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Everything posted by milkface

  1. i was tricked by the trickster himself
  2. incompetance doesn't stop you from being dangerous though ? - heres some french fascists, not the toothless meth heads you'd expect
  3. could be wrong but i heard that you needed to put your social security number into the site in order to be verified?
  4. OMG MANJUSHRI IS BACK!!! i thought u had been abducted by aliens

  5. first tweet is from the woman that got shot in the neck
  6. i love how caze facepalm reacted this. you're literally right. most if not all fascist leaders have been ultra capitalists who privatised to appease the bourgeois class
  7. not to mention nazis given jobs at nasa :^) so much for postwar denazification. some nazi-vichy collaborator politicians were still in power in france well into the 1960s..... funny that.
  8. ummmm michael posted more cringe on main again. so #angry. going offline. close ones know where to contact me x - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021.
  9. Unsurprising, but what surprises me are the artists who sold the most cassettes, buyers are definitely not the demographic I assumed were buying/ collecting cassettes!
  10. don't worry mate we've always been second place we never overtook the usa.
  11. Ugh Oneohtrix Point Never is the stupidest artist name I've ever heard. I couldn't have come up with anything harder to spell and unmemorable as that if I tried my hardest to.
  12. wheres manjushri :I

  13. dude you're supposed to insult me back. arguing politics with middle aged blokes is boring as hell ?
  14. hahah yeah putin is communist, and my dad is the pope. and i think it does to be perfectly honest, capitalism encourages and rewards this behaviour because it only functions when exploiting other people. it is physically impossible for every country to be a first world country. you're bringing up capitalism's definition but neglect to see what it leads to. i doubt when capitalism emerged that people envisioned huge multinational companies outsourcing labour and subverting elections/ organising coups to ensure that third world countries don't nationalise their resources to stop themselves from being robbed in broad daylight...
  15. you're just looking at the tip of the iceberg here, you think that simply taxing the rich will solve all of our problems? how about the exploitation of south america and africa? what's the guarantee that this tax money will go towards progressive change and reform or will it just go in politicians pockets? what will stop wealthy countries that benefitted from hundreds of years of slavery and imperialism from constantly interfering with third world politics? france has assassinated 22 african leaders alone since 1963. all because of greed. you're hating the player and not the game unfortunately.
  16. Cause he wasn't a radlib with internet access, and besides he was a revolutionary, not a bourgeois election enthusiast like urself my friend. needs a hell of a lot more than just a few adjustments.
  17. Yooo it's been a while since I received a cazepalm, always nice to know I'm right ?
  18. True but there's a difference between a US puppet pimping out Cuba for cheap labour and as a haven for drugs and gambling and very low literacy rate to nationalising everything and educating people. The fascist march on rome/ hitler's rise to power was hardly "people power" considering they privatised everything and created an ultra elitist society. Popular revolutions are different from coup d'etats and other elitist revolutions. The right may claim they're for the people but their way of life relies on the exploitation of others. It's a case of BEING for the people not saying you are, and besides the far right claim that they're for the people but really are 'for' straight, (possibly) religious, traditionalist people with a certain coloured skin, which again doesn't cover a very large amount of people in the world...
  19. AAAAnd just like that the western socialist only focusses on western countries/ continents. How about Africa and South America? Initially, the people. The Cuban revolution started out with only 80 people, Cubans wouldn't have joined the struggle en masse if they saw it didn't benefit them. I can see where legitimacy can be seen as an issue after everyone involved in the revolution is no longer alive though sure.
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