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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. oh you mean kinda like "the internet is evil, wake up" and Boards of Canada? #tomorrowsharvesthypetrain
  2. what the fuck? the album isn't being released until September? but it's already been announced? what is it with hype these days?
  3. I will be giving it more plays, I pre-ordered and spent money when I should really have held restraint. My own fault there, of course. But I will give it more listens.
  4. I'd agree with you here if the tracks weren't "faded to black", or if there weren't two tracks 'released' separately, but the majority of the tracks are faded to black and two tracks were publicly played and at least one of them was clearly a 'single'.
  5. I'm not saying that anyone who disagrees with my opinion is a fanboy, I'm saying that anyone who says that I am wrong is a fanboy. It's a subjective opinion. It cannot be wrong.
  6. so they saw sense. that's one good thing. I think they need to make a public announcement regarding digital downloads though, the current 'message' they're putting across is not clear at all.
  7. for Lol Alzado, to elaborate on why I find this album a disappointment, many others here have already mentioned reasons which I align with myself: 1. Lack of stand out tracks - the album, for me, is mostly forgettable. The only thing that has stuck with me is the final track, due to it's immensely bleak overtone which, in my opinion, isn't found anywhere else on the album in such a manner. Semena Mertvykh is soaked with bleakness, to my ears, and it's the only 'melody' that has stuck with me. Granted, it's a first listen. But generally something else sticks with me upon a first listen and was certainly the case with past BoC releases, even with THC which I think is their amongst their weakest releases. 2. The album sounds overtly digital, and in that sense I mean the way it has been mastered or EQ'd. Music Has The Right To Children, and prior releases have a certain amount of grit to them which to me sounds overtly 'analogue'. Every BoC releases since MHTRTC has had a digital pristineness to it which is jarring at times. 3. The tracks never really pick up, they start and sound like they're going somewhere but then fade out. I don't remember hearing so many fade outs on an album. In my opinion it sounds lazy. 4. A few tracks sound like they're too influenced from the Geogaddi era melodically, and in timbre of the sounds. This was a disappointment to me because I don't personally rate Geogaddi all that much. So there are a few points there. Like I said, not that it matters because whatever I say, the fanboys will jump down my throat and pick apart my words and also infer their own things into what I've said, in a pathetic attempt to justify why my subjective opinion on their holy album is wrong and why the brothers can only produce music that must be liked by everyone, and not a bad word shall be uttered otherwise there will be no harvest for tomorrow....
  8. That's the impression you give dude. That's what I'm saying. no, that's the impression you inferred. as I said, I'll go into detail after work. trying to write an essay from a phone is highly frustrating, as I'm sure you can agree.
  9. funny - Exai 24bit is same price as 16bit Because it makes sweet fuck all difference? so why are bleep charging more for it?
  10. It's cool that you, and many others, think that it's an amazing listen (or in some extreme cases you all think that you think it's an amazing listen, but that's a slightly different subject). I however, do not like it, and as has already been pointed out here by a few sane heads, I have a right to voice my dislike of the album. I didn't go into detail because I went to bed. If you would like, I would go into detail about why I found the album disappointing when I finish work tonight. But I see it as completely pointless, because WATMM. Also, it's cool that you read inbetween the lines and figured out that I have 'utter contempt and disdain' for the album after one listen. That is completely false, and would be apparent if you read what I had said and hadn't inferred your own opinion about me into it. But hey, internet.
  11. lol - what were you expecting? better. It's not the music - it's your expectation that let you down. you couldn't say anything more sycophantic.
  12. I caved in and listened to the CD that arrived. Thoroughly disappointed. It's an okay album. Nowhere near worthy of all the ridiculous hype surrounding it, though. The strongest track, in my opinion, is Semena Mertvykh and it's unfortunately the first thing I heard (cosecha-transmissiones video). Entirely separate from my issues with Bleep, and their complete mishandling of this release, I don't think I'll be pre-ordering any more BoC in future.
  13. Did you order other stuff, and did that arrive today? I didn't get anything and I ordered CD/Vinyl/Shirts. I bought CD and vinyl in separate orders, CD arrived but vinyl hasn't. no download code, and no download in bleep account
  14. fucking vinyl hasn't arrived yet so it's unlikely to arrive until Monday
  15. haha what, a video just so Trent can show off his Nagra? seems to be a trend. video for Big Black Boots, by HTDA had his waspinator thing
  16. 50 years of NIN article is pretty spot on http://www.theninhotline.net/meatpers/html/mp010101.htm
  17. lol Meathead Perspective was always full of lols http://www.theninhotline.net/meatpers/html/cartoon006.htm
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