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Everything posted by zero

  1. damn that's even worse...a group of people who survive 1 horrific event, go through all the anguish and probably PTSD for it only to happen again. I wonder if the shooter knew that LV shooting survivors gathered there or it was random that he chose that place.
  2. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/08/665909790/this-is-going-to-be-absolutely-heart-wrenching-the-thousand-oaks-shooting-victim Wow... that's incredibly sad and some seriously dark karmic forces at work. What are the chances of someone being at the venue and surviving the worst mass shooting in US history, only to be in the same place and time as yet another mass shooting, but this time not surviving...brutal.
  3. ^ nah, this will all blow over in a week or so when the next distraction/shitstorm hits. Donnie will slither back as he always does and will probably be polling higher once the caravan approaches US soil and he ramps up the rhetoric...he's sending over 5,000 troops to the border to fend of the invasion and shouting that the military will be ready to take them on. We all know donnie can't wait to give the order to open fire... https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/29/caravan-mexico-border-troops-899006
  4. Preach it brother don!!! Exactly!!! It's the media's fault we're all so pissed off!!! If they would just tell us what a perfect president you are and to follow you blindly without question, then we'd be happier than pigs in shit!!!
  5. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1054351078328885248 LOL unknown middle easterners. They're coming donnie...RUN!!!!!!!!
  6. Hell yeah! Now if only we could get the rest of the wiccans, werewolves, and satan worshippers to do battle against the evil orange leader and his reptilian MAGA army we'd have a show on our hands!
  7. Fight fire with fire, brothers! Priests team up to battle witches looking to further condemn fugly ol'Kavanaugh's soul to hell: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/412114-catholics-and-exorcists-pray-for-kavanaugh-to-counteract
  8. MAGA hats are like the masks on Halloween III. Wearing one turns you into a mindless child starring aimlessly at a TV image of a giant orange evil head, obeying the image and awaiting further instructions from it until one day (spoiler) your hat wearing head begins caving in.
  9. This is donnie in a nutshell. If he's associated with something and it goes wrong, it's not his fault. If he's associated with something and it goes right, then he takes all the credit. Does this sound like anyone you might know:
  10. I really hope it is Pence who wrote that. The mention of discussing the 25th amendment makes me think it is someone connected to Congress. Please let this be a sign the end is coming for Donald. Pence isn't really my cup of tea, but at least we wouldn't be bombarded daily with the stupid Donnie shit show.
  11. That Keith urban look alike dude has got to be a Russian spy...shit like this is straight out of a ruskie vodka drinking party
  12. Ha! Yeah I was involved with a girl back then who was a total mess. I'd be having coffee in the morning to help recover from the previous night and she'd be having vodka for breakfast. I think she ended up in rehab after we parted ways. Totally right about the leg scene, Bukowski added it for Dunaway and also added the dialogue about her being short on brains because apparently he didn't like her. And he added the scene with Rourke talking to the mirror after getting gashed in the head because he thought Mickey was doing such a great acting job.
  13. ^ That shit don't matter. The maga faithful are so drunk on snake oil they'll support him even if he takes half their paycheck.
  14. Barfly is a classic. I was unemployed and drinking heavily around 12 years ago and entered into a major bukowski phase. Read all his shit, watched barfly all the time, and basically tried to live like Mickey rourke's character. Looking back it was pretty juvenile but fun while it lasted! Also I remember the movie was really hard to find back then. I rented it from blockbuster and they had an option to buy it for like $20 so that's how I got a copy. People on the imdb boards were having to buy Greek or Belgian subtitled versions or find it on vhs to be able to watch it.
  15. Hottest ticket in town is McCain's funeral and poor Donny isn't invited. Wonder what sort of moronic nonsense the orange clown will tweet about it. "Thoughts & prayers. John McCain...was a man. I am a man. Hey, we both is man. #MAGA"
  16. ^^^ They've been deceived by their hero, the greatest snake oil salesman that ever lived. They will cling to him until the snake oil runs out. Even once he throws in the towel and admits defeat, he will still have 15% believing he's some great biblical messenger. Those crumbling Confederate statues will be soon replaced with grand edifices to the great orange leader...
  17. I hear ya, but there's still baby Donnie's pardoning power to deal with. What's to stop him from getting his ol' pal Paul out of jail and right back into those cigar scented mink coats he's so fond of? And then if the idiot does get impeached and later charged with a crime, won't junior president Mike P just then pardon him? The only way true justice can be served here is if the Russians turn and fuck comrade Donnie...something like they hand over everything they have on him to Mueller in exchange for Donnie to be deported to the motherland to avoid jail time...they promise Donnie he'll live like a king...next thing he knows he's locked in a Siberian cell being tortured and waterboarded with stripper pee 20 hours a day...that would be justice.
  18. When his politician parents told him his parade won't be happening, toddler donnie cries in tantrum "Good! I didn't want a stupid parade anyway...I hate you! It's all YOUR fault. You stupid stupidheads! Imma go watch a better parade without you! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trumps-military-parade-delayed-2019-57234900
  19. Lol @ him talking about Obama's fake birth certificate and saying "he has pulled one of the greatest cons in political history."
  20. source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351 Great article. Hard to pick since there's so many to choose from, but I'm leaning toward Stephen Miller as being the biggest douchebag in the WH entourage (excluding Donald of course) that I would love to see horrible, horrible things happen to.
  21. I wonder if it will even really matter if tapes are released with Donnie using the N word...nothing else seems to affect him so why would that? Maybe he was right...he should go ahead and shoot someone on 5th avenue and find out.
  22. This IMO is exactly what it is about. Trump Industries has been dealing with sketchy Ruskie businessmen for a long time now. One example I read about was what was involved in building the Trump hotel in Toronto (they later changed the name after he became president shithead). The level of shadiness that went on behind the scenes in getting that thing financed was incredibly complex (think multiple front companies). It even included the killing of some known russian gangster in NYC, I think his body was found somewhere in Queens. The whole deal was on the verge of falling apart when in steps some mysterious Russian born Toronto billionaire who threw money at it to get it built, yet the thing sat there mostly empty for years and lost a ton of money. Anyway, there must be numerous other examples of team Trump working real estate deals with Russian financiers who are tied to organized crime/Putin. Money laundering must be just part of the whole thing. The difficult part of course is proving that Donnie was in the know on these deals...Mueller's got a tough fight ahead in trying to take down a huge criminal organization, led by the current sitting president of the United States...
  23. Ivanka's hands are way bigger than dad and bro's. And look at the length of Don Jr's arms!!! Either he's the real Slenderman or the orange shit gibbon dna has kicked in and he's turning into an orangutan...
  24. No doubt the US military/CIA has a strategy if the US were to engage with Iran... I just think Trump hasn't a clue what this would be, and as usual here starts shouting at everyone without thinking of consequences. Or hell if I know, maybe trump is being used by a secret Shadow government to start WWIII...
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