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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by neurone

  1. 27 minutes ago, azatoth said:

    Plaid has a certain je ne sais quoi with their sound

    1 hour ago, ignatius said:

    Plaidness that makes it sound Plaid

    1 hour ago, thehauntingsoul said:

    which does all sorts of cliffhanger and sour resolution work

    I agree with all of that

  2. 5 hours ago, Nil said:

    Aren't all festivals / concerts like that ? No matter who's playing, the music is - alas - a sonic tapestry to most in such context.

    No ! fortunately. there are concerts where people do come for the music.

    actually most of the time you have a part of the public that come for the music, and some others that would come to a place to have a good time, meet people and have a few drinks, because the venue is cool...whatever the music is.  - well, at least for shows I have been to.

    5 hours ago, Nil said:

    It is not propely an electronic festival, but more a social event

    I think a concert or a festival do is a social event, de facto : people gathering to share a moment. either they are attentive to the music or not.


  3. 50 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:

    yes !

    didn't know this band . wich seem to be a classic, actually. . kool keith's former band.   it's great ! digging it now. thanx.

    - oh, Gescom also sampled them here : (@ 0:06)


    • Like 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, Draft78 said:

    this set is sneaky, full of stuff but never explicit, it never winks and asks for a lot: without massive molecular help it can be really hermetic on the first run

    yes . sneaky. demands focusing to get the thing.

    what's sure is that if the room is reverberating a bit too much it sure might blurr all details.

    first listen I had, I did not get all of it, but then I listened to it on my hifi with good volume, suddenly it all comes coherent and awesome.

    I guess this one really needs a good quality listening system to have it shine and come out trough the mind.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, mcbpete said:

    and be filled with even more 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' tinnitus for the rest of the month !

    good choice you made to preserve your ears.


    1 hour ago, Draft78 said:

    strange to read about excessive volume

    wondering if they had their own f.o.h. sound technician with them on tour.

    Like you said, it seems that quite numerous folks said it was maybe a bit too loud, or a bit too much bass.

    I saw ae three times (2001, 2005 and 2010) live and the volume was okay. but I didn't saw (say, hear) them on this tour.

  6. Man I just can't list everything, but I've seen something like more than 1800 live shows in the past 20 years.

    85% of it is because I work in live venues as a job so it doesn't count :happy:. ...still, I went to loads of concerts and raves, asides from my job.

    Never saw Underworld, Kraftwerk or Aphex, main missing ones.

    • Like 2
  7. AUTECHRE.BARBICAN.07.10.22.SET.ONE (neurone master)

    View File

    mastered out of the files Commercial send me :

    Barbican Hall, London, 07/10/2022 - Set One

    Zoom H4nPro, built in x-y mics, 48Khz 24bit WAV

    Stalls Row J - A.D.Jacques recording

    please ,if you download it, respect Commercial's statement :

    "please don't post all over the place on YouTube etc. I record this stuff for myself and for the artists to hear and the fine people on this forum - please keep it here, thank you xx "


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  8. I uploaded set two. set one is on it's way.

    don't be fooled,this is an improvement for listening, it's more balanced and brings a bit more of details,

    but it won't magically become a soundboard :happy:

    also : set two was harder material to work on, because of the location of the recorder (loads of bass, more blurred mids, bigger stereo phase weirdness, and a bit of mics saturation)

    oh and I forgot to fade in and fade out, so public applauds and then it cuts suddenly. but nevermind.

    • Like 4
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  9. AUTECHRE.BARBICAN.07.10.22.SET.TWO (neurone master).wav

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    mastered out of the files Commercial send me :

    Barbican Hall, London, 07/10/2022 - Set Two

    Zoom H4nPro, built in x-y mics, 48Khz 24bit WAV

    Stalls Row G - A.D.Jacques recording

    please ,if you download it, respect Commercial's statement :

    "please don't post all over the place on YouTube etc. I record this stuff for myself and for the artists to hear and the fine people on this forum - please keep it here, thank you xx "


    • Thanks 3
  10. 8 hours ago, commercial said:

    I've just put my Zoom recordings (48/24 WAV) up in the download area... no tampering on them apart from topping and tailing and levelling the L/R a little

    I just finished the mastering of the files @commercial send me a few weeks ago. will upload it today.

    but it's nice you gave raw files aviable  for wattmers who would like to do their own process on it.

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  11. On 10/26/2022 at 7:37 PM, Grain Bastard said:

    Out of interest, people who are really enjoying it, what you playing it on?

    well I had listened to the helsinki soundboard somehing like 20 times in different context :

    sounds great on my hi fi.  the louder the better. It gets more balanced and coherent when louder.

    sounds good in the car (but I might roll off some bass)

    but it sounds weird on headphones , the kick & percs sounds limp, and the stereo image is too extreme so It gets things a bit drowned,  falling apart.

    works better with open or semi-open than closed ones.

    and musically speaking, I like the set a lot. high level stuff.




    • Thanks 1
  12. On 9/6/2022 at 9:09 PM, springymajig said:

    LP5 was my first Autechre album so naturally holds a very special place in my heart.

    yeah same to me

    On 9/6/2022 at 9:09 PM, springymajig said:

    I totally agree that the album as a whole works so damn well, the track listing has such great tension and release... Feels like a really dark story with glimmers of hope.

    Rae is the first warm hopeful moment, and then it turns in that second half... It's so tragic!

    yes exactly that.

    rae, melve, fold4 wrap5, underBOAC, arch carrier, drane 2 : all beauties. very emotional.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, oscillik said:

    Apparently not. Because it was absolutely pitch black. No emergency exit lights (I watched them go out)

    dunno how it works in england but in france, you can turn off emergency exit lights if (and only if) you have a dedicated person who is affected to (and not disturbed by another task) to turn it back on as soon as an emergency warning is launched by the person in charge of the security.


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  14. 16 hours ago, commercial said:

    wider view with subs for the completists

    Is it a pic of yours ? I mean , were you allowed to go on stage after soundcheck ?

    edit : how even did you get into there before doors open, you were part of the barbican crew ?


  15. 18 hours ago, commercial said:

    Who's the best person on the forum currently for sorting out files?

    I have recordings of both Barbican sets but they will need some subtle mastering attention and hosting somewhere, I don't have a mega account etc. I'd like W.A.T.M.M.ers to be able to hear them but don't want them splashing all over YouTube...

    I'm willing to help on this task

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  16. I think the man's review (or analysis as it's called) is quite on point for a first listen (if he's not faking about it being his first listen before commenting)

    I mean he spots out some typical ae synesthesia . wich shows that ae is def a singular experience.

    or I could say "he's been autechreised" :lol:

    ,also he feels seasick with dynamics (unterstand : movements) where I  feels appeased with it... typical reaction for a first listen  this needs accoutumance to enjoy maybe

    (...all what I said pretty obvisous to us ae addicts I guess)


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