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Everything posted by hijexx

  1. Probably already posted in this thread if so here it is again
  2. Kinda funny he actually posted a comment on that one that said he was gonna delete it the next day.
  3. Gave this a couple of listens and just not feeling it. Most of the sequencing is the same two-step'ish skitter, everything's the same tempo, no sort of dynamic range to speak of. Can't win 'em all I suppose.
  4. RD-9 news: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugyh1BbQGswz1UJOEcl4AaABCQ
  5. Coronavirus needs a soundtrack
  6. Tin-foil hat fodder but interesting: https://www.zerohedge.com/health/man-behind-global-coronavirus-pandemic
  7. "Society is a drag, so why not drop it?"
  8. Ex-pat living in China has a run down on China covering up info
  9. Wonder how many people that are spastic about this novel virus actually get influenza shots each year. Know what kills tens of thousands of people every year like clockwork?
  10. I liked everything up until Tomorrow's Harvest. TH was... ok I guess? Geogaddi knocked it out of the park for me tho, it was my subway music for a good while.
  11. Just revisited boxenergy4remix1, dern what a tune! Would be nice to have that on wax
  12. I'm just buying the yellow 303 to flip it.
  13. No There are YouTube channels I want to watch for the info but the creators’ voices annoy me to no end so I turn on auto captioning instead and mute it.
  14. I eat a plant based diet. Animals eat plants, I eat animals, thus I eat plants. It’s only logical.
  15. Thanks! Pre-ordered. Hopefully won't get cancelled or take 3 months to fill.
  16. Nah 2 min seems reasonable, I just have Slack habits at this point, need to remember the forum post context when posting lol
  17. Let me know when that yellow 303 preorder goes up
  18. Gesetz Der Oktaven - Buendelungsmass https://third-ear-recordings.bandcamp.com/album/klirrfaktor-ep
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