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Walter Ostanek

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Everything posted by Walter Ostanek

  1. Never met anyone who was there, have you? (know how I can tell?). Also, what makes you assume that anti-Maidan people want to be annexed by russia? Ever spoken to any of them? (clearly not). I love how these people think Ukrainians are some kind of magical abstract that they can baselessly wank out any old shit about, rather than actual humans who are refugees in your town right now who you can talk to and learn from (and help!) My Palestinian wife and her family think that they're basically the same situation (incidentally, perhaps that fact explains why I didn't post for a few months). Land/resource grab under the guise of the usual supremacist/imperialist gobshite. Anyone who's not a shoe-size-IQ geopolitical hack can see that. How does the war ending relate to continuing occupation, in your books? (for extra marks please cross-reference this to the Palestinian situation) Zakarchenko was boasting online about launching raids into Mariupol at the same time as the Minsk talks were going on, and yet according to you everything's Ukraine's fault. You don't know who Zakarchenko was, do you. I can hear you googling him now! In a similar vein to before, how many people from the "DNR/LNR" do you know? What do you think of the material conditions in the Donbas industrial hubs before and after Girkin's little pogrom adventure, where the capital was flowing and who benefited (and who tortured who in which basements, in order to protect those benefits), etc? And more generally, what do you think about the other reasons that Putin offered up before the 2022 invasion? As a supposed self-proclaimed leftist, what do you think of Putin throwing Lenin under the bus? And all the stuff about Kievan Rus and the orthodox church - do they seem like sound reasons to invade another country?
  2. no, not that ORB! these days I put my kid to sleep with music from this long forgotten strategy game
  3. was there ever an explanation for the two obelisks?
  4. Guess I was unwittingly on a "cli fi" binge lately: The Lost Cause, Corey Doctorow. Essentially, an extrapolation of political trends pertaining to climate change ~50 years into the future. Weird to read a politically-charged story where I agree with the main character's thrusts but also find him seriously bloody annoying Termination Shock, Neal Stephenson. Neat exploration of the tech bro solution to climate change, and what its ramifications would look like. Also a prescient look at deepfakes and their political potential. Unfortunately as usual, you can tell towards the end that he doesn't really know how to end the story
  5. fascists gonna fascist. Superficially you'd think it nuts that self-proclaimed leftists would end up copypastaing extreme nationalist, imperialist talking points. But, turns out that Churchill was surprisingly cognizant of dialectics when he said that tomorrow's fascists will call themselves antifascists
  6. almost forgot that they were still going
  7. I'm no expert on the domestic Israeli media scene but it seems like they are finally paying attention to how Hamas was Bibi's plaything for decades. Desperately hoping they can Netty sharpish and, with him, perhaps this stupid war and maybe even some of his apartheid bullshit
  8. FIFY, and yes I do (though it often wasn't done from the top, but rather by boyars in the security apparatus) Since the refugees started arriving in march last year I've got to know plenty of people from those areas, their stories of those 8 years when they were supposedly being genocided by ukronazis are pretty revealing - how many have you spoken to I wonder?
  9. Principles, but only when America (or proxy) do bad thing. When Russia (or proxy) do bad thing... well it didn't happen and they deserved it anyway I learnt a while ago to always be very wary of honky "allies" of Palestinians. I support their cause wholesale but it was very telling how many other self-proclaimed Palestinian allies suddenly went silent when, for once, it wasn't the IDF bulldozing Palestinian refugee camps but Assad barrel-bombing them.
  10. Copying Putin's playbook a la Mariupol (etc) and Assad's (and Putin's again) in Aleppo (also etc)
  11. I do admire this chap for pointing out the hypocrisy of only opposing certain brutal invasions. Note: that hypocrisy cuts both ways
  12. DJ Pay Barely Covers The Rent DJ Subscribe to my Patreon for Edgy Political Takes DJ Ango Reinhardt DJ Ibouti DJ Gets Laid More than You'd Expect DJ Gets Laid Less than You'd Expect DJ Gets Laid About as Much as You'd Expect
  13. get wrecked at the inn by the Skirrid and then climb the Skirrid
  14. Yeah he's basically coppiced it, so if sycamore is anything like birch and hazel and all that shit, if it was otherwise healthy it stands a fair chance of shooting a bunch of new shoots from the rootstock
  15. They're used as Tim Hortons slaves, shelf-stackers and the like, but yeah that was a dumb take tbh, morally they're incomparable
  16. How widespread is this child labour shit I keep hearing about? Fucking nuts Albeit not vastly different to what Canada does with Indian international students. Exploitation under the guise of feelgood pseudo-philanthropy?
  17. The WOKE brigade CANCELLED the TWEENIES
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