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Everything posted by hijexx

  1. Israel has unit 8200 and has one of the most advanced signals intelligence capabilities on the planet. A cell phone is basically a radio beacon with a GPS that people willingly carry around on their person at all times. Child's play to track.
  2. Agree on Phonatacid and on Analord 2 in general. My fav Analord of the bunch. Bwoon Dub so deep
  3. Oh yeah, same effect on me. There are times that I can't listen to it.
  4. The P4 lab in Wuhan conspiracy theory seems to have started on a finance bro forum called ZeroHedge. Not going to both posting links to it but you can search for zerohedge coronavirus conspiracy theory to see where all that came from.
  5. RE the "Wuhan virus": https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1177375.shtml China's state media was calling it the Wuhan virus up until the WHO gave it the name SARS-CoV-2. I prefer to call it by its given name now but I think the hysteria about calling it the "Wuhan virus" being racist is silly.
  6. I know shit is real now when diatoms posts a serious post
  7. What is the TLDR on this bill? I haven't been able to catch up on news this morning
  8. Not for me! Most people lose their hat trading.
  9. For finance/economics nerds, Real Vision Finance has some solid videos on the current macro picture. Here's one of the latest. TLDW: People needed yield after the last global financial crisis and started using leverage. All of that is unwinding now.
  10. Good luck! I tried my luck on GUSH last week thinking oil would get a dead cat bounce. It didn't. Was just toying around with 100 shares, got out after losing 50%. Feel REALLY sorry for anyone who was playing around with gold miner ETFs. JNUG took a 90% haircut last week.
  11. Florida is a garbage state. Sell it back to Spain. Louisiana can go too.
  13. The flu is something we have operationalized over the years and we come to expect it. Some years are worse than others. There are vaccines for it every year. Some are more effective than others. Compliance with vaccines depends on the population but in general we have the flu in check. The novel coronavirus of 2019 is something new. There is no natural immunity and there is no vaccine. It is now pandemic. When it breaks out, it breaks out in an exponential fashion. It tends to double every 6 days. 2 cases becomes 1024 in 60 days, 32768 cases in 90 days, and 1048576 cases in 120 days. It seems that about 10% of the COVID-19 cases need hospitalization. If that number grows exponentially you soon outstrip the hospital system capacity. You'd need to model the specific data to your country, city, region, population, health system, etc. to know what risk to model. I don't see it as hype.
  14. Man I wonder what Bill would be saying about... the last 30 years of human history right about now lol RIP
  15. Good article with lots of data and charts: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
  16. Just heard a statistic: 45% of people over the age of 45 in the United States are clinically obese. That's one of the risk factors that makes COVID-19 hit you harder. Gonna be a culling.
  17. Good thread about Fox News trying to make this out to be a “blame China” thing: https://mobile.twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/1237201371750895617 TLDR the talking point is to call it the China coronavirus instead of the designated name.
  18. ArsTechnica has a good rundown list summarizing info: https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/03/dont-panic-the-comprehensive-ars-technica-guide-to-the-coronavirus/
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