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Everything posted by LooseLink

  1. LooseLink

    AI Art

  2. WATMM Exclusive: the next iD Software game is: ... all jokes aside, if y'all over there are working on a new "Keen"......... don't reboot him, enough with the reboots, Doom (2016) still makes me mad sometimes... I think it's time, for: COMMANDER KEEN: THE UNIVERSE IS TOAST!
  3. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. That's where I would go, about the discovery of the Force, and the separation of the Jedi and the Sith. I got ideas on how they could really use that to make a great watching experience. But doubt the higher ups would give a shit, because who the fuck am I? Besides that, don't give a shit about all the other recent Star Wars stuff....
  4. No, we don't have to re-name it. Also, you Youtubers/Tiktokers whatever seriously, back ya face off the camera abit sometimes... Why we don't have to rename it? Because the Universe just IS, and its not just an IS, or its even called the "Universe", all those are human words, you think anything outside the "EARTH" would even care what anything at all is even called? Who are "WE" to judge what the "Universe" "is"? "It's" been around waaaaaaaaaaaayyyy longer than us. "Uranus" sounds to me like a bright blue radiant female warrior honestly... but yes its apparently gaserous... sure, but the name honestly, the name rolls off the tounge.... so ok, I'm only human as well, I only think of the impact of the sound of the name. She cool as she is....
  5. I don't know, I do or did anyway animation. I wouldn't mind doing a music video for someone, but until then:
  6. This needs to be re-created in GTA6, as a random encounter side mission thing (if you played GTA5, you'd know what I mean), and this random blind guy shows up while you're playing and asks for something non-related to wherever you are...... how did he make to the beach???...
  7. I always felt Morrissey is intentionally trying to annoy you with The Smiths songs and that, but this cover, the rhythm section at the start was cool, but then it does it own thing. was an actually awesome short listen honestly, felt smooth.
  8. Seriously, if I end up having a funeral, for some reason, this prick will defo be singing the theme song to it:
  9. I was going by what I read months ago, and so now yeah just went ahead and looked it up again: Between $200,000 and $450,000 now...... depending on which company, Virgin Galactic or SpaceX or etc.... now is that to circle the planet or go to the moon and back? Either way, who cares because ALMOST HALF A FREAKIN' MILLION!?.... yeah we about to see Youtube Space Edition soon, mark my words:
  10. I think its obvious: the way we all going currently: we ain't leaving this planet on the same spaceship. But yeah, they gonna commercialize it as much as they can. $10,000 apparently to do a round trip around Earth, you and your loved one whomever, apparently.... honestly we obviously have more important things to worry about than some expensive trip....
  11. Bezos, brah, my buddy, my pal... etc etc... the human population will not just grow to one trillion.... its gonna go waaaaay past that.... why? Because soon we will ALL have Onlyfans accounts.... and yeah pfffff, its all good brah.... creampie this, creampie that, it's all good you got this etc... nah, you don't, and also you don't know what goes on behind the scenes... woah
  12. The voice of Max Payne, James McCaffery, just past away, if there is going to be a Max Payne 4 now, he needs to be a mute, out of respect, RIP.
  13. THAT kinda stinks of wokeness, sorry, but again, I am hoping Rockstar won't do that, and give us a..... CHOICE, how many damn times do I have to say it?... You didn't read my message properly, again I said CHOICE, what I meant was, if the be all end all ending of GTA6 then is a Strong Women rises up against the man, eww etc... well not quite, since this is GTA, and now when you have a Bonnie And Clyde situation, that equals....... CHOICE to the player. Either you can end a relationship with an arsehole woman, Or, an arsehole man. Again, CHOICE! I can see why Rockstar took so long to release this, damn...
  14. One thing that supports that, is apparently according to rumors Jason is an undercover cop, so the story would hint and nudge you to cheat abit, if that's true. Maybe there's something about Lucia we don't know either, what her crime really was, maybe the game never really tells you, and as Jason you got to find that out. Also maybe that third character, if there was one, ends up being either Lucia's or Jason's secret lover Fernando Martinez! OOOOO that sly dog .... But anyway you got to play as the other character and fish that out of them and find that out throughout the game. Maybe the third character could be anyone, maybe that gay Mexican guy El Burro from GTA3 ends up being Jason's secret lover "But Lucia, BABE, Daddy El Burro brings the best coke from Liberty City" "But Jason babe I had the best connections here..." etc etc. That would make GTA6 awesome to play through, compared to some woke version, were Jason ends up being an absolute prick, and its up to strong woman Lucia to finish him, no, this is GTA, multiple endings, and we should choose how the story ends, as it has been in previous GTAs. Also, I got a feeling Max Payne 4 is about to happen, just rotoscope and capture Sam Lake's likeness this time, since we all still here, why the hell not?:
  15. They've been building that up since the "leaks". Kinda expected it to be twice the size at least for how long they took to make it. I'm going to say one thing about GTA6, that honestly has me interested.... BUT, I hope we still have the Rockstar of old for this, not a current woke version, cause if they are going to do what I think they are going to do, its about to get interesting.... So now we have two protagonists, male and female, a "Bonnie and Clyde" thing y'know. They need to work together, "Trust..." as was said in the trailer. So I'm guessing you swap between the two, similar to GTA5 with the three protagonists.... to do what you need to do, they both have individual missions to do as well etc. But... this is GTA remember...... and what's always been a pillar of GTA? Choice. So, two progatags, male and female, you can swap between each, and you'll notice they do their own thing, their own missions, then they come back together in the cutscenes.... "Trust..." Relationship, we stick together, etc. Well, oops, this is GTA, what if, for example, Lucia and Jason need to set up a drug empire, or they "need to cook".... ok, well then, you swap characters, anddd then Lucia sucks off this crime boss over here, but to get something going though.... but it was for the benefit for both Lucia and Jason!!!.... but she cheated though.... you see where I am going? Jason may have to be in a similar situation separately, but he did for the betterment of the relationship.... but he still cheated on her.... and that affects how the rest of GTA6 plays out. If I was director at Rockstar, that's exactly where I would go, the Rockstar of old would definitely go there, and I hope they do, because that would make GTA6 interesting.
  16. Melon, buddy, I love ya, sometimes... whatever... I have watched some of your videos, I will say, at times, you seem to know what you are talking about sometimes, music-wise, you are like your own mini podcast sometimes where, if you come to my mind, I'll listen to you for a bit. Fine? Ok? But seriously, you and I don't need to talk. Don't freakin' stare at me through that thumbnail like that at me you melonhead punk.... we ain't never talkin'.... until we really get face to face.. so, ok, alright fine, I thought here though this vid, you were really serious about something, and you really need to talk to me, of all people, about it..... ok, was listening for the first minute, ANDddddd then instead, its about a reddit relationship, involving death grips, where, ok.... yeah I should of watched the rest of the video but I am not. Just don't stare at me through a thumbnail again, 'kay? That's super rude dude:
  17. I did animations a while ago, check 'em out, if ya wanna, but please... don't smash the like button, as others on youtube say... enough with the violence.... just give the like button a handshake or whatever, and then go, "Good job, buddy":
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