds like an interesting story... the only reason i'd heard of sixto rodriguez was from david holmes - come get it i got it... [youtubehd]bVVduwwMMNo[/youtubehd]
  14. sounds like everyone needs a tweed suit in their life.
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