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milkface last won the day on August 30 2022

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About milkface

  • Birthday February 12

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  1. Hahaha big up the L&D I was very nearly born there. Since you posted this I've had this one on so many times hadn't heard it in so long
  2. Figured I'd make a new thread - This summer has been pretty dead transfer-wise but the WC and Euros always overshadow the summer. Shame to see Luton back in the Championship but we're in a better position than we were 2 years ago.
  3. Hell yeah My first record was a reissue of SAW85-92 and my first CD was Logos by Atlas Sound.
  4. Oh my days it's like something out of Limmy's Show ahhahahah
  5. Not actually listened to any of their stuff after the self titled album about time I did.
  6. Some of MIKE's beats are pure vaporwave bliss.
  7. Got the standard pint shower when England scored. Spain played really well though and are the first team to be 4-time Champions. Being of French origin I wasn't that fussed that England didn't win the Euros but really wanted to see the scenes if there was a win.
  8. milkface


    Not heard this one in soooo long thanks for sharing again
  9. Most of it was Pogba's absence. Him and Mbappe played as a pair.
  10. Wasn't able to catch the game but I sure as fuck heard it lol
  11. Fair play to spain, france have wasted 8 trillion opportunities in this tournament lol maybe smashing the ball as hard as you can doesn't work
  12. best shirt i own 4 real
  13. Always saddens me that Ratking never blew up. At least Wiki is doing lots of amazing stuff now and Sporting Life is also doing his own thing but it could have been so much more.
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