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  1. has there ever been any discussion of the origin of the opening sample of this - the Hawkwind track, it's one of those odd instances where the beginning of two records is exactly the same
  2. It's his most accessible and cohenerant in my opinion, a big journey of a release... if you want to hear it send me a DM
  3. I think it's part of 'Khyra' from Tektra, don't have time to find what part as it's in three sections and over seventy minutes!
  4. Sounds like a part of 'Tektra' by Roland Kayn to me, not heard it for a very long time but that's what immediately pings to mind - somewhere within the (nearly) five hours of it... one of his best in a huge catalogue of releases
  5. At The Barbican it was Chris Fullard, no idea if he was touring with them - he does a lot of *heavy* stuff - recently Sunn O))) for quite a few years
  6. They are up there now - anything someone can do to improve them please have a go - keep it in this forum please, don't throw them all over the internet - I record these for the enthusiasts
  7. I've just put my Zoom recordings (48/24 WAV) up in the download area... no tampering on them apart from topping and tailing and levelling the L/R a little
  8. Autechre Barbican 07/10/22 Set Two 48/24WAV View File Autechre Barbican Hall, London, 07/10/2022 - Set Two Zoom H4nPro, built in x-y mics, 48Khz 24bit WAV Stalls Row G - A.D.Jacques recording Needs some attention/remastering - please don't post all over the place on YouTube etc. I record this stuff for myself and for the artists to hear and the fine people on this forum - please keep it here, thank you xx Submitter commercial Submitted 10/31/22 Category Autechre  
  9. Autechre Barbican 07/10/22 Set One 48/24WAV View File Autechre Barbican Hall, London, 07/10/2022 - Set One Zoom H4nPro, built in x-y mics, 48Khz 24bit WAV Stalls Row J - A.D.Jacques recording Needs some attention/remastering - please don't post all over the place on YouTube etc. I record this stuff for myself and for the artists to hear and the fine people on this forum - please keep it here, thank you xx Submitter commercial Submitted 10/31/22 Category Autechre  
  10. Yea, it was two versions of the same sequences - second time worked better I thought.
  11. Yea, they are my photos - I was there with :zoviet*france: for their soundcheck, have known the guys for years, used to work with them on projects when they were running their Charrm label back in the 1990's, the company I co-ran was one of their distributors etc. I missed the AE soundcheck, turned up just in time to witness them checking the efficacy of the blackout!
  12. It's a real-time video, not a still, if you stayed on one section of it you would have seen the wind move some of it and the light shifts, it's just *very* subtle! As for the timing, yes, they were up against the schedule, usually they have an hour to develop the different shifts and themes, thirty minutes is a little short for them to fit the narrative arc.
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