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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. That proves the leaks are not fake ;) No, that proves we don't tolerate leaks, fake or otherwise. HL3 confirmed!
  2. not listening to any laeks
  3. See what I mean? This entirely typical non-response is a good example of why I can't be bothered to read WATMM regularly anymore. Aren't you all sorry? really? I thought you came for the inane arguments, asserting 'facts' that actually aren't facts at all?
  4. Nope. Not only does it sound a lot busier, but it's just more funky, groovin' and melodic than Confield. A lot of the time, the sound of a new frontier isn't as exciting as its later incarnations. Or some shit. Well you're just factually wrong. Confield is way more dense and intricate on average than Exai. Even superficially complicated tracks like Fleure are way easier to unravel than, say, Lentic or Pen Expers. Draft beats them both by a mile. I don't even like Confield. Listened to it once and threw it in the garbage. I guess different people like different things. What an epiphany. Sure, but your musical taste doesn't change the fact that Confield is more dense and intricate on average than Exai. I'd be interested to see your objective evidence to prove that Confield is more dense and intricate than Exai.
  5. means no early download then :(
  6. Pronounce it. Then realise how silly you sound. Oh shit, you're right. I like your litmus test for whether a band name is bad or not. Try to forget the cultural baggage and say the following out loud. Say them with a straight face at your grandmother, if you have a hard time imagining the sound without the context you're used to: Autechre, Nine Inch Nails, Thumbinanus, Aphex Twin, Rape Your Face, Daft Punk Miley Ray Cyrus, etc. They all sound pretty silly to me, when I try it. Hm. next band name: Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
  7. Pronounce it. Then realise how silly you sound.
  8. it's not even that... like, I tried listening to the previews of the new OPN album, having never heard his stuff before and I'm sat here thinking this is happening to me while I listen I just don't "get" it
  9. clearly I don't "get" Oneohtrix Point Never... I thought that was absolute shite.
  10. I listened to this two days ago, finally thought I may as well listen to the whole thing rather than just passing judgement on the stuff I'd heard so far. First impressions: Better than WITHA_TEETHA, but very samey melodically and structurally. only track that really stands out to me is All Time Low
  11. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that kind of association, especially since that artwork is so fucking 'classic' and inexorably linked to that sound Agreed - that was one of the things that made TDS so perfect - the artwork, fonts, everything fit the music perfectly. I even remember trying to emulate that painting style at the time when I was in art school and failed horribly, LOL. you probably weren't using enough of your own feces, semen, blood, or teeth. did you use your feathers though? I did! I got some chicken feathers from my mother-in-law's yard. Made a gooey mess. I was using oils with a palette knife to try and achieve the amazing textures the album artwork had. joyrex pls post pics Oh lord, that was nearly 20 years ago - I was so disgusted with my feeble attempt I know I didn't keep the canvases... probably have been in a landfill somewhere for at least the past 15+ years if not more... I do still have my marker illustration of Trent Reznor from art school, though. can it compare with Cryptowen's awesome rendition?
  12. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that kind of association, especially since that artwork is so fucking 'classic' and inexorably linked to that sound Agreed - that was one of the things that made TDS so perfect - the artwork, fonts, everything fit the music perfectly. I even remember trying to emulate that painting style at the time when I was in art school and failed horribly, LOL. you probably weren't using enough of your own feces, semen, blood, or teeth. did you use your feathers though? I did! I got some chicken feathers from my mother-in-law's yard. Made a gooey mess. I was using oils with a palette knife to try and achieve the amazing textures the album artwork had. joyrex pls post pics
  13. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that kind of association, especially since that artwork is so fucking 'classic' and inexorably linked to that sound Agreed - that was one of the things that made TDS so perfect - the artwork, fonts, everything fit the music perfectly. I even remember trying to emulate that painting style at the time when I was in art school and failed horribly, LOL. you probably weren't using enough of your own feces, semen, blood, or teeth. did you use your feathers though?
  14. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that kind of association, especially since that artwork is so fucking 'classic' and inexorably linked to that sound
  15. You can fucking buy that for a dollar. Blerp can fuck off if they think I'm preordering from them. is it up for preorder anywhere else? I'm so sick of bleep. They did fix their latest f'up really quick though (responded to my complaint about the Lock Off ep being defective within 2 hours!) so maybe I'll give them another chance. I don't know. I've checked Norman, and it's not up there yet. I'll just wait for Norman to get it.
  16. You can fucking buy that for a dollar. Blerp can fuck off if they think I'm preordering from them.
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